What happens when the awareness movement succeeds?

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    After everyone is already fully aware and funds have been raised, does the movement just continue, stealing awareness from the things people really are not aware of?


    You should start a new awareness movement to make people aware of this issue.


    As long as babies are being born, ignorance will exist and we need the awareness movement to keep teaching the youth of today about being aware.


    I mean specific awareness movements.


    Are you saying that some babies are born already knowing of certain awareness movements, such as the Movement to Oppose Buttered Popcorn that’s not Cholov Yisroel [because it causes too many rifts in the world, especially klal Yisrael], or the Movement to Protect Peanuts from Airplanes [because it’s about time someone stood up for peanuts, including those allergic yet sympathetic persons]?

    If so, is it because the babies moms read to them while they were in the womb?


    LB’s point stands, regardless. These babies need to be made aware at a certain point of whatever it is.

    Additionally, us humans tend to forget or not accept the lesson. So if I want to make people aware that smoking is bad for one’s health, I can truly never retire from disseminating this message unless cigarette companies go out of business.

    So the question remains, if everyone is aware already, but chooses to act otherwise, do I give up my campaign, or find more creative methods to “bring home” the message?


    I’m not aware of this movement. Does that mean it’s a failure?


    There are many awareness movements. Most of them are for diseases and such.

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