We must stop the hostile takeover of YWNCR

Home Forums Decaffeinated Coffee We must stop the hostile takeover of YWNCR

  • This topic has 82 replies, 30 voices, and was last updated 2 years ago by Zushy.
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  • #2098933
    bob hample1

    There are multiple accounts in the YWNCR that are just there to mock, laugh , and to just make a general latzunus and chaos in the dignified YWNCR. The goal of this forum is not for people to “troll” other tzelem elokims, but to have Theoretical, halachic, and hypothetical discussions and debates.
    The idea that people (probably some of those terrible yeshiva boochrim) are out there trying to ruin people’s life on the internet through cyber bullying which goes against the tanakh is truly a terrible terrible thing. These domestic terrorists must be stopped immediately ether thru doxing them or the YWN police/moderators come in and take a stand for justice. I have been a coffee room member for nearly 20 years and never have I seen such an incredible amount of negativity in the coffee room. I remember the days when the coffee room was a safe space to escape the horrible world of social media such as Facebook and toktik but now even the Jewish nation, AM yisrael, Hashem’s chosen people are acting like them!?!?! I think if you look deeper than that you will see the greater problem is the lack of sensitivity that these terrible people have. Where is your classic Jewish rachmanus!? The ones who are posting this garbage is probably all just right wing conservative white supremicst republican RINO white trash who don’t wear masks, are not vaxxed, think that black lives don’t matter, thing trump(Y”M) is Still prez, watch Tucker Carlson, blame everything on Biden, are against inclusivity and the
    LGTPQ+-=@#$%&* agenda in general, anti-zionist, michalel shabosim who throw rocks on shobbos and make hafganas, were involved in J6 riots, yet falsely claim the Goerge Floyd(we shall avege his and all other African Americans blood which has been spilled by the horrible brutally police force) riots were not ok, they litter and dont care about the environment- we can keep going about these terrible conspiracy theorists.The piont is they have taken it to far this time and this abuse must be stopped IMMEDIATELY.
    I will start the doxxing campaign with some of the biggest “trollers”. I hope you will follow.

    Menachem fivenbirmbaum(big one)
    Reb Eliezer
    Always ask questions
    CHOOSID(stop using caps)
    Coffee addict

    There are plenty more so i’m counting on you to find them
    Thank You

    Happy new year

    I am EXTREMELY insulted!



    I am surprised that the CR allowed you to start a thread about doxxing other tzelem elokims.

    I am very happy to be on your list because neither me, nor any of the others, have done anything that you are accusing us of.

    Reb Eliezer

    There is indication on your screen name, bob hample1 that you are nearly a 20 year member. Your name shows being 7 months a member.

    yaakov doe

    Bob-hample1, didn’t you learn about the use of paragraphs in elementary school?


    I have been reading and posting in the Coffee Room for more than 10 years, and I have never seen a post by bob hample1.

    ☕️coffee addict

    “I am very happy to be on your list because neither me, nor any of the others, have done anything that you are accusing us of.“


    This is something I fully agree with you on and happy to be lumped together with all of the above mentioned (not just you)


    Is there a reason anyone took the OP seriously?



    If you never realized, sarcasm doesn’t work too well on the internet.


    Am I suppose to be insulted?


    I can’t believe that the mods allowed this! Doxxing fellow yidden is a blatant aveira! This thread should be taken down! The annoying and more uncomfortable nature of YWNCR comes from posters like these who advocate for such vociferous action.

    Just read what any reliable Rov has to say on doxxing, this is going against Halacha.


    I also noted that your listing only includes 11 of lamud vov CR tzadikim

    Reb Eliezer

    It says כל הפוסל במומו פוסל, one who faults, faults with his own faults.


    While i don’t do it myself very much, i enjoy seeing people with copy/pasted goyishe values being triggered by black and white shulchan aruch, gemara and tanach. That’s a form of trolling i suppose.

    🍫Syag Lchochma

    And I get sick seeing people copy paste black and white shulchan aruch while lacking torah required mentchlichkite and saychel.

    ☕️coffee addict

    I do want to point out the כלל of אחרון אחרון חביב applies over here


    @ Bob.
    1. When one says he is a member for twenty years yet joined seven months ago, any credibilty you ever had is gone.

    2. One look at your comments and you see its full of immature trollish comments.

    3. While I frequently disagee with the premise of the comments of Ujm, Gedolahhador, Yaackovdoe,
    Jackk, Reb Eliezer, Always ask questions and Coffee addict, I always respected them for the broad base of knowledge and life expirience they bring to the CR, Unlike you they are not making comments from a dirah in the Mir, these people bring true life first hand knowledge, if you achieve 25% of what these people achieve consider yourself lucky

    🍫Syag Lchochma

    Common- why do you feel a need to insert an ignorant, obviously not applicable anti Semitic line into an other beautiful post?

    Herman Kahan

    @🍫Syag Lchochma don’t be so easily offended. Be happy.

