- This topic has 17 replies, 7 voices, and was last updated 7 years, 4 months ago by BlackHatLLC.
November 5, 2017 10:01 pm at 10:01 pm #1396412yitzchokmParticipant
The upcoming New York City Council race has become a childish skirmish between two respectable Community leaders, each trying to solidify power with their chosen candidates.
Unfortunately, what gets lost in the scuffle is the needs of the average community resident. Which of the two candidates will best represent our community at the City Council?
It’s important to understand that with 51 members, a single councilman has little chance of being heard in the city council. Unlike the US Senate for example, the vast majority of council members are Democrats. We don’t have the luxury of being the deciding vote. In order to be an effective representative, bridge building and political know-how is key.
Look no further than David Greenfield’s impressive rise to power, chairing the Council’s influential Committee on Land Use. This isn’t a random occurrence. This is the product of hard work and savvy political maneuvering.
We keep hearing about each candidate’s perspective baggage.
What’s left unsaid is which candidate will be able to achieve our political goals.If we want our community to be represented correctly, we need a pulpit bully. We need someone that has the political know-how to navigate New York City’s integrated political system, someone that has the knowledge to shake the right hands to get things done for our community. Otherwise our community will be neglected and we will lose our voice in the Council.
This isn’t to say that I’ve supported everything David Greenfield has done, nor do I believe that he’s helped every person that’s come his way. But that’s hardly the point. Being friendly isn’t the prerequisite for the job. Political ability is. It helps that David’s a mensch. And from what I’ve heard, his protégé Mr. Yeger personifies the word.
Yoni seems to be a nice guy, but as the Daily News pointed out, “the guy is way, way, way out of his depth”.
We need a leader. We need someone that will fight for our community. We need someone whose voice will be heard.Kalman Yeger will get the job done.
November 5, 2017 10:24 pm at 10:24 pm #1396437JosephParticipantYoni Hikind has learnt the political ropes by being close to his father for many years in the State Assembly. This is a much better background than Yeger’s “community board”.
Yeger had initially started running against Chaim Deutch. This is very troubling since it indicates naked political ambition even if it means going against the communities established councilman who is doing a very fine job. (In addition to attempting to take away a Yid’s job, which isn’t halachicly permissible.) He only switched to Greenfield’s district when he announced he’s retiring. Otherwise he’d be going against Deutch.
That all said, being he’s the official Democrat candidate, he will likely win as the Democrat political machine will supply Yeger enough votes on Row A.
November 5, 2017 11:38 pm at 11:38 pm #1396474PreciseParticipantSo David Greenfield, Yaeger’s mentor made it to the land use committee and was even able to chair it and now what? Please tell me which good did any specific yid get out of that? All I know is that the DOB over the last 4 years got so crazy and that was all under Greenfield’s watch. So yes before voting for a bully pulpit or other propaganda you put into this article make sure the fellow is a decent human beng with a Yiddish heart
If I’m voting itll be for Yoni!November 5, 2017 11:39 pm at 11:39 pm #1396475yitzchokmParticipantYoni Hikind has demonstrated his inability to answer single question coherently. His latest interview is actually disturbing.
We should always have choices. No one has the right to a job just because he was there last year. One of the reasons why we’re contemplating Yoni is simply because we don’t have the guts to primary his father. Besides, if the political know-how he learned from his father means never ending up on a committee, no thanks.
But let’s put that on the side, besides for his upbringing, what exactly is he bringing to the table? What are his qualifications?
Do you live in or around the District?
November 6, 2017 12:15 am at 12:15 am #1396493yitzchokmParticipantPrecise,
For one, Bais Yakkov of BP got $1,000,000 for child care.
That’s help for hundreds of parents.The security bill helped hundreds more.
And thousands of children.
November 6, 2017 12:16 am at 12:16 am #1396492PreciseParticipantTo be honest I’m not so into politics and haven’t listened to all debates and interviews. All I’m saying is YES you need a heart and a neshuma and without it even though you have the best know how and bullying as you put it it is worthless. Or it might even end up as a negative….
So back to your talking point what exactly is Yaeger bringing to the table???
Yes I live in the district
November 6, 2017 1:25 am at 1:25 am #1396497yitzchokmParticipantThankfully, Yeger seems to be a very nice guy, very approachable. My point is that in order to be able to achieve political success and be able to create and pass laws, political know-how is very IMPORTANT. Yeger has proven to be politically savvy and has worked with many community/political organizations over the years.
Yegers brining his yiddish heart AND his political skills.Hikends platform is ONLY “I’m a nice guy, vote for me”.
“I’ll learn on the job” shouldn’t be a selling point.
November 6, 2017 6:52 am at 6:52 am #1396513JosephParticipantYitzchok, the issue of Yeger having first run against Chaim Deutch is something I find disturbing. How do you justify that?
November 6, 2017 6:55 am at 6:55 am #1396517PreciseParticipantThe child care has more to do with the Mayor than Greenfield.
The damage he has done with the DOB weighs down on the security bill….Yaeger may seem like a nice guy but the bottom line he will be a continuation of Greenfield.
