What do women do in Gan Eden?

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    The become metapelets for the kids in Eden. (Kinder teachers).

    Thats why they call it the place Gan-Eden.

    Lilmod Ulelamaid

    Spunk +1!

    Lilmod Ulelamaid

    “To me, the details of what that means is irrelevant. We’ll find out either way when we get there after 120 years.”

    Just want to add that we can’t know in this world anyhow since it would be impossible for us to understand.


    Ok, to my (feminine) understanding, the reason women don’t learn Torah is because since Chava sinned, the world was set up in a way that someone needs to do the housework and take care of the kids, and women are the ones who is capable of doing it, so she is responsible for that and doesn’t have time for Torah and certain mitzvos.
    I’m pretty sure in GAN EDEN where there’s no childbirth pains, there’s also nothing preventing women from learning Torah. Anyway my guess would be that in gan eden we don’t really learn, we just kind of know the Torah intrinsically and enjoy the knowledge, but I don’t think it’s something we can understand now.
    This is a guess not something I have a source for, but it does say in targum onkelos that “he will rule over you” is referring to ruchniyus – “for merit or for sin” – which I think means that he will teach her Torah (and she won’t be learning it herself because too busy etc.)
    So I don’t see why women wouldn’t learn Torah both in gan eden and when Mashiach comes and Chava’s curse is removed.


    Who is gonna cook the food and do the laundry after Moshiach?


    Chazal say that olam haba is where tzadikim sit with crowns on their heads and enjoy the ziv hashechina, the splendor of Hashems presence. Perhaps the atarah mentioned here is a tzadiks wife? An eshes chayil is called “ateres baalah”…


    We are all seperate souls and not attached to one another in Gan Eden. The husband and wife relationship on this earth is a physical partnership despite many having a feeling of deep connection to their spouse. After all, one person can have more than one marriage and people can be gilgilim. Neshomos are seperate and perhaps have contact which each other in the afterlife, but one neshomah doesn’t “serve” another or two neshomos are not bound to each other for eternity. Neshomos ideally bound to Hashem, versus going to gehinom c”v which is the opposite of being bound to Hashem. Again, neshomos go back to their source, which is from Hashem, not to other humans they had in contact with during their physical lives. I remember reading that women have their own Gan Eden. I don’t see why women can’t learn Torah in the afterlife, they are not bound by time-consuming mitzvos at that point.

    The main point of Gan Eden is that souls bask in the glory of Hashem and that is non-stop pleasure so perhaps they don’t need to do anything and just BE. “Doing” is only for this world and the next world is for “existing” to bask in Hashem’s glory. At that point emes, which is the Torah and knowledge of Hashem, is not something that needs to be aquired but is simply known.


    “ We are all seperate souls and not attached to one another in Gan Eden. The husband and wife relationship on this earth is a physical partnership despite many having a feeling of deep connection to their spouse. ”

    we can’t really understand any of this except through mashalim. but it is mentioned throughout the Gemorah how relationships formed here: parents, children, spouses, siblings, Rabbaim, Tzadikim, reshaim, chaverim, ones physical home and Shul are continued in some way in Olam HaBah

    Reb Eliezer

    I heard once on the צדקים יושבים the pious sit ועטרותיהם בראשיהם and their crowns is on their head ונהנים מזיו השכינה and they enjoy the beauty of the shechina. Why mentions the crowns in the middle rather than the end? One cannot directly look into shechina, so the precious stones in the crown act like a prism by reflecting the light.


    Philosopher: Do you have a source that the husband and wife relationship is broken in Olam Habo? Because we know that the relationship remains active even after Techiyas Hameisim.

    Reb Eliezer

    If a husband marries a sister of the first wife after her death, what happens when they both become alive?


    Reb Eliezer, the same thing that Yaakov Avinu will do regarding Rochel Imeinu and Leah Imeinu.


    Reb Eliezer, the same thing that Yaakov Avinu will do regarding Rochel Imeinu and Leah Imeinu.


