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Tagged: antisemitism, Jihad, Racism, Terrorism
- This topic has 34 replies, 11 voices, and was last updated 4 years, 9 months ago by Health.
June 10, 2020 1:08 pm at 1:08 pm #1869957KotevOniParticipant
[Just re major events of 2020].
Inagine if… or rather preferably imagine not!
What if:
The Covid19 had not originated in China but in a small country, one particular country in the middle east…. the one where its neighbours float “theories,” even still ancient debunked blood libels… and incitement is a on the daily menue.What if:
The owner of the Cup Food where the 911 call to police on George Floyd was originated from over a fake $20 bill had not been Arab Muslim but of a particular group…
Moreover, if he hadn’t been a Palestinian-Arab immigrant, but rather from another entity, from a small democracy in the middle east, the one often demonized in media…What If:
Derek Chauvin had not been Christian of French ancestry but of one particular background…________________
מה זאת אנטישמיות?
[דוגמאות מאירועים בולטים בשנת 2020 למס’]
לדמיין אם … או יותר נכון, עדיף לדמיין שלא!
מה אם:
נגיף הקורונה לא היה מקורו בסין אלא במדינה קטנה, מדינה מסוימת במזרח התיכון …. זו בה שכנותיה מרחפות “תיאוריות”, אפילו עדעין עלילות דם עתיקות … וההסתה היא דבר יומיומי בתפריט.מה אם:
הבעלים של ה- חנות ממנו באה הקריאה למשטרה על ג’ורג ‘פלויד אודות שטר של 20 דולר מזויף לא היה ערבי מוסלמי אלא של קבוצה מסוימת …
יתרה מזאת, אם הוא לא היה מהגר פלסטיני-ערבי, אלא מישות אחרת, מדמוקרטיה קטנה במזרח התיכון, זו שלעתים קרובות דמוניזציה בתקשורת …מה אם:
השוטר, מר דרק שובין לא היה נוצרי ממוצא צרפתי אלא מרקע אחד מסוים…June 10, 2020 7:32 pm at 7:32 pm #1870114lowerourtuition11210ParticipantSInce this is not the case what is the point?
June 10, 2020 7:43 pm at 7:43 pm #1870166HameirParticipantCouldn’t agree more.
June 10, 2020 7:43 pm at 7:43 pm #1870167KotevOniParticipantWHAT IS ANTI-SEMITISM?
Part IIWhat if:
Richest man in the world (Amazon’s Bezos) that exploids so many, had been of a different ethnicity…What if:
Dr. Anthony Fauci’s last name had been Feinberg, would he be still revered or more blamed ?What if:
Mayor of ‘highest victimised by Corona’ Mr Warren Wilhelm Jr., or as he is now known as ‘Deblasio’, was of a different background?________________
מה זאת אנטישמיות? 2
מה אם:
העשיר בעולם (בעה”ב של אמזון, בזוס) המנצל כל כך הרבה אנשים, אלו היה מרקע אתני אחר….מה אם:
ד”ר אנטוני פאוצ’י היה שם משפחתו פיינברג, האם עדיין היו מעריצים אותו או דוקא מאשימים אותו?מה אם:
ראש העיר בעלת הקורבן הגבוה מהקורונה, לא היה מר וורן וילהלם או איך שהוא מוכר עכשיו “דבלזיו”, היה מרקע אתני אחר?June 10, 2020 7:49 pm at 7:49 pm #1870091JosephParticipantBroadly speaking, there are two kinds of antisemitism: gentile antisemitism and Jewish antisemitism.
The first type is the more common type that most people refer to when discussing this issue. It often, but far from always, involves violence or worse. More often it involves verbal violence without physical violence. And even more frequently is a simple old-fashioned hatred of Jews, simply because of jealousy or just because they’re Jewish.
Eisav Sonah L’Yaakov.
The second type, and what many of us Yidden run into more often than the first (simply because of our disengagement with Goyim as much as possible), is Jewish antisemitism. Some of these people even wear a Yarmulka and call themselves Orthodox. It can broadly be defined as hating those frummer (for lack of a better term) than oneself. Also out of jealousy, though they’ll never admit that reason and will attribute their hatred to a variety of other pretexts.
