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- This topic has 29 replies, 14 voices, and was last updated 12 years ago by noitallmr.
March 21, 2013 1:07 am at 1:07 am #6087072scentsParticipant
I think that by now more people will agree that LIpa has taken it to far.
He started off as an innocent New Square bachur that would sing at simchas on Shabbos. He started producing nice albums once he got married.
However with each album he keeps on pushing it more and more.
After watching this video, I cannot understand how someone can consider him a rav, he is a lunatic!
What are his guidelines? where will he stop?
March 21, 2013 1:18 am at 1:18 am #939479ah talmidParticipantHe went of the deep end a long time ago, already. The rabbonim shlita banned his Big Event concert years ago already. They were on to him for a long time.
March 21, 2013 1:23 am at 1:23 am #9394802scentsParticipantI agree that he went deep a long time ago, however there still were a lot of people that were buying the notion that he was doing it for the sake of making people happy.
But by now I think that normal people realize that this person is someone that will do anything just to get attention.
March 21, 2013 1:42 am at 1:42 am #939481OblateSpheroidMemberWhich video are we discussing?
March 21, 2013 1:46 am at 1:46 am #939482fkellyMemberAnd he has succeeded in making many people happy!
You don’t agree with him? Fine, but don’t post that here for everyone to see and talk about.
March 21, 2013 1:48 am at 1:48 am #939483playtimeMemberwe do not post links
‘2scents’ & ‘ah talmid’-
I think the video is a little strange, but what is wrong exactly with the video that leads you to say he has ‘gone off the deep end’?
Also, as for the ‘Big Event’, he closed that concert. And he made ‘The Event’ -which was even bigger, with permission from most Gedolim (-the ones who did not ban his CDs)
March 21, 2013 2:04 am at 2:04 am #939484playtimeMember“we do not post links”
wanna bet? http://www.theyeshivaworld.com/news_cat.php?cat=17
lol. we don’t post outside links, but a link within YW is fine.
March 21, 2013 3:01 am at 3:01 am #939485Veltz MeshugenerMemberNo doubt, he keeps going further and further… over lines that are made up and have no meaning. Take the sushi thread as an example. Imagine he started as a nice boy in New Square, eating cholent. Then he wanted to taste stew. Fine, it’s not cholent but he can experiment a little. But before you know it, he’s eating things like feta cheese and salmon. This is totally different from the foods we know and are used to, like cottage cheese and lox. And you know what I heard? I heard that he was seen eating sushi. I mean, how far is he going to go? The rabbonim were right to hound and persecute him that time when he put ketchup on his kugel. You see, they were on to something, but only now do we know how right they were!
March 21, 2013 2:51 pm at 2:51 pm #939486WIYMemberVeltz
If you watched all his music videos you would see that he is no longer kosher entertainment especially for the chassidish community. Maybe for the MO its ok because they have groups like the maccabeats which do similar things to what Lipa does. The real issue is that Lipa is a disenfranchised chassid who is gradually modernizing and rebelling against his upbringing. He is a person who needs guidance and isn’t getting any. He thinks he can make his own shul and be a Rabbi and be his own man and live by his whims. He doesn’t get the basics of Judaism and wants to play by his own rules.
March 21, 2013 3:34 pm at 3:34 pm #9394872scentsParticipantfkelly, why should I keep it to myself, he is the one that is going public and is seeking our attention.
It is not me agreeing with him or not, however he is making a mockery our of yiddishkeit, he calls himself a rav and leads a congration, however in truth he is making a chillul hashem.
March 21, 2013 3:36 pm at 3:36 pm #9394882scentsParticipantVeltz Meshugener.
You can make fun, however he sings in front of mixed dancing audiences.
Is this a made up line?!
March 21, 2013 4:23 pm at 4:23 pm #939489Torah613TorahParticipantHe’s a performer, with the usual emotional and spiritual challenges that come with that personality.
Don’t like don’t watch.
