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- This topic has 222 replies, 37 voices, and was last updated 10 months, 3 weeks ago by pushitayid.
November 12, 2012 9:04 pm at 9:04 pm #1031304real-briskerMember
2scents – +1 Those are exactly my points.
November 13, 2012 3:51 pm at 3:51 pm #1031305HealthParticipant2scents -“I do not think that this is true.
The more people you know, the less chances is that they will accept you, they dont like it when people get in because they are a macher, since its a threat to their authority and discipline.”
You seem like a nice fellow so I’ll explain it nicely.
I actually didn’t use the word Macher -I said you need connections to the group.
November 13, 2012 4:01 pm at 4:01 pm #1031306HealthParticipant2scents -“Health, Please be kind enough to point out where he was lying.”
Simply because he said additional QUALIFICATIONS. This is not true in the slightest.
“I will try to answer as to why he is defending them, since they are an organization with the objective of serving the community and the individual in a time of need. so when some poster decides to ridicule the organization with a bunch of non sense, he stands up against that poster.
or, maybe he or someone he knows was on the receiving end of the organization and saw first hand how they operate, therefore he found it his business to stand up against them.”
Or simply because he has a big mouth. Why are you answering for him? If any of the things you mentioned were true -he would have said so.
Also, why are you calling it nonsense -many people stated that the law is being broken, but you still call this nonsense?
“Now I will ask you the question you asked him, why are you standing up AGAINST Hatzoloh?”
My response would never make it through moderation.
November 13, 2012 4:13 pm at 4:13 pm #1031307HealthParticipantreal-brisker -Now that’s Brisk, Baby!
Why do you call yourself a Brisker? What Shaichous do you have to Brisk?
“They dont just take every shmoger.”
You’re right, just some.
“Health – You need to be someone that will fit their standards.”
First you said qualifications, now you say standards.
What are these standards? Perhaps they are that you have to be part of their clic.
November 13, 2012 10:24 pm at 10:24 pm #1031308real-briskerMemberHealth – Here we go again. When you have no better leverage, you start picking on a SN.
November 13, 2012 10:26 pm at 10:26 pm #1031309real-briskerMemberHealth – What is not true about qualifications? Please elaborate.
November 13, 2012 10:29 pm at 10:29 pm #1031310real-briskerMemberHealth – Only you can answer for BPM. But 2scents cant answer for me? That’s not fair!
November 13, 2012 10:32 pm at 10:32 pm #1031311real-briskerMemberHealth – In my dictionary, standards and qualifications means pretty much the same thing.
November 13, 2012 10:39 pm at 10:39 pm #1031313HealthParticipantreal-brisker -“Health – What is not true about qualifications? Please elaborate.”
What don’t you understand? I asked you on the page before -what qualifications do you need besides being an EMT?
November 13, 2012 10:42 pm at 10:42 pm #1031314HealthParticipantRB – “Health – Only you can answer for BPM. But 2scents cant answer for me? That’s not fair!”
I did answer for you also. Here’s my quote from above:
“Or simply because he has a big mouth.”
November 13, 2012 11:16 pm at 11:16 pm #1031315real-briskerMemberHealth – So your admit to being a hypocrite.
November 14, 2012 1:11 am at 1:11 am #1031316HealthParticipantreal-brisker -“Health – So your admit to being a hypocrite.”
No, I don’t see anything that I wrote even remotely similar to hypocrisy.
Since you’re online, please go to Merriam -Webster’s website and look up the words -“standards, qualifications & hypocrite”.
I don’t think you have a real grasp of the definitions of these words.
November 14, 2012 2:28 am at 2:28 am #10313172scentsParticipantNovember 14, 2012 11:17 am at 11:17 am #1031318real-briskerMemberHealth – No, I don’t see anything that I wrote even remotely similar to hypocrisy.
Ok, here you go:
real-brisker -“BPM – BTW, I am not part of hatzolah.
Nor do I have any affiliation with them.” So why are you defending them? And even more so –
Why are you lying in their defense…
And then you asked 2scents:
Or simply because he has a big mouth. Why are you
answering for him? If any of the things you mentioned were true -he would have said so.
