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- This topic has 66 replies, 33 voices, and was last updated 13 years, 6 months ago by always runs with scissors fast.
September 19, 2011 10:09 pm at 10:09 pm #599473NYBDMember
What’s the meanest thing you’ve ever done to a person in your life?
(If you’ve got more than one ‘meanest’ thing, please post them in separate posts. Thanks)
September 19, 2011 10:16 pm at 10:16 pm #812180GumBallMemberHUH? wierd thread!!
September 19, 2011 10:18 pm at 10:18 pm #812181shmoelMemberThe meaning thing I’ve ever done is the time I ate the last piece of the favorite choclate candy of my brother.
September 19, 2011 11:09 pm at 11:09 pm #812182Smick.MemberTime to confess guys…
I didn’t know there were any priests here in the coffee room…
September 19, 2011 11:16 pm at 11:16 pm #812184deiyezoogerMemberWhen I threw an egg down 6 floors on the guy who was p…. on the wall of my apertment building.
OK, I was only seven and my ten year old brother instigated me.
September 19, 2011 11:34 pm at 11:34 pm #812185bombmaniacParticipanthacked a youtube partner’s email account, gave away his contact list, stole his forum and userbase and i may have caused a bit of a mental breakdown 😀
oh…and discredited him to many of his former fans
September 19, 2011 11:45 pm at 11:45 pm #812186chanieMemberVery strange thread. Why would someone answer that question and give ammunition to the ??? right before ??? ?????
September 19, 2011 11:49 pm at 11:49 pm #812187☕️coffee addictParticipantI used to constantly call a classmate a horse, and make horse refrences
September 20, 2011 12:11 am at 12:11 am #812188amazingirl97ParticipantStole my brother’s candy and when he asked if I took it, I lied.
September 20, 2011 12:29 am at 12:29 am #812189truthsharerMemberI was mad at my sister who was in her room with her door closed.
I went to the door and opened it up a bit and sprayed half a can of roach spray.
September 20, 2011 1:28 am at 1:28 am #812190i am hereMemberhey! What was ur meanest thing you have done?
September 20, 2011 3:11 am at 3:11 am #812192NYBDMembergumball: calling this thread wEIrd is pretty mean
smick: huh?
deiyezooger: oh my! what happened afterwards?
bombmaniac: that actually is pretty nasty. why though?
chanie T.: first step of te’shuva is admittance, no?
truthsharer: are you her brother or sister… we used to do that with deoderant in the dorms back in the day but roach spray – thats just mean
i am here: really really long story involving someones heart/emotions not sure if it is appropriate for this thread.. maybe i’ll ask my rebbe…
September 20, 2011 3:23 am at 3:23 am #812193oomisParticipantI am not a mean person, just average.
September 20, 2011 3:26 am at 3:26 am #812194mommamia22ParticipantWhen a really popular guy rejected a girl I was friends with in a really public way (it shamed her publicly), and I did not stand up for her. I was a coward. I saw her suffer and my not standing up for her hurt her more.
September 20, 2011 3:34 am at 3:34 am #812195mommamia22ParticipantI told my sister(when we were kids) no one would want to marry her with her temper (she once made a hole in my wall with the doorknob by smashing in the door when angry). B’H, she’s happily married. The jokes on me!
September 20, 2011 3:57 am at 3:57 am #812196always runs with scissors fastParticipanti am really sorry to admit this publicly but when I was a kid, I hit my little sister with my violin bow. I lost my temper.
Then one other time, she was taking a nap on the couch, and I thought it would be sort of funny, if…I went up to her ear and blew my trumpet real loud. She didnt think so.
Another mean thing we did as kids was call people up (before caller id was invented) and pretend we were some little kid they had in their life. Like when they asked who it was, I’d say “Guess” as if i was just being heimishe with them. So they’d say a name and I would say “yep”. THen they’d ask me how the wedding was, and what mommy was doing. And I’d answer all weird, not normal answers. and we’d tape record it and laugh for days listening back at it. We were like 11 or 12 years old.
September 20, 2011 4:11 am at 4:11 am #812197PeacemakerMemberThat reminds me of the time in 10th grade I called a guy in my class up, with a fake serious voice, and pretended to be a NYPD Detective investigating a homicide needing to ask him some questions about his whereabouts the night of the murder. The call lasted about 10 minutes before he caught on.