It’ll often play out in these Jewish antisemites denying the hated Yidden various benefits, privileges or rights. As well as deriding them amongst themselves and, even more prominently, to the outside/greater world. They’ll often derogatorily refer to them as “ultra” or “sects”.
This is found within Orthodoxy as well as outside of Orthodoxy, where very commonly non-Orthodox Jews engage in such behavior towards the Orthodox. Ironically, the left-wing in the Orthodox often try to convince these non-Orthodox Jews that they aren’t so ultra, and as such should be considered good, modern, with it, Americanized Jews just as the non-Orthodox. And will denigrate the hated “Ultras” in order to ingratiate themselves to these other Jewish antisemites.
June 10, 2020 7:50 pm at 7:50 pm #1870202som1Participantagreed
June 10, 2020 7:52 pm at 7:52 pm #1870188JosephParticipantThere’s a missing post.
June 10, 2020 8:14 pm at 8:14 pm #1870207PhilParticipantThe absolute worst anti-Semites are Jews who dedicate their sad lives to dividing, criticizing and stigmatizing other Jews, focusing on meaningless differences instead of on the Torah observance that unites us. Whether due to their own deep-seated feelings of worthlessness or out of baseless hatred, they will have to account for every nasty word they express and every bit of hurt they inflict. Such cruel behavior caused the Beis Hamikdash to be destroyed and is preventing it from being rebuilt.
June 10, 2020 10:33 pm at 10:33 pm #1870200BillyWParticipantAnti-semitism is a word used by many Jews today to deflect a lack of socialization and as a cover for poor behavior.
June 10, 2020 10:38 pm at 10:38 pm #1870215KotevOniParticipantJust a tiny comment… One has to distinguish between demonizing a Creed (blindly), and some inter-groups frictions that exists all over the world…even among diff. sports teams..
June 10, 2020 11:17 pm at 11:17 pm #1870231KotevOniParticipant1870200. No idea what this line has to do with the real pandemic of ‘anti Jewish ethnic or group’ hatred.
June 11, 2020 9:20 am at 9:20 am #1870381Reb EliezerParticipantLook at the Klei Yokor in Parashas Devorim on penu lachem tzafana saying that jealousy causes anti Semitism, hatred towards the Jews.
June 11, 2020 12:20 pm at 12:20 pm #1870417KotevOniParticipantR eliezer. I also know the KliYokor and YoeAniyuso… But that is ONLY for us, it means that it makes for haters’ easier their pretexed evil , but never in anyway to justify haters’ hate and massacres. Halocho beYodua.
June 11, 2020 12:23 pm at 12:23 pm #1870444KotevOniParticipantCLARITY
Sin’as-Chinom is entirely different. Like at bar kamtzo, it was on a personal level. Sure. Tertible.
When anti Jewish haters hate, they hate the JEW in the person.They will find 25% DNA of a (presumed) negative Jew and will dismiss 75% of a positive Jew’s origin… When I mean by DNA I mean also affiliation if any…
– When Palestine’s leader, the Mufti, met Adolf Hitler ym”s in November-28-1941, Nazi leader said he is not “pure arab” in blood but he still refused to shake his hand [Britain’s Unfulfilled Mandate for Palestine, p.237, Nick Reynold, Lexington Books, Jun 12, 2014] , they agreed on cooperation against their common goal: exterminating Jews. [The Mufti of Jerusalem: Al-Hajj Amin Al-Husayni and the Palestinian National Movement’, p.102, Philip Mattar, Columbia University Press, 1992], his 1944 Atlas Operation to poison a quarter of a million Jews in Israel/Palestine [‘Hitler’s war against Jews continues in ‘Palestine”, By Richard Mather, JPost, March 16, 2015 ] failed thank Gd.
