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- This topic has 16 replies, 9 voices, and was last updated 14 years, 4 months ago by WIY.
November 5, 2010 12:46 am at 12:46 am #592913mischiefmakerMember
What segulos do you know of and for what? Are there any good, translated, reliable segulah books? Thanx
November 5, 2010 1:48 am at 1:48 am #709708d aMemberSegulah for finding lost objects:
Amar Rav Binyomin Hakol B’Cheskas Sumin Ad Sh’Hakadosh Boruch Hu Meir Ess Eineim Min Hacha Vayifkod Elokim Ess Einha
(Something like that!) It really works.
Have in mind the words that you are saying! Know that without Hashem we can’t do anything!!! The object can be in front of your face and you won’t see it without Hashem! This happens many times to me. Searching and searching and then I say Amar Rav Binyomin, and the thing is right there in front of me!!!
November 5, 2010 1:58 am at 1:58 am #709710deiyezoogerMemberSegule for Shulem beis; Husband: washing the dishes, Wife: not supervising him while he is washing them.
November 5, 2010 2:06 am at 2:06 am #709711WIYMembermischiefmaker
There are many segulos for many things. It depends what you need help with but the best segulah under the sun is Teshuvah and coming closer to Hashem.
Segulos are just short cuts.
November 7, 2010 2:52 am at 2:52 am #709712frumladygitMemberSomeone who was deperate for parnassa once approached my husband in shul for an eitza. THey spoke a bit about his situation and then the yingerman told my husband that he was about to pay a large amount of money to a kabbalist soon, (or some one of this sort of caliber) to prescribe a segula for his circumstance.
My husband told him “meet me here tommorrow I have one I can sell you”. The man was overjoyed at the price. Only $5.
Next day he comes up to my husband and is like “nu”?
So my husband writes something down secretly on a little piece of paper. Gets his $5 and then gives the paper over to the man.
The little paper just read “ARBIT”.
THe man was very angry. Humilitated is more accurate. But my husband told him that is the only solution. Because this man was not of the mentality to work to earn a living. He’d rather waste money on segulas.
So he got one.
November 7, 2010 3:19 am at 3:19 am #709713WIYMembermischiefmaker
Increasing Emunah and Bitachon are the best segulos under the sun. Works for everything.
Read Garden of Emunah.
November 7, 2010 5:59 am at 5:59 am #709714mischiefmakerMemberObviously I know davening is the best segulah as well as bitachon and teshuva. There comes a point though when u r ready to do anything in ur power for whatever it is. That’s basically where I am right now but I’d rather not say what 4 just let everyone say for everything so everyone can gain.
November 7, 2010 7:00 am at 7:00 am #709715WIYMemberMischiefmaker
You can’t force Hashem to do something He isn’t willing to do. I don’t know what it is you need but if you are asking for a miracle well….a segulah won’t get you a miracle. Davening can. Teshuvah can.
You want a powerful segulah well here comes 2
1. If I remember correctly you are a girl. If so I’m not sure your Tznius level but maybe it is lacking. Learn the Halachos and keep them 100%. That also applies to how you walk and act. Become a Tzanua. If that’s all in check look at #2.
2. Learn the Halachos of Shmiras Halashon of the chofetz chaim. Know them COLD and start keeping them strictly. Yeah its hard its VERY HARD. You might think impossible. But if you want big favors from Hashem you need to make big gestures. But don’t do it because you want whatever it is. Do it because its what Hashem wants.
November 7, 2010 9:47 am at 9:47 am #709716whatrutalkingabtMemberWIY-
I have a shidduch for you. The hashkafos that you are constantly going by are a perfect match for an excellent girl that I am close with. Im really serious here…Is there any way to go about this?
The only segulos worth doing is davening and going for brachos from gedolim.
And trust me, Im in a situation right now that I would love to do segulos and get what I need already…but I feel that it will take away from my emunah and bitachon and I dont think it will get me there any quicker than Hashem wants.