September 20, 2011 4:13 am at 4:13 am #812198NYBDMemberoomis1105: so am i (“just average”) but everyone has done something mean (at least i would imagine so). have you never ‘hurt a fly’ ??
mommamia22: lol. i’m [prolly] a year older than you and still not married so the jokes not just on you. and besides don’t worry it’s not you – don’t you know there a shidduch crisis going on right now! it just takes a little bitta time and a lotta bitta davening. also, mommamia22, what’s the continuation to your friends story?
September 20, 2011 4:20 am at 4:20 am #812199NYBDMemberalways runs with scissors fast: i’d love to listen to some of those recordings!
Peacemaker: did you ever make shalom…
September 20, 2011 4:27 am at 4:27 am #812200PeacemakerMemberI pretended I knew nothing about it, and he was never sure I did it.
September 20, 2011 4:31 am at 4:31 am #812201bombmaniacParticipant“bombmaniac: that actually is pretty nasty. why though?”
some childish idealism and unrealistic expectations…its too long to actually explain
i now run a forum which absorbed his user base.
September 20, 2011 5:00 am at 5:00 am #812202walton157MemberThis one trumps all of you: One time while in a major discount store, I put a feminine hygiene product is a man’s (he was at least 70 years old) shopping cart. Imagine HIS surprise when he went to pay!!!! Of course I was with friends and it was a dare…needless to say that was the last dare they ever dared me!!!! We couldn’t stop laughing for days….Poor man!!!
September 20, 2011 6:02 am at 6:02 am #812203Queen BeeMemberI still feel really bad about this. When I was in HS, I created a screen name and pretended to be a crazy guy to my friend. She couldn’t sleep for days because she thought I was a serial killer and was out to get her.
September 20, 2011 7:24 am at 7:24 am #812204RegeshMemberWhen I was in yeshiva in Eretz yisroel one very late night[or very early in the morning] my roomates and myself took a phonebook and called the phone numbers of Arab names and asked if john was there-the ones who were not too disorientated to talk were not that pleased.
September 20, 2011 11:35 am at 11:35 am #812205ToiParticipantwhen i was four i convinced my younger brother to shmear pb & j all over his facw and hair, claiming that mommy would be so happy. needless to say, when she found out, she wasnt.
September 20, 2011 1:36 pm at 1:36 pm #812206BaalHaboozeParticipantWhen I was about 11, I thought it funny to pull chairs away from guys right before they sat down. Usually it was fun and no harm came of it. But once I did it on s/1 with a bad back and he took quite a tumble. Felt bad that very minute. 🙁
My brother and I used to go around shul and tie men’s talleisim together or to their chair! THAT was hilarious!!
When we were about 12, my bunk raided our counselor’s stuff in the middle of the night, and then went out and set up the camp shul in the basketball court, benches and all. Too bad it was raining the next morning:(
aaahhhhh, memories….
September 20, 2011 3:45 pm at 3:45 pm #812207MiddlePathParticipantI, and one other friend, unfortunately took advantage of an extremely gullible roommate in yeshiva. I can’t even name everything we convinced him of, but a few things stand out, and they really caused him embarrassment. Thankfully, he has forgiven me.
September 20, 2011 3:59 pm at 3:59 pm #812208mommamia22ParticipantNYBD,
I saw that girl only once or twice afterwards. B’H she’s happily married. I think she saw me differently after that event. Too bad. She wasn’t wrong. She was too nice to say anything, though.
I’ve done some pretty mean things on dates. Once a guy I was so not interested in asked to go out with me. I painfully agreed, and then stood him up after we made plans to meet at a particular place. I think he waited for a really long time. Yikes. I think I stood one other person up as well, who I also wasn’t interested in. It was so out of character for me.
The meanest thing I ever did, that wasn’t known about, was get mad at my sister when she was sick with cancer. I came home from a date and found her sitting in our kitchen with one of those tight chassidishe snoods (she had lost her hair). We are not chassidishe, nor, do I recall, was she married yet, at the time. I was mortified for my date
to see her and do a double take, and I was very angry at her for being downstairs. Thank G-d I never told her.