– When KKK (“white” supremacists) murdered Schwerner and Goodman on June 21 1964… they murdered also the JEW in them…
– or when Jihadi butchers in 2002 repeatedly asked Daniel Pearl of he was a Jew… [ ‘I Am Jewish: Personal Reflections Inspired by the Last Words of Daniel Pearl’, Ruth & Judea Pearl, 2004 ]
– or when the so called “mentally unstable” butcher was searching online why Hitler hated the Jews [ Suspect in Monsey Stabbings Searched Online for ‘Hitler,’ Charges Say – Officials said the suspect, who is charged with hate crimes, also expressed anti-Semitic views in his journal.,’ By Michael Gold and Benjamin Weiser, NewYorkTimes, Dec. 30, 2019 ]
not even realizing what exactly HIS Hitler had in store for all blacks…– or Nation of Islam’s Farrakhan with his silly “blue eyes are the devil” [ ‘Nation of Islam receiving federal cash to teach prisoners’, Alana Goodman, Washington Examiner, Dec. 18, 2018] terms, has still a “unique” specific “special” burning fire against all Jews as “termites” (afro lePumei)
– or when Arab-Barbarians in 2006 tortured Ilan Halimi for weeks… [ The Terrible Tale of Ilan Halimi, Economist, 2 March, 2006, Ilan Halimi, By Nidra Poller, WSJ, Feb. 23, 2006]
and the blooded tearful list is so long.
Hashem yerachem
…June 11, 2020 12:24 pm at 12:24 pm #1870450Reb EliezerParticipantLook at the Meshech Hachma in Parashas Bechukosai on vaf gam zos and the Chasam Sofer explaining that some anti-semitism is good us. It protects us from assimilation. We say in Haggadah not one alone stood against us to destroy us ch’v but HKB’H saved us from tbere hands. Through their anti-semitism we were saved from assimilation.
June 11, 2020 12:24 pm at 12:24 pm #1870455catch yourselfParticipantReb Eliezer – a small, but, I think, important adjustment:
I don’t have the Klei Yakar with me at the moment, but if I remember correctly, his point was more about avoiding ostentatious displays of wealth than about the jealousy itself.
For people who do not work on their character (which includes the vast majority of humanity), jealousy is a normal emotion, especially when other people flaunt their riches. We cannot control the natural tendencies of the masses.
What we can control is our own behavior. The Klei Yakar interprets the Pasuk as advice for surviving Galus: Don’t incite the jealousy of the other nations.
The Klei Yakar is not saying, “the other nations persecute us because they’re jealous.” This would be a statement of an irrevocable fate.
He is giving us guidance for how to deal with exile: “If you don’t want the other nations to bother you, make sure not to poke them in the eye.”
Now if only we would listen…
June 11, 2020 1:28 pm at 1:28 pm #1870495Reb EliezerParticipantIt says עשו שונא ליעקב Aisov hates Yaakov for taking his brachas, so I agree, don’t put gasoline on fire by encouraging it as Yaakov said, I gained oxen and which were not part of the brachas, I heared another pshat.
Yaakov Avinu kept 613 mitzvos even though many don’t apply to him. He did these through his great desire to be mekayem them using his machshova. so when Yitzchok Avinu blessed him, he had Aisov in mind.June 11, 2020 1:29 pm at 1:29 pm #1870505Reb EliezerParticipantLook also at the Klei Yokor at the end of Parashas Vayigash that this also contributed to the servitude in Mitzraim. We must remember when living in Ch’l, that we are strangers in a strange land. This is why Moshe Rabbenu called his son Gershon. Also, the Klei Yokor points out in the begining of Parashas Vayechi, for this reason, Yaakov could not reveal the coming of Meshiach.
June 11, 2020 3:41 pm at 3:41 pm #1870604KotevOniParticipant1. All that is clear (Kli-Yokor on Rav Lochem and YieAniyuso) , of course. And one shouldn’t add fuel to the already burning fire, even though, the diabolical fire burns no matter what a Jew does.
2. Just like Hamman (Esther 3:6) plotted to massacre ALL Jews because of grievances with just one… the same as throughout history. That is unique against Jews.
June 11, 2020 4:06 pm at 4:06 pm #1870701Reb EliezerParticipantThere is a direct connectiion between the nazis ym’s and mitzraim. They both appointed kapos and had them work to weaken them only that Pharaoh did not directly kill them when they were unable to work.
June 11, 2020 6:49 pm at 6:49 pm #1870712KotevOniParticipantR Eliezer…this reminds me of the vort, why the double uttering VaYoreiu and VaYeanunu (Hagodoh)? because Paroh, at first, as he wanted to be MeShabed, the public would rebel against it, especially remembering Yosef haTzadik that was their saviour at the hunger years… So first, Paroh made a Goebbles type propaganda, VaYoreu: he made the Jews look “bad” in the eyes of his people… From then on, VaYeanunu was open… “They deserve it” mindset was set.