Hikind (according to you and the glorious Daily News)may seem (though at the BY debate he gave powerful answers) like a no nothing but is truthful. Which is the most important thing. Truthfulness can’t be picked up the job. Not knowing how to pull the right strings, etc. can and will be picked up by any one with a little common senseNovember 6, 2017 7:53 am at 7:53 am #1396520PreciseParticipantCan someone please explain why my comments are not posted on YWN? They let you post a oped but any comments that do not go in line with their candidate they don’t post. Ugly. If Yaeger beats Hikind why are you afraid of a debate? Is YWN a news website or are they hacks and fraud like lots of other news outlets….
Shame on YWN
And this just another reason not to vote Yaeger… running a ugly dirty campaign and anyone not being in line will be bullied…November 6, 2017 10:54 am at 10:54 am #1396686yitzchokmParticipantJoseph
It was a bit distasteful but as I mentioned earlier, there’s no inherent right to a political post just because you were there last year.
Thinking otherwise leads to laziness and entitlement.Dov could be doing a better job and would be doing more to secure funding etc if his job is on the line. But it never is
Instead, because of this entitlement, Yeger’s opponent has nothing besides his father’s name.November 6, 2017 11:28 am at 11:28 am #1396708yitzchokmParticipantPrecise
1) in terms of child care, please find another school outside of Greenfield District that received that type of money. I’ll settle for even a half a million. It’s not the mayor.
2) I don’t know the dob issue, please explain
3) bottom line is that you’re hurting your own self interests if you’re voting against Yeger because of Greenfield. He’s the better candidate by far
4) he’s father didn’t get very far. Over the past 10(!) years he’s sponsored and passed the following bills:A05487Provides for the department of health to establish and post signage outlining the importance of hand hygiene in the restrooms, gymnasiums and locker rooms in public
A02679Authorizes Yeshiva Shareh Torah to file an application for real property tax exemption for certain assessment rolls
A08968Requires the sanitation department of the city of New York to provide a photograph of the materials, condition or situation alleged to constitute the violation ( very useful law by the way)
That’s 3 bills passed. 3
Please tell me again how effective he is.He’s been in office since 1983.
November 6, 2017 11:43 am at 11:43 am #1396730RealisticguyParticipanthow about mentioning the third candidate…or is this onky about bashing hikind? maybe hes more qualified than both yeger amd hikind.
November 6, 2017 12:22 pm at 12:22 pm #1396715Takes2-2tangoParticipantVote for yoni. His opponent is very pro lgbt.
Do we really want someone who is pro toeva FEH!November 6, 2017 8:38 pm at 8:38 pm #1397167PreciseParticipantYitzchokm
Please stop with this utter nonsense on Dov Hikind’s record. Ask around town and find me his enemies. For a guy this long in office it’s absolutely astonishing that there are so many who only have good to say on him. Yes bills no bills who cares. He has helped a TREMENDOUS amount of private citizens without any connections to any Mosdos or any other strings attached. Compare that to others politicians including greenfield and they don’t even come close.Now back to our conversation I don’t understand what exactly Yaeger offers…experience is nonsense. As I said a little common sense gets you very far. Yoni has the heart and the truthfulness which many find lacking elsewhere…
November 6, 2017 9:47 pm at 9:47 pm #1397199GadolhadorahParticipantTo Joseph:
“Yeger had initially started running against Chaim Deutch…..In addition [he was] attempting to take away a Yid’s job, which isn’t halachicly permissible….”Generally, there is a kernel of substance in your trolls but your comment above is really inane. If a politican has done a lousy job for his constituents, yidden or otherwise, a yid should feel obligated to run against him and replace him and do a better job for the tzibur. Are all the religious party politicians in EY who seek to displace the secular politicans violaitng halacha?? Are all the gadolim (real ones) who endorse their candidacies also indirectly engaged in violating halacha. Oh. but a talmid chacham like you would argue that maybe its ok in a parlimentary system where you don’t directly run against another candidate but insteadi ar te trying to maximize votes for your slate of candidates…
November 6, 2017 10:31 pm at 10:31 pm #1397215JosephParticipant1. No one claims Chaim Deutch has done a poor job. (Even if he has, he still is protected from someone directly seeking to take or have him lose his job. But you point is moot regardless.)
2. Non-frum people aren’t subject to the aforementioned protection of it being impermissable to take his job.
November 7, 2017 11:24 am at 11:24 am #1397406BlackHatLLCParticipantWhile we have no interest in going down memory lane, we think Noach Dear and many others involved in Boro Park politics (BP COJO) might have a thing or two to say about the less than stellar behavior of Dov Hikind over the years. Perhaps the public has forgotten that in 1991, Dov ran his friend Bob Miller against Noach Dear who at the time was a sitting and effective Councilman representing Boro Park. Or in 2008 when Mr. Hikind decided to spit in the face of Simcha Felder and the entire frum community and endorse Kevin Parker for State Senator. The Chillul Hashem didn’t go unnoticed, and the mainstream media questioned why the Orthodox Jew didn’t back the other Orthodox Jew.
Not to worry…Parker turned out to be a real (violent) beauty. He was arrested multiple times for assault.
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