It was mean, though, even though she probably didn’t know how I felt.
September 20, 2011 5:56 pm at 5:56 pm #812209mommamia22ParticipantOk, so I know my story is a downer, but please don’t let that stop you from telling your stories. I find it amusing and a good pick me up.
September 20, 2011 6:01 pm at 6:01 pm #812210mommamia22ParticipantWhen I was in grad school, our professor was very late. All the students decided after the designated amount of time that students were required to wait that they would simply leave. I knew that if I were to stay, that the school would look at their absences differently. So I left with them. I later heard that he arrived late and was very upset. This is a professor who had come to my defense when my internship supervisor was harassing me, and told her I was one of the best students in the class. Yeah, right.
September 20, 2011 8:23 pm at 8:23 pm #812211AlanH923Participantmommamia22 The story about your sister with cancer makes me sick.
September 21, 2011 2:28 am at 2:28 am #812212mommamia22ParticipantAlan
How would you like me to respond to that? Clearly, I too don’t feel very good about it if I mentioned it was the meanest thing that went unknown. I’m not sure why you’re telling me it makes you sick. To make me feel guilty? I already do.
Maybe the meanest thing you’ve ever done was tell someone who lost a sibling that something they did (that they feel bad about) makes you sick.
September 21, 2011 2:54 am at 2:54 am #812213brotherofursParticipanti remember tripping my little brother once just to c how it feels and then begged him for forgiveness right away cuz i realized how mean i just was!:(
September 21, 2011 2:55 am at 2:55 am #812214brotherofursParticipantmy mother used to say i had to eat my fish, and i really did not like fish. so i took the pieces she gave me and wrapped it up in a tissue and threw it out! 🙁 and then told my mother i ate it..
September 21, 2011 3:00 am at 3:00 am #812215brotherofursParticipantwhen my class got split up in elementary school and me and one of my friends was seperate from the rest of my friends, everyone in the class i was in, saw that we were like crying and probably felt horrible when they realized why we were crying and especially when my friend said sm like”cuz there’s no one good in this class!”. :'(
September 21, 2011 4:50 am at 4:50 am #812216bortezomibParticipantIt’s almost Yom Kippur .. but i could say a mean thing that I’ve done that my victim has (thankfully) forgiven me for- it was recess in 7th grade, and my friend kept on provoking me . I have no idea why, just that i felt so annoyed at her that I poured the remainder of my bag of chips into her curly hair.
September 21, 2011 5:00 am at 5:00 am #812217Smick.Member“deiyezooger
Say my name 6 times fast. cmon. TRY IT
When I threw an egg down 6 floors on the guy who was p…. on the wall of my apertment building. OK, I was only seven and my ten year old brother instigated me. “
– Careful, you may date the guy one day… 🙂
September 21, 2011 5:05 am at 5:05 am #812218kapustaParticipantJust heard this, didn’t try it.
If you’re bored, put a note saying “sorry for the damage” on someones car. Wait till they come back, and have some fun watching their reaction.
September 21, 2011 5:40 am at 5:40 am #812219ursula momishMemberNYBD, why didn’t you start this thread off by telling the CR the meanest thing YOU ever did? WHy ask for bad memories? This reminds me of a guy I dated for a while and right after he called it off, he asked me what was the most humiliating thing I had ever done. Like, right, I was going to tell him. and I’m not telling you, either.
(Ok, I’ll say this post is the meanest thing I’ve ever done. That’s a lie, though.)
AlanH923: mommamia didn’t even say anything to her sister or her date, she just wrote what her feelings were at the time. She deserves credit for not revealing those feelings until now.
September 21, 2011 7:34 am at 7:34 am #812220Smick.MemberRunning with scissors fast: “Another mean thing we did as kids was call people up (before caller id was invented) and pretend we were some little kid they had in their life. Like when they asked who it was, I’d say “Guess” as if i was just being heimishe with them. So they’d say a name and I would say “yep”. THen they’d ask me how the wedding was, and what mommy was doing. And I’d answer all weird, not normal answers. and we’d tape record it and laugh for days listening back at it. We were like 11 or 12 years old. “
LOL!!!! LOL!!!! It would be awesome if you could record it onto Yeshiva world news Radio!!!! 🙂
September 21, 2011 11:15 am at 11:15 am #812221Smick.Memberbrotherofurs
formula 4 happiness: Attitude of gratitude, Emunah, Giving
my mother used to say i had to eat my fish, and i really did not like fish. so i took the pieces she gave me and wrapped it up in a tissue and threw it out! 🙁 and then told my mother i ate it..