Also, why are you calling it nonsense -many people stated that the law is being broken, but you still call this nonsense?
And then you said:
I did answer for you also. Here’s my quote from
So is one allowed to answer post for another? Or only you can?
Teach me the rules of your game.
November 14, 2012 4:11 pm at 4:11 pm #10313192scentsParticipantPlease, lets debate and discuss things in a pleasant and mature matter.
November 14, 2012 5:59 pm at 5:59 pm #1031320HealthParticipantR-B – I’m not going to repeat all your quotes, because it’s redundant. (Another word you could look up.)
Let me explain the obvious -since you didn’t comprehend it.
When I posted -“Why are you answering for him?” -I didn’t mean he isn’t allowed to, just that he didn’t have the right answer/reason why you posted. It’s called a rhetorical question.
(You can look up this word also.)
November 14, 2012 11:54 pm at 11:54 pm #1031321nishtdayngesheftParticipantIt seems someone is broigus that he was not considered by hatzola even though he is a self described expert. Shows me that hatzola certainly has standards. And probably qualifications in addition to just passing an emt course.
All I know is that I see dedicated volunteers that give up of themselves continually and they have saved thousands of lives, all for no pay.
That’s what I have seen with my eyes. What I have also seen are bitter illogical comments by posters who are the same.
There may be things that are not perfect, but in my eyes they are a lot more perfect than you.
November 15, 2012 2:01 am at 2:01 am #1031322mewhoParticipantI havent posted here in ages but I have been reading posts. I still see the same bullying coming from one specific poster.No matter the subject this one person feels to know it all and no one else can come close. Perhaps that attitude is what kept this poster off of Hatzolah.
A little bit of humble pie is a good thing.
November 15, 2012 4:57 pm at 4:57 pm #1031323HealthParticipantmewho – “I still see the same bullying coming from one specific poster.”
What?? Only you’re allowed to bully others?
“No matter the subject this one person feels to know it all and no one else can come close.”
Now, you’re starting to speak the truth!
“Perhaps that attitude is what kept this poster off of Hatzolah.”
I would tell you the real reason, but I’m not the least bit interested in your opinion of me!
“A little bit of humble pie is a good thing.”
So about practicing what you preach?
November 15, 2012 5:19 pm at 5:19 pm #1031324HealthParticipantnishtdayngesheft -“It seems someone is broigus that he was not considered by hatzola even though he is a self described expert. Shows me that hatzola certainly has standards. And probably qualifications in addition to just passing an emt course.”
Do you read minds? How do you know why I’m Broigus? You also don’t know the definition of standards and qualifications – perhaps look it up in a dictionary?
“All I know is that I see dedicated volunteers that give up of themselves continually and they have saved thousands of lives, all for no pay.”
Exactly and that’s what most people “know”. Sorry to disturb your little dream world! You can go back to sleep now.
“That’s what I have seen with my eyes. What I have also seen are bitter illogical comments by posters who are the same.”
And your eyes are correct – because why? Do you also proclaim to be a “self described expert”? You should look up the word illogical also because you don’t know the meaning. Nothing I posted was illogical. You might not agree with my opinion, but it doesn’t make it illogical.
“There may be things that are not perfect, but in my eyes they are a lot more perfect than you.”
Oh, I’m not perfect and I never thought I was, but tell me, since you’re the expert on Hatzolah (perhaps even a member, cooridnator), what are the “things that are not perfect” about them?
November 16, 2012 12:43 am at 12:43 am #1031325real-briskerMemberHealth – Enough already, GET A LIFE.
November 16, 2012 2:46 am at 2:46 am #1031326🍫Syag LchochmaParticipantHey RB, grab this rope and I’ll pull you out.
November 16, 2012 7:49 am at 7:49 am #1031327HealthParticipantRB -Whatever life I have it includes an English vocabulary.
How about getting a vocab also? This way you can communicate with others.
November 16, 2012 1:21 pm at 1:21 pm #1031329nishtdayngesheftParticipantThere is a small measure of satisfaction when one makes an observation and it is shown to be completely accurate and spot on just a short while later.
