Venezuela Timeline

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    Venezuela Timeline


    1992 Venezuela became the 3rd richest country in the Western Hemisphere.

    2001 Venezuela voted for a Socialist President who promised “income equality”.

    2004 All private healthcare in Venezuela is completely socialized.

    2007 All higher education in Venezuela becomes “free”.

    2009 Venezuela’s Socialist government bans all private ownership of guns.

    2012 Bernie Sanders praises Venezuela’s “American Dream”.

    2014 Venezuela’s Socialist government imprisons its political opponents.

    2016 Food and healthcare shortages become widespread in Venezuela.

    2017 Venezuela’s Socialist government suspends their Constitution and elections.

    2019 Venezuela’s Socialist government massacres its unarmed citizens.

    All of these things can also happen in the USA!

    All we need to do is vote for The Democratic Party,
    and the USA will become just like Venezuela!


    1. Most of the military leadership in the United States is conservative, not socialist. Marxism never caught on here.
    2. A major component of the armed forces of the United States is guaranteed by the 2nd amendment, and they tend to be Republicans
    3. Almost half the surface forces of the organized military are under state, not federal, control.
    4. American have a tradition of free elections going back to the middle ages, whereas the Spanish countries only had their first free elections in the 19th century, and have no democratic (small “d”) tradition
    5. Americans have a tradition of the military not seizing power (which originated with George Washington), Spanish countries don’t

    ☕️coffee addict


    1) tell that to woke ideology which the military has adopted under Biden and will continue under Harris

    2) not sure your point here

    3) same as #2

    4) doesn’t matter once government has control(along with media)

    5) there’s always a first


    Don’t let facts get in the way of a good talking point

    Sam Klein

    Wake up and smell the coffee

    There’s only a short while longer that this beautiful free country of the USA will last before it becomes a complete communist country like China and all our freedoms are taken away. And you can see some of it happening already.

    Better be safe than sorry and make Aliya now to Israel before we are Chas Vshalom forced to like we have seen RECENTLY HAPPENING in France, Russia, Ukraine and many other countries sadly that just recently in the last few years has forced thousands of yidden to flee their country and make Aliya to Israel.

    Be safe and make Aliya today to Israel

    Happy new year

    Very scary.
    It’s all in the playbook


    2024 Venezuelan dictator Nicolas Maduro blames Israel for civil unrest after he stole election.

    SOURCE: Yeshiva World News, 2024 August 6


    If you want to see how it’s done look no further than President Abraham Lincoln.
    He declared Baltimore to be under Martial Law (no rights or due process). The Supreme Court ruled the power to declare Martial Law is given to Congress so Lincoln’s declaration was null & void. Lincoln’s response was to ignore the ruling. The grandson of Francis Scott Key (author of The Star Spangled Banner) wrote an editorial asking how under the “Balance of Power” Lincoln could ignore the Supreme Court?
    For this editorial he was thrown into Ft. McHenry for 14 months (no charges, judges, jury’s, lawyers or bail). Upon release he wrote a book about his experience as a political prisoner. The 2 editors that printed his book were arrested & thrown into Ft. McHenry. Dozens of newspapers that weren’t pushing Lincoln’s narrative were shut down with some editors fleeing & others jailed. Thousands in Baltimore were jailed without ever being charged or seeing a judge. Weapons were confiscated, searches were done without warrants, & mail was opened & read.
    In an attempt to cut off the political & physical power of Baltimore he had arrested (without charges) the Mayor, entire City Council, US Congressman representing Baltimore, the Chief of Police, Board of Police Commissioners, & (there were too many to jail) fired all 800 Police officers.
    That’s not even the tip of the iceberg of what Lincoln illegally did & all it took was for Lincoln to tell the North, “True I may be overstepping my authority BUT I’m doing it to save the Union.”
    The only way this could happen again in America is if it’s done under the guise of “Saving America” or “For the greater good”


    AKuperman said:

    “American[s] have a tradition of free elections going back to the middle ages…”


    According to WikiPedia (the free internet encyclopedia),
    the Middle Ages ended in the year 1500 of the Common Era.

    Since the USA declared independence from the British Empire
    in year 1776 of Common Era, America does not have
    “a tradition of free elections going back to the Middle Ages…”


    Much more importantly, Coffee Addict’s objections
    to AKuperman’s comments are 100% correct.

    If Kamala Harris becomes President, all branches of the USA military
    will be under the control of a Socialist, whose philosophical guides are:
    Karl Marx, Stalin of Russia, Chairman Mao of China, and Fidel Castro of Cuba.

    If Kamala Harris becomes President, all branches of the USA military
    will be under the control of a Socialist, who hates Israel much more than
    Obama or Joe Biden ever did; and those two were big problems for Israel.



    Wow talk about taking things out of context. You left out the part where Lincoln invoked War Powers, as this was in 1863 at the height of the Civil War and Maryland was in imminent danger of siding with the Confederacy which would indeed jeopardize the Union. This is unlikely to be repeated in peacetime.


    Kuvult: Yet, Lincoln, indeed did save the Union. And Lincoln is held up as a true American hero, ever since the end of the Civil War through today, by all sides of the partisan divide. So, perhaps, it can be argued that even the excesses you describe above may have been the right medicine for those dark times of war when the Union was threatened with disintegration — a fate Lincoln saved America from.


    I’m not talking about 1863. I’m talking about one month into the war (May, 1861). Chief Justice of the Supreme Court, Roger B. Taney wrote the following ruling nullifying Lincoln’s order of Martial Law in Baltimore.
    “In Merryman, Taney decisively rejected President Lincoln’s unilateral suspension of the writ of habeas corpus in and around Baltimore at the outset of the Civil War, concluding that the Constitution only authorized Congress to suspend the writ and that no emergency, no matter how existential, could justify subversion of such a vital constitutional precept.”
    Lincoln ignored the ruling claiming it was an emergency measure to “Save the Union”. Even though Taney wrote, “NO EMERGENCY, NO MATTER HOW EXISTENTIAL”
    Bottom line Lincoln violated the Constitution he swore to uphold & more disturbing got away with it. This opens the door for any future Presidents to ignore the Constitution in the name of “Saving America” or for the “Good of the masses”


    @Sam Klein

    Sorry to burst your bubble, but China is NOT a complete Communist country. It is totalitarian but has much privately owned property and business.
    Don’t know how many times you have been to China, I have made more than 20 trips on the past dozen years and derive a great deal of my income from wealthy Chinese entrepreneurs who send their sons to be educated in the USA. The pay about $100k per year for high school then full costs for university here.
    There is untold private wealth in China and that is not Communist.
    China is a Socialist Totalitarian country


    xCTL, you seem to be preemptively defending Mr Walz for his pro-China positions. Private wealth in China is mostly under close observation and ultimate control by the government. So, Mao was simply hacking away those who disagree with him, and Xi figured out how to allow benefits of capitalism while keeping control with more modern means does not make that regime more attractive. You can see this with Russia that has a slightly less advanced system – it switched to a more totalitarian the moment they felt they need to.


    2024 Venezuelan dictator Nicolas Maduro bans X [Twitter]
    for 10 days to quell unrest over his country’s disputed election results.

    SOURCE: New York Post article by Lauren Elkies Schram, August 10, 2024

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