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- This topic has 63 replies, 26 voices, and was last updated 4 years, 9 months ago by huju.
May 18, 2020 10:21 pm at 10:21 pm #1862030n0mesorahParticipant
It seems that poorer countries have better numbers than wealthier countries.
My siblings in EY told me, that people there cooperate because there is a greater sense of responsibility. When the one who are at risk are your brothers, you are happy to stay inside.
May 19, 2020 4:30 pm at 4:30 pm #1862398yehudayonaParticipanthh, I had a hard time deciphering your reply, but I think you’re saying lack of vitamin D causes more infections or more serious consequences of infections. Is that your claim? Do you have any evidence?
May 20, 2020 9:23 pm at 9:23 pm #1862890charliehallParticipantAir travel and entry to the US is regulated by the federal government. Trump did not close the airports quickly enough. He claimed to have banned travel from China but that was a lie, and travel from Europe (particularly Italy) continued with no screening and no quarantined.
The bottom line is that Israel has leadership that listened to scientists and the US has leadership that promotes medical quackery and trashes scientists.
BTW a better comparison to Israel than NYC is New Jersey. Similar population and land area. Much higher COVID-19 fatality rate in NJ.
May 20, 2020 10:55 pm at 10:55 pm #1862906JosephParticipantCharlie: Your deceitful comment utterly fails to explain how the Palestinian areas in the West Bank and Gaza did much much better than the State of Israel in containing infections and minimizing deaths from the virus. Despite the Palestinians having over double the population density of the Israelis they did fared far better.
May 21, 2020 9:39 pm at 9:39 pm #1863407yehudayonaParticipantJoseph, I’m not sure what you consider deceitful in Charlie’s reply, and I don’t think he was even trying to explain why the West Bank and Gaza allegedly have fared better. Not that Charlie needs me to defend him, of course.
I have a couple of possible explanations. First, we don’t know how accurate any country’s statistics are, so it’s possible that the PA/Hamas or whoever came up with those statistics is lying or simply doesn’t have robust data gathering. Second, we know that the virus was spread by travelers. Israel has way more travelers than the West Bank/Gaza.
BTW, Belarus is now four places ahead of the U.S. in per capita testing. The U.S. is now in 39th place.
May 21, 2020 10:12 pm at 10:12 pm #1863431JosephParticipantYY: There’s nothing “alleged” about it. You can pull up the statistics yourself. Or, to make it easier for you, I already posted them in comment #1861538 of this thread, located about the sixth to last comment on the first page of the thread.
Now, if you start questioning the reliability of any particular official COVID statistics, why are you being selective? Why haven’t you questioned the accuracy of the Israeli statistics or that it is allegedly better than another country’s? Unless you wish to push an agenda rather than facts.
Have you made any posts questioning the propaganda statistics pushes out about China’s COVID statistics by the Communist Party that’s many many magnitudes lower than the real Chinese death rate. Or do you prefer to believe any anti-American drivel the leftist media feeds to your web browser.
Perhaps you can now acknowledge that the US has more robust reporting of statistics than other countries, making other country’s lower numbers less reliable and thus incomparable to the US numbers. As well as that a dense city such as NYC is far far less comparable to Israel than, say, the State of Israel’s next door neighbor Palestine, which is a much better comparison to Israel based on density, population as well as (obviously) geography. NYC is not.
You also have a history of ignoring that on a PER CAPITA basis, which is much more realistic than comparing a country of 300 million+ (US) to a country with just a few million, that the United States has done VERY well compared to many countries. Much better than most of Europe, in fact. France, the UK, Russia, Spain, Italy, Belgium, etc as well as many non-European countries have done FAR worse than the United States. (Thank you President Trump.) Additionally, even within the US, of the top ten worst States, nine out of ten are run by Democrat governors. Coincidence? I think not. America has done well and would have done much better if not for the Democrat states.
May 22, 2020 12:01 pm at 12:01 pm #1863557yehudayonaParticipantJoseph, I said, “we don’t know how accurate any country’s statistics are.” “Any country” includes China. I also said (regarding the PA/Hamas, but applicable to many countries) that they could be “lying or simply [don’t] have robust data gathering.” I expect that countries with a free press are more likely than other countries to have accurate numbers for obvious reasons.