Posted 8 hours ago #
seems like we have 2 liars in here, not just PBA…
September 21, 2011 8:59 pm at 8:59 pm #812222NYBDMemberbombmaniac: hmm… sounds interesting… what forum is this exactly? or would that be l’h?
walton157: very cute. but… i dont think it trumps some of the meaner ones posted here (sorry, i’m actually not trying to be mean 🙂 )
Queen Bee: omg How is she? things like that can prolly haunt someone for decades!
Regesh: cute
Toi: lol
BaalHabooze: 1. lol 2. lol 3. i did a similar thing but in Mechina/Mesivta. on rosh chodesh Adar(in the name of venahaphoch hu) i and a couple of buddies switched around all the tables and chairs to face the back wall in the BM at around 3am… to this day no one knows who it was. I called it Venahaphoch WHO?
September 21, 2011 11:54 pm at 11:54 pm #812223Queen BeeMemberNYBD, a few days later I asked her (on my screen name), “Hey, do you know who so and so is?” And she said, “OMG, no who is that???” So I said, “Me!” And she said, “Really??? I couldn’t sleep at night bec I thought some psycho was going to murder me!” Of course I felt terrible, but she forgave me. I don’t think I tricked anyone like that ever again.
September 22, 2011 12:05 am at 12:05 am #812224commonsenseParticipantMommamia, I think you should stop beating yourself up about what you thought about your sister. you are human and you had a human reaction. It would have been mean if you had actually voiced it, which you did not. Most people have some reactions that are a little selfish to many situations. It’s fine as long as your seichel overcomes your initial reaction and the other person does not ever know what you initially felt. I actually give you credit for being Ma’avir al midosov (hard to spell in english) and not saying anything. It’s not easy for the siblings when one is sick.
September 22, 2011 12:33 am at 12:33 am #812225toomuch00MemberMe and my sister poured salt on a slug once. And watched it shvrivel up sizzle and die. =( I felt so guilty afterwards that i promised to always treat animals well.
September 22, 2011 2:47 am at 2:47 am #812226always runs with scissors fastParticipantThis story of mean I am about to tell bothers me very much and I am still haunted by it. I deeply regret my actions.
Once I was friends with a woman who really needed my friendship in every way. She was bound for life handicapped in a wheel chair by Cerebral Palsy. Her speech was impaired, her daily living and her mobility.
Anyways, one day I ran into her downtown as I was hurrying to get somewhere, and she told me that she was looking for someone to help her eat her lunch. She had had her homecare givers prepare her a lunch and gone out to a convention of some kind, hoping a friendly spirit would offer. She wasn’t able to even feed herself a sandwich. Every bite would require an assitant to literally put it up to her mouth.
I said “oh thats nice. Good luck”. and ran on my way.
What a stupid person I was. I missed out on an opportunity to do good for another person who really needed help. I am ashamed.
September 22, 2011 4:30 am at 4:30 am #812227Queen BeeMembertoomuch00, your story reminds me of the time my sis and I found a slug in our garden. We put it in a jar, took it up to our room, and then poked it with sticks until this green goo oozed out. Poor thing. We killed it.
September 22, 2011 4:40 am at 4:40 am #812228September 22, 2011 5:54 am at 5:54 am #812229mommamia22ParticipantUrsula and common sense, thanks for understanding. It doesn’t take my sadness away, but maybe a little bit of my guilt.
Always runs,
What makes you smart and kind is your ability to look back at a situation and be able to re-assess it and choose to react differently (even if the situation or opportunity to react differently hasn’t arisen yet.
September 22, 2011 5:58 am at 5:58 am #812230mommamia22ParticipantAlan,
I’m sorry I was hurtful with my words. It was uncalled for.
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