November 7, 2010 5:15 pm at 5:15 pm #709717Rak Od Pa'amMemberWill someone please find a Translation of the below? Finding and click/paste are about as far as I go.
???? ?????? ???? ????? ?????? ??????:
1) ?? ????? ????? ????? ???????? ?????? ?? ????? ?? ??? ???? (??? ?????? ????? ??’)
2) ?? ????? ???? ????? ??????, ???? ?? ??????, ???? ?????? ?????, ????? ???? ?’ ??? ?????, ??? ????? ??? ???” (?????? ????? ????? ?’ ??? ?? ??? ??? ????”?)
3) ?? ??? ???? ????? ???? ?????? ?? ??????, ???? ???? ???? ?? ?????, ??? ??? ?? ???? ?????? ???? ????? (?????? ?????? ???? ??’ ??? ????”? ?????? ??”?)
November 7, 2010 5:57 pm at 5:57 pm #709718Rak Od Pa'amMemberSorry I may be off topic as the below is not a segula bit a statement of fact.
The Sefer Hachinuch writes; One who is careful with the mitzvah of Birchas Hamazon will always have Parnasah in abundance and in a respectful manner. One who wants to be careful should always bentch while reading the words in a siddur (or bentcher) and not bentch by heart. Shulchan Aruch w/Mishnah Brurah 185:1, see also Be’er Haitaiv
I haven’t found a translation of the Chida, happy hunting
November 16, 2010 7:45 pm at 7:45 pm #709719frumladygitMemberHey Whatrutalkinabout I really liked your answer about big gestures and taking on shmiras haloshen for asking for miracles. I know its true, just sometimes we need to be reminded. WOrds from the heart enter the heart.
November 16, 2010 7:54 pm at 7:54 pm #709720WIYMemberfrumladygit
You meant WIY but its ok lol.
November 16, 2010 7:55 pm at 7:55 pm #709721Feif UnParticipantKibbud av v’em and shiluach hakan will give you long life.
November 16, 2010 10:20 pm at 10:20 pm #709723AinOhdMilvadoParticipantTalk to HaSh-m EVERY day. Not just the prescribed 3 tefilos.
Take at least 30-60 minutes every day to TALK to HaSh-m the way you would talk to your very best friend.
Thank Him for what you have. Ask Him for what you need. Talk to Him about everything that is on your mind, the happy things, and the troubling things.
This is what HaSh-m craves from us more than anything, – for us to be close to Him.
“Karov HaSh-m le’kol korav, le’kol asher yikra’uhu be’emet.
HaSh-m is close to those who are close to Him, to those who speak to Him from the heart on a regular basis.
Who would YOU be more likely to go out of your way to do something for? Your close friend, whom you speak to every day, or someone who only approaches you when he wants something from you?
November 17, 2010 12:50 am at 12:50 am #709724mischiefmakerMemberWIY thanx for the post. Sorry didn’t thank you till now, I must’ve not been on that night…too stressed out…lol. Thanx to everyone really but WIY in specific i will really try. But still everyone, the more the merrier.
November 17, 2010 3:21 am at 3:21 am #709725WIYMembermischiefmaker
You are welcome. Really if you havent read Garden of Emunah give it a read. As far as Davening is concerned, I started Davening from an Artscroll Interlinear translated siddur. You cant compare it to Davening from a plain siddur. As a girl you dont have to Daven in Shul so you can Daven in private. If you Daven from such a Siddur you will know the meaning of every word you say, which means it will have much more impact, additionally, dont be afraid to cry to Hashem, He is your Father, He Loves you more than you can ever imagine, dont be afraid to cry your eyes out to Him and plead for whatever it is that you need and ask to be close to Him. The essence of prayer is recognizing that humans are absolutely powerless to do anything and it all comes from Hashem, when you Daven think that in your mind, think Hashem I fully know, and believe to the depths of my neshama that only You can help me in any situation, everything comes from You, there is no power besides You, You are the source of all good and blessing, please take me into Your loving hands and take care of me, help me…
It says that the gates of tears havent been closed. Which means that tears always go straight up to Hashem.
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