March 21, 2013 4:50 pm at 4:50 pm #939490Veltz MeshugenerMemberWIY, I have watched his videos and I stand by my point. Some people have become so used to just accepting that any time someone says “Oi, gevald, it’s chukas hagoyim” it becomes assur d’oraysah. His videos are a perfect example of what I said when I compared it to sushi. On his last one, people were kvetching because there was a woman in it for about two seconds, who was dressed completely tznius.
2Cents: I don’t know where the issur is to sing in front of mixed dancing audiences, if it’s even true that it something that he “does”. He gets paid to sing, he sings. You might have a point if he advertised himself as a singer for mixed audiences. But if he’s a wedding singer and he turns up at a wedding, and sometime during the second dance, the mechitza starts to sag, that doesn’t make him a bad guy or “a lunatic”.
March 21, 2013 5:17 pm at 5:17 pm #939491abra cadabraParticipantOn his last one, people were kvetching because there was a woman in it for about two seconds, who was dressed completely tznius.
The woman in his video was not dressed tznius. Above her elbow is uncovered.
March 21, 2013 5:26 pm at 5:26 pm #939492old manParticipantVeltz Meshuginer wonderfully satirized the unnecessary hysteria surrounding this fellow Lipa. I don’t watch or listen to his stuff, but the uproar seems to be about something else.
It looks to me that the chassidishe saw him as their little wind-up toy or housepet who can show off to the “others”. Now their little pet isn’t playing by their rules, and they don’t like it. Well, too bad. He dosn’t belong to you and he never did. So lay off, he couldn’t care less what you think.
March 21, 2013 5:35 pm at 5:35 pm #939493yeshivaguy45ParticipantIt’s not the problem that he sings for mixed audiences but the fact that the audience is mixed, there’s no mechitza and if someone sings for mixed audiences it means that he’s participating in it and he supports that. I never understood what lipa does because when he first started singing i heard that his rebbe told him not to sing for mixed audiences and that’s why he did videos for hasc so he wouldn’t be there. However, later on in his career he started singing for mixed audiences, so I don’t really know what’s going on, it’s not really my business to know what he does. However, that’s one of the reasons why rabbonim today have assur’d concerts, because usually it’s a mixed audience.
March 21, 2013 5:37 pm at 5:37 pm #939494abra cadabraParticipantold man: He never played by the rules. He was never showed off by anyone, chasidish or litvish.
March 21, 2013 5:54 pm at 5:54 pm #939495Veltz MeshugenerMemberWhat does a mixes audience mean? Mixes dancing, featuring Lipa? Which organization has any reason to hire Lipa to provide the music for their mixed dancing?
I assume that you mean either a mixed concert, which lets be honest, is perfectly fine to any adult who’s ever been to a frum concert; or weddings that have mixed dancing (but among those baalei simcha, the majority probably at least start with separate dancing.) Neither of those is that big a deal, especially not from the perspective of the performer. Even if he once decided to refrain from singing at mixed concerts.
March 21, 2013 6:15 pm at 6:15 pm #939496playtimeMemberDe main ting is to make people heppy.
March 21, 2013 6:18 pm at 6:18 pm #939497writersoulParticipantMy friends and I watched his last video, and honestly, we were just rolling our eyes. It was kind of infantile and wannabe, but I wouldn’t say it was a shandeh and a bushah. It was cute, it was funny, it was, yes, pretty silly, but I don’t see the problem.
Though, honestly, I gotta say that when there’s a woman in the video for 3.2 seconds it honestly gets me more nnoyed that a video without a woman because seriously, it jut makes it seem like it’s a covert thing, gotta try to hide it, and really just shows up the fact that it’s only for 3.2 seconds. Can someone PLEASE tell me what’s so un-tznius about a woman being seen in a video? Not even singing? Not even dancing? Not even looking at the stupid CAMERA?!?!
March 21, 2013 6:21 pm at 6:21 pm #939498yeshivaguy45ParticipantA mixed audience can be a problem. You’re right they’re not dancing together but it’s better if there’s a mechitza than if there’s family seating. What several venues have is that there’s family seating and seperate seating as well if you want that.