    RebE> If a husband marries a sister of the first wife after her death

    As mentioned above, what about gilgulim, or plain Yiden before Rabeinu Gershom, Sephardim, Yaakov, David? Will Shlomo get only his Jewish wives back?

    Anyway, I will take seriously all these speculations when I see that we can figure out some simple things first like whether to bother putting a mask during pandemic. Or whether two medicines are the same molecule or not.

    Shimon Nodel

    Dumb. Question.

    Shimon Nodel

    You bichlal have no clue what is gan eden

    Shimon Nodel

    There are no singular genders in shamayim. A neshama is a neshama

    Reb Eliezer

    ujm, Yaakov Avinu had the excuse גר שנתגייר כקטן שנולד דמי they converted, so the relationship broke, but they did not get burried together as it did not look good. For others it is a proof that the relationship disbands after death.

    Reb Eliezer

    Kabala says duchra (mashpia) provider and nukva (mushpa) being provided to.


    AAQ, a man will get all his wives back. (Non-Jews aren’t coming back.)


    If some of the prior postings are correct and the husband-wife relationship from olam hazeh is broken, will there be a NEW SHIDDUCH CRISIS in olam haboh or will the maalachim also function as shadchanim and assure all the women in Gan Eden find a new beschert. I guess that all depends on whether or not a greater percentage of women make it to Gan Eden then men.

    Shimon Nodel

    Death is like gerushin. The marriage is severed when one spouse dies. Perhaps people will remarry, Perhaps not..

    Ich veis nisht


    Shimon: people will still have the same spouses after Techiyas Hameisim.

    Shimon Nodel

    Tov. I’m glad you time traveled there and back. How’s the shidduch crisis solved in yemos hamashiach?


    Read the Seforim Hakedoshim.


    > How’s the shidduch crisis solved in yemos hamashiach?

    Eliahu personally checks resumes for puffery


    This thread has gone from “what do women do in Gan Eden?” to the shidduch issue during yemos haMoshiach and in between it was about spouses after techias hameisim… These are different topics.

    “Circleling back” to techias hameisim, what if a women married again after her first husband’s death? Does she end up with two husbands? Or does she get to choose which one she considers her husband forever?

    Or how about a women who was married more than once goes up to heaven and meets both husbands, who is her husband in Gan Eden?

    Or how about vice versa? A man remarries after his wife’s death and eventually after 120 they all meet in heaven. Now what? So ujm will say he gets to keep both wives. But what about if one of the wives was a widow before marrying this man? What happens to her first husband?

    This is ridiculous. Neshomos do not belong to anybody in Shomayim, we are all part of One Source and that’s where we go back to in Shomayim and not to another human. I’m sure there are certain ways neshomos relate to one another if they had special relationships on earth, like parents and children, husbands and wives, but marriages are a not a thing in Gan Eden.

    As for after techias hamasim, who with whom with multiple marriages, gilgilim and other issues cropping up, I can’t think how it will work out but when the time comes I’m sure it will all make sense.


    “marriages are a not a thing in Gan Eden…”

    Says who?? Most guys won’t be able to tie their shoes w/o varbeshe direction and a large percentage would starve to death the first week


    Gadolhadorah, but that’s the whole point; there are no shoelaces to tie and no food to eat in Gan Eden! 😉


    There is no food to eat in Gan Eden??? No Thursday night chulent, no mozti shabbos pizza? bubkis?? Than why should we struggle to be shomrei torah umitzvos….sounds more like gehonom


    We should struggle to fulfill Hashem’s commandments for us even if we were to get no Gan Eden at all.

    Reb Eliezer

    There is an argument between the Rambam and Raavad what olam habo means. The Rambam Hilchas Teshuva (5,2) considers olam habo after life when no bodies exists but only souls however, the Raavad says that it is techiyas hamesim, resurrection when the souls will return to bodies.

    Reb Eliezer

    So let us define what we talking about.


    Gemara Brachos, (17)

    The promise (olam haba) is more than what was promised for men.


    Bake challah and clean the beis at night

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