Vote biden

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    Listen to your rebbe vote what’s best for you, vote biden


    Meshugana. If chalila Biden and his cohorts get in, it will be socialism for America and Jews will be very unwelcome. Trump 2020. Tov layehudim.

    The little I know


    What rebbe?


    Ari256 -“Listen to your rebbe vote what’s best for you, vote biden”

    Vote Biden if you want to Abort Innocent Babies.
    Vote Biden if you think cops shouldn’t fight Crime.
    Vote Biden if you want to pay a lot of Taxes.
    Vote Biden if you want Covid19 to last for Years.
    Vote Biden if you Hate Israel & Love the Palestinians.
    Vote Biden if you Love Immorality.
    Vote Biden if you want Open Borders & we Don’t screen for Terrorists.


    whats wrong with socialism


    Yeshivas Ner Yisroel has consistently endorsed Democratic candidates for the last several presidential elections. I’m pretty sure they also endorsed Biden. I don’t know who you people are in the coffee room, but you must be grester tzaddikim if you are arguing with Rav Aharon Feldman SHLITA who has no problem with people voting for Biden.


    True story: when Germans invaded USSR in June 1941, frum Jews in the Belorussian shtetls would welcome the Wehrmacht with bread and salt as liberators. They remembered WWI when Germans were merely anti-Semitic but not yet genocidal. Needless to say it didn’t end well.



    Yserbius, I’d love to hear what Rav Aharon Feldman ACTUALLY said because I’ve heard of different rabbanim that have endorse clinton 4yrs ago and endorsed trump now. (Not surprising considering how the left has completely lost their mind the last few yrs…) Either way I’ll just leave this hear.

    Historic Letter Of Rabbonim And Admorim Praising President Trump Released Ahead of Election


    everything that HKB”H despises is found in the Democratic party- see parshas Achrei- chas vsholom a frum yid should in any way support them.


    I don’t think Reb Aaron Feldman is voting for biden. Yes back in the day news voted democrat but that was because they wanted freedom in areas that matter to us jews. Nowdays we don’t have that old fashioned democratic party, rather were left with ultra liberal views which are anti religion and much much that’s against Torah way of life. Although Trump may not be a very big tzaddik and has bad middos, there’s no other option really. Don’t vote in the ultra liberals of today!


    Y123 -“Yeshivas Ner Yisroel has consistently endorsed Democratic candidates for the last several presidential elections”

    I remember when the RH was asked who to vote for – Carter or Ford – he said ones a Muschis and the other a Shoteh. So he said go for Carter. Nowadays there is no question. DemonCrats have gone the tube. If R. Feldman said that – he would be arguing with his RH. Trump is not that crazy!

    Dr. Pepper

    I don’t think Ner Yisroel EVER endorses candidates one way or the other. Rabbi Naftali Neuberger A”H used to release who he’s voting for and his son continues his tradition.

    I was able to find his letter for this election online:

    https://baltimorejewishlife. com/news/news-detail.php?SECTION_ID=1&ARTICLE_ID=137026

    link disabled, but reperable (times have changed)


    Vote Trump if you want take healthcare away from pregnant woman and their babies.
    Vote Trump if you think cops should wantonly kill innocent people.
    Vote Trump if you are a millionaire and want to pay less Taxes .
    Vote Trump if you want s 1,000 Americans to continue dying per day from covid.
    Vote Trump if you Hate all human beings born in Gaza and the West Bank.
    Vote Trump if you Love Immorality.
    Vote Trump if you want to fool people into spending billions on a wall and mexico will pay for it.
    Vote Trump if you do not care about the Federal Budget or Deficit.
    Vote Trump if you don’t want him going to jail.


    The Unstumppable Trump is the greatest president in American history who has done more to fix the economy and military.

    Traitor Joe would make it easier for Communist China which puts Uighurs in concentration camps and is a threat to Japan as well as India.

    The city that Harris represents had an increase in crime when she became more politically powerful.

    The Left didn’t have multi-city protests when people, who so happened to be Black, gunned down Jews in NJ.


    Oh Jackk -“Vote Trump if you want take healthcare away from pregnant woman and their babies.”
    “Vote Trump if you think cops should wantonly kill innocent people.”
    “Vote Trump if you are a millionaire and want to pay less Taxes .”
    “Vote Trump if you want s 1,000 Americans to continue dying per day from covid.”
    “Vote Trump if you Hate all human beings born in Gaza and the West Bank.”
    We don’t hate them. If they are willing to Stop fighting & Seek Peace, Israel will make peace.
    Just like a lot of Countries in the Middle East just did.
    “Vote Trump if you Love Immorality.”
    I guess you think that Killing of Babies & Same (Blank) marriage is Not Immoral, Just Trump is the Immoral one!
    “Vote Trump if you want to fool people into spending billions on a wall and mexico will pay for it.”
    This policy saved more money, because it stopped criminals from entering the US.
    “Vote Trump if you do not care about the Federal Budget or Deficit.”
    Name one Pres. who balanced the Budget?!?
    “Vote Trump if you don’t want him going to jail.”
    After all the Impeachments, they didn’t find him Guilty.
    Biden OTOH, is like a Mafia Boss!



    All the examples that you and I gave were not true or false opposites. They were tremendously far-fetched generalizations.

    Trump was found worthy of being impeached by the House and many of his band of thieves were indicted and sent to jail. Some he pardoned, because he is the law and order president. (Sarcasm)

    Their are many prosecutors that are waiting for him to leave office to indict him. This is not a secret. Biden was never impeached or indicted.

    By the way, Hillary is still waiting in her mansion to go to jail. Obama also.


    Oh Jackk -“Trump was found worthy of being impeached by the House”

    For what crimes? Something made up by DemonCrats?!?
    There wasn’t one Republican in office that voted to Impeach. (That I know of.) It must be they are all Corrupt!

    “and many of his band of thieves were indicted and sent to jail. Some he pardoned, because he is the law and order president.”

    So you fail to mention that they went to jail – had Nothing to do with Trump.

    Reb Eliezer

    health, Trump did not go to jail because a president is not indicted. The Rebublicans (being in a bubble) in the Senate did not to convict him by not willing to listen to any testimony against him at the impeachment.

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