November 16, 2012 4:54 pm at 4:54 pm #1031330HealthParticipantnishtdayngesheft -“There is a small measure of satisfaction”
I’m glad that you’re satisfied, but I hope that this doesn’t play into any Ch’vs Gaivah that you might have.
Kinda makes me wonder why s/o would even pick such a SN – basically you’re telling e/o – Nothing is your Business – Don’t shake the boat and do what you’re told.
You see – I can psychoanalyze you too – just like you did to me.
I try to do what I’m told also, but from what Hashem writes in his Torah, not because it’s PC.
November 16, 2012 5:24 pm at 5:24 pm #1031331shlishiMemberGuys, please put all the bickering and quibbling behind and get back on topic here.
How can we get H to strip abusive members who park in No Parking zones when not on call or drive through lights or against traffic laws when not on call, from their Parking Placard privileges and potentially membership in the organization altogether?
November 16, 2012 7:45 pm at 7:45 pm #10313322scentsParticipantTry by documenting it, such as a photo. Then submit a claim. If it was an abuse, they will make note of it. The last thing hatzoloh needs is negative publicity.
November 16, 2012 7:50 pm at 7:50 pm #10313332scentsParticipantAlso, make sure that its a real abuse and not a legitimate call. Calls happen all the time at any place.
Further more, if the member has parked illegally, and does not have authorization to do so. Hatzoloh ,ought not act. Since the member really as no privileges and is only hoping that an officer will not ticket him.
Similar to EMT plates, which anyone with EMT license can easily obtain. It might help against getting a ticket, and some people even take the risk. So I don’t think that it’s hatzolohs business what risks this member takes.
November 16, 2012 8:19 pm at 8:19 pm #1031334shlishiMemberTry by documenting it, such as a photo. Then submit a claim. If it was an abuse, they will make note of it. The last thing hatzoloh needs is negative publicity.
Will H really do anything if a member of the public documents abuse and presents it to them? And how can it be submitted to H?
Further more, if the member has parked illegally, and does not have authorization to do so. Hatzoloh ,ought not act. Since the member really as no privileges and is only hoping that an officer will not ticket him.
Similar to EMT plates, which anyone with EMT license can easily obtain. It might help against getting a ticket, and some people even take the risk. So I don’t think that it’s hatzolohs business what risks this member takes.
I think you are wrong on this point. Because a H member with VAS plates and a H parking placard in his windshield is not simply like a driver in the general public who illegally parks in a No Parking zone. A regular member of the public will in all likelihood get a ticket if he is parked illegally for an extended period of time. A H member will in all likelihood not get a ticket, due to his VAS plates and/or H placard in his windshield. The meter maids or cops don’t realize the parked H car is not on call. And the H member is indeed committing abuse since he is parking illegally with the idea that his H membership probably will save him from a ticket. So he in fact is utilizing his H membership in commission of his illegal parking.
Also, if the abuse is driving illegally (as opposed to parking) while not on call, it is almost impossible to document it with photographs.
November 18, 2012 2:50 am at 2:50 am #1031335Borough Park MenschParticipantreal-brisker, you imputed my criticism of VAS organizations to me allegedly having failed to gain admission to one even though you had no factual basis for saying that. When I corrected you, you countered by saying that I “knew” they would turn me down do I didn’t even apply.
That makes you both a fraud and a liar. Let’s not even talk about how you conduct yourself with another Jew. What a disgrace!
2scents, stop playing with words already! You’ve said or suggested over and over that no one should criticize a VAS because you might need them You’ve also said or suggested that since VAS members are doing good work, no one should criticize them.
If you volunteer you are still subject to the rules of society whether that be malpractice lawsuits, parking regulations or even criticism from someone in your community.
For the record, I don’t know Health and I have disagreed with him but he still has the right to make his criticisms. That you or anyone else would attack him rather than his criticisms speaks poorly of all of you.
November 18, 2012 6:22 am at 6:22 am #10313362scentsParticipantBPM
That is not true! I have written more then once and very clear, each organization and each individual is open for criticism.
I really don’t know why you keep n repeating time after time that its my position that Hatzoloh cannot be criticized.
Please stop that.