June 11, 2020 10:42 pm at 10:42 pm #1870834Reb EliezerParticipantThe Alshich Hakodash says that it does not say vayoreiu lanu hamitzrim but vayoreiu osanu hamitzrim, making us look bad by saying we don’t appreciate anything and we deny the good done to us being kefiya tova.
June 12, 2020 12:31 am at 12:31 am #1870860KotevOniParticipantPowerful Alshich, thanks for that. Did not hear it before. So striking, as the very essence of origin / meaning of term JEW, JEWS Yehudi, is gratitude. It became to be, as our Matriarch Leah o”h thanked Hashem that she got more than her share (her words) when Judah YEHUDAH was born (Genesis 29:35, and Rash”i).
June 12, 2020 11:53 am at 11:53 am #1871113Reb EliezerParticipantLook at the Ksav Sofer on Leah above. Didn’t the others before praise Hashem and giving the impression that until this time she did not praise Him? So he learns pshat as he explained that one who says halel hagadol daily, he commits blasphemy. He only recognizes the great miracles and not what happens every day. Leah said this as a wonder. Should I only praise Hashem Yisborach now, when He constantly creates miracles for me?
June 12, 2020 11:54 am at 11:54 am #1871128Reb EliezerParticipantI found it earlier in the Abarbanel on the Hagadah that the Jews are not trustworthy and loyal but spies.
June 12, 2020 12:46 pm at 12:46 pm #1871188KotevOniParticipantRe KsavSofer, that explains the Brachoth 7b that states Leah was first to thank, while sure thing that Avrohom and Yitzchock did that. Avrohom even demanded from his daily guests to bench Hashem…
June 12, 2020 1:39 pm at 1:39 pm #1871191KotevOniParticipantBTW, there was an anti Semitic stabbing attack on Rabbi S. today in London. Stoke-Newington , Stamford Hill.
June 12, 2020 1:39 pm at 1:39 pm #1871195KotevOniParticipantRe Abarbanel… He lived shortly after the black plague where of course Jews were scapegoats (via spreading conspiracy theories) as they were not affected by it, because of Jews’ washing hands / higene tradition/halocho.
June 12, 2020 1:39 pm at 1:39 pm #1871202Reb EliezerParticipantKotevOni, Did you look at the Meshech Chachma mentioned above which is a big yesod on the topic?
June 14, 2020 1:28 pm at 1:28 pm #1872227HealthParticipantKotevOni -“Derek Chauvin had not been Christian of French ancestry but of one particular background…”
You don’t have to imagine it anymore. The anti-racism protest in France has already become Anti-Jew!
Thank You to all the western countries That promote Liberalism.June 14, 2020 3:04 pm at 3:04 pm #1872280KotevOniParticipantSure, some hijack “anti-racism” as a mask to promote FOR racism. Not much has changed since Don Feder wrote in 2001…
Search: Racists cry racism at U.N. conference Durban Don Feder jwr –
Or: Racists cry racism Don Feder wndJune 14, 2020 9:22 pm at 9:22 pm #1872358June 15, 2020 12:14 am at 12:14 am #1872370bsharg2ParticipantAs a Jew, I wholeheartedly love all Jews, whether they are frummer than me or less frummer than me, whether they have different political opinions than me, if they are a Jew of color, doesn’t matter. We should all love our fellow Jews.
June 15, 2020 8:13 am at 8:13 am #1872385JosephParticipantFor the past 60 years, antisemitism has been strongest in the political left, universities, minorities groups, etc. While the right also has some elements of antisemitism, it is to a far far lesser degree than found in the left, Democrat Party, Labour and other leftist parties in Europe, such as the Greens, etc.
June 15, 2020 8:24 am at 8:24 am #1872405HealthParticipantKotevOni -“NYC protest organizer questioned after threat to take violence to Diamond District: ‘Gasoline .. is awfully cheap.”
The reason I’m posting this line from your last post is because a lot of Jews think -“it can’t happen here”.
They also thought that in Europe in WW2. -
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