Very interesting video about meaning and motivation

Home Forums Decaffeinated Coffee Very interesting video about meaning and motivation

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    Google Dan Ariely: What makes us feel good about our work? Its a Ted Ideas worth spreading video. I found it very interesting.


    I didn’t.

    But to be fair, I only listened to the first half. couldn’t take anymore. ;(



    Huh? You didn’t like? A shame its an important video. Well you need to watch the whole thing or it is kind of pointless….


    watched the whole thing. TOTAL WASTE OF TIME. no novelties or intellectual stimulation whatsoever just a reiteration of the obvious. WIY- I’m very disappointed that you would find this interesting. Usually don’t just watch things that other people refer- but I figured since you usually have good input on halcha issues and poignant divrei torah you would have a higher definition of ‘interesting’.



    Chazara is important as well. I thought that the way he brought it out was very good and its a good reminder even if you knew it. I wasn’t really a chiddush but understanding how far the concept goes was a chiddush. It gives the whole concept of meaning a whole new appreciation and is helpful for anyone who ever may have to employ or motivate someone. Sorry that you found it as such a waste of time. I’m still glad I watched it and I think others especially younger people in their 20’s or teens will gain from it if they ever plan on employing people or if they like psychology and want to know how people work and how to motivate others.


    WIY- That is the entire subject of the brutal slavery in Egypt. They had to build pyramids that would sink. Above the backbreaking physical work, there was tremendous psychological torture.

    If there is on thing I gained from it, (this may not be nice for me to write, but) it is that a person with facial in-congruence could overcome the stigma of an aesthetics-oriented society, and possess the confidence to teach in a university, and speak to a large audience in a way that they are enamored. That is truly notable!


    WIY- well, i finally watched it. and i did enjoy it, thanks for sharing. He explained it well and its an important lesson for employers, parents, and even siblings or friends. Useful not just in business, but in any relationship


    Says me

    Im glad someone enjoyed it!

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