I have been consistently calling out Trump’s lies about testing. He cites absolute numbers. I cite per capita numbers. As for deaths, the U.S. is not in a great place on a per capita basis either. We’re #9 if you leave out tiny countries like San Marino and Andorra. The top 8 are Belgium, Spain, Italy, the U.K., France, Sweden, the Netherlands, and Ireland. All those countries except the U.K. and Sweden seem to have flattened the curve more than we have, so it’s likely they will move down in the ranking and the U.S. will move up.
Correlating COVID deaths with the political affiliation of the governor isn’t very logical. How about we look at something that’s more logical, population density? I looked at the top 8 states (actually 7 states plus D.C.) for population density. In order of density they rank as follows in terms of COVID deaths per capita: #5, #2, #7, #4, #3, #10, #12, and #1. To clarify, D.C. has the highest population density and is fifth highest in per capita COVID deaths, while New York has the eighth highest population density and the highest per capita COVID death rate.
Densely populated states tend to have Democratic governors. They also tend to be on the Atlantic Ocean. To say that they have a high rate of COVID deaths because they have Democratic governors makes as much sense as saying the virus washed ashore from the Atlantic.
May 24, 2020 6:49 pm at 6:49 pm #1864189JosephParticipantYY: At least eight nations just in Europe alone have a higher per capita death toll than the United States. Some of them have a more than double the death toll than the United States. And the others are also far higher than the United States.
Obviously Pres. Trump has done a better job at fighting the novel coronovirus than Prime Minister Wilmes of Belgium, Prime Minister Sanchez of Spain, Prime Minister Johnson of the United Kingdom, Prime Minister Conte of Italy, President Macron of France, Prime Minister Lovfen of Sweden, Prime Minister Rutte of the Netherlands and Prime Minister Varadkar of Ireland.
North America and Europe likely have the most reliable data, comparably, thus making them better comparisons. Unlike third world countries with poor health record keeping and/or politically manipulating their coronavirus health data. It is highly unlikely these first world European countries (than did worse than the US) did worse than the third world.
And if you’re going to blame the federal government for the numbers, then certainly far more blame lies on the doors of the state governors, like Cuomo, for starting stay at home orders very late in March, thereby resulting in tens of thousands of additional deaths. The governors are far more responsible than the feds, who do not order school closings (also late in New York) and stay at home mandatory orders.
May 24, 2020 6:52 pm at 6:52 pm #1864194JosephParticipantIsrael: 16,712 Cases, 279 Deaths, First Coronavirus Death In Gaza Strip
Gaza, which is packed like sardines with a populations density of 13,064 people per square mile, which is about half the density of New York City (and about equal with Boston), just now had its first cornovirus death. They are doing far better than the State of Israel despite being much more densely populated.
May 25, 2020 12:07 am at 12:07 am #1864299n0mesorahParticipantDear Joseph,
Great idea! You can go and help them reopen. No poor country has high numbers. But that is starting to change.May 25, 2020 12:43 am at 12:43 am #1864303yehudayonaParticipantJoseph, you’re ignoring my point that most of those European countries have flattened the curve more than the U.S. has. If trends continue along the same path, the U.S. is going to climb in the per capita death rankings. Now it looks like Brazil is going to give those countries a run for the money, largely because it has a Trump-like populist president who has denied the danger of the virus much as Trump did in January and February.
There’s a simple explanation for Gaza’s low death toll — it’s isolated from the rest of the world. If nobody comes in, nobody gets infected.
June 5, 2020 10:06 am at 10:06 am #1868274☕ DaasYochid ☕ParticipantWhat can we learn from the mistakes made in EY?
June 5, 2020 11:53 am at 11:53 am #1868331JosephParticipantThe State of Israel doesn’t make mistakes, dear DY. They are simply the best in everything as they have the legacy of Herzl and Ben-Gurion protecting them; and are now led by the all-knowing all-powerful Bibi.
June 8, 2020 3:14 pm at 3:14 pm #1869221hujuParticipantThis thread has been open for a while. It appears that Israel is no reclosing schools because the reopening was followed by a spike in coronavirus infections.
That gives us two things to learn from Israel: (1) Even if it looks OK to open up, it might be too soon; and (2) if you open up and corona infection counts spike, close down again.
Confidential to Joseph: Hashem protects Israel. Governments, even the Israeli one, consists of mere humans.
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