November 18, 2012 8:28 am at 8:28 am #1031337real-briskerMemberBPM – Please explain where there is any “fraud or lie”. In my words.
November 18, 2012 5:18 pm at 5:18 pm #1031338HealthParticipantshlishi -“Will H really do anything if a member of the public documents abuse and presents it to them? And how can it be submitted to H?”
I’m sorry to inform you – they won’t do anything. Don’t waste your time. My suggestion is document it and post it in this topic (or start a new topic) -this will get their attention. The first thing they’ll do is try to pressure YWN to shut the topic down. If this doesn’t work they might actually do something to avoid public embarassment.
“Also, if the abuse is driving illegally (as opposed to parking) while not on call, it is almost impossible to document it with photographs.”
I posted this before -this is the way to document it. You don’t need photos. You do need a scanner, though. If you see a guy using L & S and going through traffic and/or a red light, note his vehicle -make/model/color and take down his plate -along with date & time. Also note what org. he’s a member of – it will be somewhere visible in or around the car, at least it should be. You’ll have to be listening to the scanner the whole time – so if there are no calls recently (at least 15 -20 min) being put out in this area from that org. – you can be fairly sure that this guy is doing abuse. Without the scanner, they’ll just say – he was on a call and it got cancelled.
November 19, 2012 12:07 am at 12:07 am #1031339Borough Park MenschParticipantPosted by 2scents
That is not true! I have written more then once and very clear, each organization and each individual is open for criticism.
I really don’t know why you keep n repeating time after time that its my position that Hatzoloh cannot be criticized.
Please stop that.
What kind of con artist are you. Here is just one of your previous posts:
Posted by 2scents
My point is, that you never know if you will one day be on the receiving end of Hatzoloh or not, each day a lot of people are and chances are that you or one of your family members will call us with an emergency. So why bash us? are we taking something away from you?
Again, is English a problem for you? You may give lip service to saying you accept criticism but then you go ahead and negate everything with words like these. I offered you the opportunity to clarify this statement but you never have.
No one and no organization is above criticism.
November 19, 2012 12:20 am at 12:20 am #1031340Borough Park MenschParticipantposted by real-brisker,
BPM – Please explain where there is any “fraud or lie”. In my words.
Certainly, let everyone see.
posted by real-brisker,
Health, TLKY, BPM – All you, sound like your [sic] trying to take revenge on your rejection to hatzolah.
This is a lie. You are a liar. I have never been rejected from any volunteer ambulance service.
posted by real-brisker,
BPM – Aha, so you new [sic] you weren’t going to get accepted even before applying?
This is fraud. I never “knew” anything about any organization’s hiring process since I have never been interested in applying.
You commit fraud when you make the readers here believe you know me and you know my motiviations when in reality, you know nothing about me. You made this all up.
You are a liar!
Why is real-brisker still permitted to post here?
Why are you not enforcing your own rules?
From http://www.theyeshivaworld.com/coffeeroom/topic/rules-of-the-ywn-coffee-room-please-read
YWN Coffee Room Posting Rules
Loshon Hara and other inappropriate speech
2 – Loshon Hara will not be tolerated at all. We are not and will not become Lashon Hara central (keep this in mind when starting a thread).
November 19, 2012 5:34 pm at 5:34 pm #1031341HealthParticipantBPM -Well said.
There is a common phenomenon in the world of when s/o wants to disagree and they don’t have any or anymore proof then they attack the other side personally. We in the Frum and Yeshivishe world also succumb to this. I’m sure I’ve fallen into this also at times, but at least I know it’s wrong. A lot of posters don’t even realize what they are doing is wrong. Like I said, this is so common in discussions even in the Frum world that people have no clue that you must stick to the actual subject(s) and personal attacks don’t make you right or anymore right.
November 19, 2012 6:19 pm at 6:19 pm #10313422scentsParticipantBPM,
You can call me what ever you want. I am no con artist and do not play with words. I have written more than once that each and every organization should be open for criticism.
The fact that i have asked why you would bash hatzoloh, does not mean that hatzoloh should not be criticized when they do something wrong.
What i have written was not pointed directly at you, rather to people in general who bash and talk negative about hatzoloh without even knowing what really goes on.