A frum concert unfortunately nowadays can become a problem. Several years ago I was at a concert where the performers-it was a band had a really good song where the guys went up to the dance. They got into it, and then it started dying down so they started going back to their seats. Then the girls decided they wanted to go up so several girls went up and started dancing and making their own circle. (The concert was sponsored by a modern coed school so that was probably why they started going up. But still the performers were frum people and most of the people there were frum)The performers kept right on singing
Several years ago, a friend of mine was at a world famous concert (it made it onto CD/DVD) and left when there started to be mixed dancing.
Most of the time this doesn’t happen. But it can happen
March 21, 2013 6:30 pm at 6:30 pm #939499abra cadabraParticipantHer shirt wasn’t tznua. Above elbow is uncovered.
March 21, 2013 6:43 pm at 6:43 pm #9395002scentsParticipantI dont think that you can compare him with any other performer.
He has a following, he calls himself a Rav.
And besides, because he is a performer does not mean that he can be called out for doing something wrong.
March 21, 2013 6:45 pm at 6:45 pm #9395012scentsParticipantVM,
I mean a mixed event, he sings at mixed simchas. Mixed Shabatons.
BTW, I am not referring to mixed seating, rather mixed dancing.
He has no regard for halacha. I am so happy that he started ‘fixing’ his beard and dresses up not chassidish, so that no one mistakes him for just another chasidishe entertainer.
The rule in his shull is that there is no rules. .
March 21, 2013 8:19 pm at 8:19 pm #939502fkellyMemberI thought the video was very nice..
I didn’t notice the elbows not covered; anyone who did must have been looking to hard to find something wrong.
He is a very real person and who are you to criticize what you don’t understand! Just because you don’t like or agree with him it doesn’t give you any licsense to criticize and speak lashon hara about him.
March 21, 2013 8:27 pm at 8:27 pm #9395032scentsParticipantSince he put himself in public spot light and is working towards having a following, I think that I should state my opinion about him.
No license is required to criticize his doings.
March 21, 2013 8:48 pm at 8:48 pm #939504WIYMemberfkelly
“He is a very real person and who are you to criticize what you don’t understand!”
Correct, really goyish! He takes all his stuff from lady gaga who is a really low person and his videos are styled after hers which means you know that he watched them and idolizes her. He also sings non Jewish songs, he raps like a goy and dances in a very unJewish way. In my opinion hes nobodys hero. There are many people who do the wrong things that can entertain people and make them happy, that in NO way makes it muttar at all. Making people happy by being a goy? Is that where we stand in this generation? That to make people happy you have to act like a goy and copy them?
March 22, 2013 12:10 am at 12:10 am #939505fkellyMemberYes well he does a tremendous amount of chessed and helps many people. And people like him, and maybe those are people who would otherwise be listening to english music.
And if you have a problem with him, so be it! There is no reason everyone has to know about it! It is pure lashon hara!
Mods- can you close this?
March 22, 2013 12:35 am at 12:35 am #939506sharpMemberHe has a shul now? When, where and how did THAT happen?
March 22, 2013 12:49 am at 12:49 am #939507noitallmrParticipantMy humble opinion on this controversy is simple-
A person must act and live according to what they claim to be. Therefore music like Akapella & Gershon Veroba whom clearly state on their albums that they’re doing parodies of non jewish music and are more “modern”, they are clearly singing for that type of crowd which therefore enables people who prefer not to listen to non jewish parodys to not listen & doesn’t usually interest the ultra ultra orthodox crowds- (when is the last time you heard chassidim listening to Gershon Veroba???- although I love his music myself!!!)
The problem arises when one looks chasidish or really frum, therefore really frum circles will associate with him and follow all his stuff sometimes not even noticing what a non jewish ta’am has been put into the material because “he’s one of us”. This is clearly wrong in my humble opinion for many obvious reasons…what do you think?
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