What should a Rebbe do

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    lamud vov tzadik

    Should he go late with a tie or should he go early without a tie. Somebody asked me this question now and it’s happening as we write.

    lamud vov tzadik

    It’s over by now but answers could still be good for next time.

    ☕ DaasYochid ☕

    Next time, he should come on time wearing his tie.

    catch yourself

    He should go early with a tie. How should a lawyer show up to an important court case – early without a tie, or late with one?

    One of the premier mechanchim of our generation put it this way –

    “When it comes to a Rebbe’s timeliness, the rule is:

    Better never than late!”

    I think it is obvious that a Rebbe must project the respect he has for his students and his position, certainly no less so than any other professional. You need to be on time. You need a tie.


    Wait for it.

    Wait for it.

    DY, are you listening?

    Pashtus is that a tie is an Issur D’oraisa of Chukas Akum.


    we thank you all for your mussar now answer the stupid question


    We need more info here…… What type of rebbe is he? Where is he going? What kind of tie does he wear?

    ☕ DaasYochid ☕

    It’s been too long since the last chukas aku”m. You’re not doing your job.

    catch yourself


    My response was not meant as mussar. The point is that if it is not an option to be late, and it is not an option to come without a tie, he will figure it out. The answer to the question really is that these are both not acceptable options.

    One more thing – Does this Rebbe then go and give his talmidim the classic “Omeid lifnei haMelech” speech on how to present and conduct themselves during davening? [You know, “If you would have a meeting with the President…”]

    ivory –

    It’s obvious from the question that he is the type of Rebbe, going to the type of place, where he would normally be expected to come on time with a tie…



    My response was not meant as mussar. The point is that if it is not an option to be late, and it is not an option to come without a tie, he will figure it out. The answer to the question really is that these are both not acceptable options.

    A-my bad, kinda sounded like it

    B-you still kinda sound like it

    C-i think he just wanted to know what to do. if it helps let me ask it this way– what is the lesser of both terrible evils?


    A Rebbe with a tie? I only saw that at the mitzva tantz

    🍫Syag Lchochma

    I have talked about this dilemma with a few friends. It began when a couple boys were stuck in traffic and were running very late. They were far from their shul and minyan time was approaching. They were left with the choice of running into a different shul along the way, without their hats, or going home to get their hats but being late for minyan. They had very different (and strong) feelings about what they were willing to do. One would absolutley not be late for shul for a hat, one would absolutely not daven without a hat just to be on time. And the answer (if their was one) is NOT that they need both. They ALL knew that. At that time, through no negligence on their part, it wasn’t an option.


    Keep an extra tie in the closet…

    Def be on time without a tie. You cannot come late to class under any circumstances…your tie you can manage without…beware, you will have discipline issues if something is unusual.


    I don’t understand how someone could justify delaying the study of Torah for an article of clothing that many great rabbonim don’t even wear. Is it a halacha to wear a tie?

    ☕ DaasYochid ☕

    Syag, I believe that hat/minyan has been discussed in the CR (it’s definitely been discussed by poskim).

    Ari-free, it’s not about the inherent value of a tie, it’s about what the tie represents in this context.

    ☕ DaasYochid ☕

    Syag, it has nothing to do with the value of the particular item. It’s that the boys see you coming to Yeshiva without your uniform.

    catch yourself

    This is not about mussar. It is about when and how we allow situations to develop which present us with a choice between two evils.

    Generally speaking, people make compromises and “choose between the lesser of two evils” only when, fundamentally, they consider both “evils” acceptable choices. This was the point of the analogy to a lawyer. For the lawyer, this choice simply does not exist – he must be on time, and he must wear a tie.

    Here is another analogy: A bachur in yeshiva may want to choose the lesser of two evils: Skip breakfast (thereby compromising his ability to learn) or come late to seder (so he can eat). The fact is, he should wake up earlier. Several years later, the same individual (now married with children, and not afraid he might be asked to do gelilah) will never have a problem waking up on time for the early minyan. All that changed is whether his new situation allows for the choice to exist.

    Obviously, there are exceptional cases where it is impossible to avoid such a situation; these, however, are few and far between. Most often, the choice only arises because the person’s value system allows this to happen. ????? ?? ?????.

    If a Rebbe comes late or without a tie several times in his career, that’s probably due to circumstances beyond his control. [Incidentally, in such a case, I would probably go without a tie]. If it happens often enough that he wants to know what to do next time, that’s probably because one or both of these things is not important enough to him.

    Not mussar; just objective analysis.

    ☕ DaasYochid ☕

    Syag, it has nothing to do with the value of the particular item. It’s that the boys see you coming to Yeshiva without your uniform.

    She should correct me if I’m wrong, but I don’t think Syag was talking about the value of the items, but rather with priorities when faced with a less than ideal situation.



    catch yourself

    Care to elaborate on that?


    if i did i wudv


    Why would a rebbe have a tie in the first place ?


    To Viyoel:

    Not everyone wants to live in Kiryas Yoel (see moving from Monsey to Passaic thread) although it’s an amazing place for who that fits in there, & some rebbes actually do wear ties, believe it or not.

    There’s all different types of people in the world with different norms. The CR is reflective of this. There’s people from all over here, some chassidish, some litvish, some sefardm, some MO & many more types, some young, some old…

    Their dress, & choice of town of residence will reflect this.

    Maybe you were just joking?

    bp yidd

    @viyoel moishe they mean rebbi (maggid shier) not rebbe (admor)

    bp yidd

    Why was viyoel moishe blocked?

    Because you should only be using one screen name at a time

    bp yidd

    But I read his posts he didn’t seem to be writing anything bad

    Because you should only have one screen name at a time

    bp yidd

    So unblock one and block the other

    Great idea! Let me know which one you want to use and I will block the others

    bp yidd



    You have been officially accused of being viyoel moishe.

    bp yidd

    Even if i was viyoel moishe I wouldn’t say because they would ban me entirely somehow

    bp yidd

    @ywn moderator I know who vayoel Moshe is and he wants to get unblocked I figured it out after reading like 10 of his posts lol


    The rebbe should do whatever he would advise a follower.

    Letakein Girl

    Omg, WHO do you think you’re kidding?!

    Welcome back, viyoel, vayoel, and now bp yidd. 😉

    bp yidd

    Letakin girl I know it really sounds dumb and fake but vayoel moishe is a good friend of mine and he’s pretty annoyed he got blocked


    and i’m pretty annoyed every time he posts something

    lamud vov tzadik

    The Rebbe is really happy at the amount of posts he got for his subject.


    And every time he changes usernames and continues posting!

    bp yidd


    lamud vov tzadik


    bp yidd

    Who me or the chusen?


    DY: Ad’raba, it means that I was so successful in my crusade to eradicate Chukas Akum that no one was Over for several months, B”H.

    bp yidd

    no lamud vov tzadik is the chusen hes trying to get me blocked by pretending to be me


    So now there’s a friend and a chusen?

    ☕ DaasYochid ☕

    Sam (can we shmooze normally between the troll posts?), l’shitasi that you hold everything is c”a, you’ve missed a bunch.

    Are you serious, BTW, about ties? Someone just asked me about birthday cake candles, and I don’t know the source, but I’ve got a feeling that might be a real problem.

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