    Reb Eliezer

    It also says אין אדם רואה את נגעי עצמו, a person does not see their own faults as אדם קרוב אצל עצמו, a person is close to oneself.


    Bob Hample is probably some 80 year old who should be playing Bingo ,instead of attacking other Yidden with these hateful comments!

    bob hample1

    To all those who say that I have not been a member for nearly 20 yrs only 7 months, I had an account (with a different name) but my account got deleted for making controversial comments. This further drives home my point that the people on the YWNCR make assumptions without being dan lkaff zechuus. I would never ever put out misinformation about such a sensitive subject. I remember the amazing good old days of the YWNCR when everyone was nice and cared about everyone’s feelings, in fact we used to have weekly tea partys in Brooklyn (where I resided at the time). I expected love and acceptance with this post , not hate and bigotry.
    simply unbelivable.
    This is simply a chillul Hashem.

    Reb Eliezer

    bob, can you please elaborate what you find wrong with my posts as I would like to correct them. If I offended you, I am sorry but your post is unclear. We all try to the best of our abilities honor each other. I believe that my purpose on this world is to pass on Torah.


    Its truly an honor


    The coffee room started in 2008.


    Contest: Write the biggest logical fallacy ever
    Bob Hample 1: Give me my trophy


    That’s three screen names for one account just in this thread! Which 2 of you volunteer to leave before we usher you all out?

    bob hample1

    ujm- NEARLY 20 yrs


    Shalom, v’livracha. Have you tried “Emes Social”. No limit on multiple dysfunctional personas.

    🍫Syag Lchochma

    Better than a bunch of people pretending they have folliwers


    14 is nearly 20?

    ☕️coffee addict

    “That’s three screen names for one account just in this thread! Which 2 of you volunteer to leave before we usher you all out?”

    Let me guess which 3

    Bob hample1
    And Menachemfeivenbirnbaum

    Am I right 29?

    bob hample1

    ujm-yes 14 nearly is 20 yrs when youve been on the coffee room for so long it FEELS like 20 yrs.
    coffee addict- first of all get of coffee it stunts your throat(backed by scientific research) I would never ever stoop as low as others to live in such fear that I need more than 1, let alone 3(!) accounts. I am offended because you even thought such a thing.

    bob hample1

    yaakovdoe-(I know this a little late) didn’t you learn about the use of paragraphs in elementary school?
    Thank you for proving my point.

    Reb Eliezer

    The one that matches for 14 years is yaakovdoe and would be trolling with himself.


    First to dox, than detox, followed by botox, and wearing crocks without socks, next thing you know you’re watching CNN and having pineapple chicken on Shabbos…


    And whats wrong with pineapple chicken on Shabbos versus some fatty overcooked red meat with beans that threatens both gastronomical norms and global warming.

    Seems something about bathroom humor really attracts you and Mr. Saychel. You aren’t the same person are you?

    Little Froggie


    That’s the beginning of the story of a quiet fool, whom every respected at first…

    OK, we all know this “piece” was tongue in cheek, it screams that out at a cursorily glance. Actually there’s not one comprehensible sentence there. It’s such a poor attempt, such hogwash from beginning to end. Spelling is atrocious, grammar awful (yeah, full of awe). Structure? Content?

    I’ve been to this site quite a long time… (I used to LIVE here – the fact that you can’t recall me is quite an indication!!), any time someone makes an account and instantly begins to froth at the mouth… gives him (or her) away. We know all what we need to know, and then some…

    When you’re a newcomer to a place, cool your engines, first observe your environs, get acquainted with your company, study how things work. If you’re going to mingle with others and engage them in conversation, know your host / group / crowd, consider the proper form, attitude, fashion, tone of engagement and communication.

    Didn’t Mommy tell you that?


    @ littleamphibian

    That’s what SHE said.


    The little saychel I occasionally summon is far from “common”

    Donald J Trump

    @Chaylev Halyah
    I want YOU for my Emes Social Engineering team!

    bob hample1

    This was NOT what I intended with this thread. I wanted shalom not fighting.
    I am considering leaving the YWNCR forever……


    Really? that is so tragic! that is like the saddest thing I heard in a long time

    bob hample1

    common saychel- I really dont know how you live with yourself. How do you not hate yourself? Maybe you do , because all you do is spew negativity and hurt others. Maybe you should look in the mirror at yourself before critisizing others.


    I am negative? please show me one post where I attacked a fellow CR other then a Troll.
    Anyhow I wish you all the luck in the world and hopefuly one day you will mature

    Zaphod Beeblebrox


    You attacked me (completely unprovoked, I might add). I am not a troll. I’m a higher form of social satirist.


    Thank you from proving my point, I rest my case

    Zaphod Beeblebrox

    What point? What case? What about an apology? Or, better yet, what about a sabbatical?


    It’s time to say Sabbatical,
    because all your trolling is done…


    @zaphod, apology? not a snowballs chance, I will stop calling you a troll a.k.a. social satirist when you stop being one.

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