This does not meant that there is no place for legitimate critic.
are we clear on this?
November 19, 2012 6:24 pm at 6:24 pm #1031343🍫Syag LchochmaParticipantyou must be joking
November 19, 2012 6:24 pm at 6:24 pm #10313442scentsParticipantBPM,
Interesting that jump on people for not using words correctly, however you call someone a liar when all they have written is that it SOUNDS like your trying to take revenge. Is this a lie? its an opinion!
I am sure that you and others reading this have known that this is a pure opinion.
Same is with your next example, its clear that he was joking. there is no way he should know the real truth and you surely knew it!
Please stop calling other poster names, (con artist, liar) and then ask the moderators to remove their posts.
November 19, 2012 6:26 pm at 6:26 pm #10313452scentsParticipantHealth,
You are right, this is a very common, so common that you do so on a continues basis.
You always make sure to take a shot at the poster, be it this thread or other threads without posting anything with real substance.
Most regular posters have already identified you as such. Thanks for pointing it out.
November 19, 2012 6:50 pm at 6:50 pm #10313462scentsParticipantBPM,
After being accused of being a Con Artist, I took a few moments to review this entire thread.
No where was I trying to swindle or try to convince anyone into anything, no where did I try to make people think that I know more then I really do. I either states the facts or just kept quiet.
In fact the original post about talking negative about hatzoloh WAS in fact directed towards our post. You made fun of jacness this is what you wrote:
jackness,, where oh where are you? You fired off a bunch of diatribes which were answered and you haven’t been back?
Perhaps, like some other VAS members, you’re busy playing police officer at gas lines like the one at 14th Avenue and 38th Street in Borough Park.
(interesting, you can assume whatever you wish, however real brisker becomes a liar when assumes something about you..)
This is where I posted that why talk down to someone that is offering his services to help you in a time of need. this was NOT about criticizing hatzoloh.
After questioning my option, if A) hatzoloh may be criticized, B) if valid criticism exist to which I answered to the affirmative. you still keep on stating that I am twisting my words.
I believe that I have been straight forward either with my opinions or with the facts.
I have even went so far to explain certain things that people view as abuse.
November 19, 2012 8:15 pm at 8:15 pm #1031347HealthParticipant2scents -“You are right, this is a very common, so common that you do so on a continues basis.
You always make sure to take a shot at the poster, be it this thread or other threads without posting anything with real substance.”
What you just did is Mischapad B’klon Chaveiro -if you know what this means. Second of all, almost all the times I do it is in a defense of a personal attack on me. Have I ever started an attack? Probably, but it’s much rarer nowadays. So, I’ll Dan you L’caf Zecus -that you just see my negative posts without realizing almost always it’s a defense from a personal attack on me. So your opinion on me is wrong.
November 19, 2012 8:33 pm at 8:33 pm #1031348HealthParticipant2scents -“You can call me what ever you want. I am no con artist and do not play with words. I have written more than once that each and every organization should be open for criticism.
The fact that i have asked why you would bash hatzoloh, does not mean that hatzoloh should not be criticized when they do something wrong.
What i have written was not pointed directly at you, rather to people in general who bash and talk negative about hatzoloh without even knowing what really goes on.”
I’m sorry -I agree with BPM. If s/o comes here and makes a statement that noone should bash Hatzolah when noone here went on a diatribe about them, it means basicaly you don’t have that right to criticize them. The fact that you’re now singing a different tune -doesn’t change the original meaning of your post.
To post that and now say you were talking about those who don’t know what’s really going on – what made you think that the posters here didn’t know what’s going on? This was your projection.
The same thing to project that s/o is complaining because they didn’t get on the VAS is also wrong.
To illustrate -let’s say I decide a poster is a killer and I surmount this in a post -this would be wrong because I have no reason to assume this and if I’d be attacked by posters here, it would be rightfully so.
So BPM has every right to call them whatever he chooses because they had no right to express such an opinion because they didn’t like his posts. There was no logical reason for them to come to such a conclusion.
Your Neigous to why you’re always right is astounding. It’s funny how you can’t even begin to see the other side!
November 19, 2012 9:11 pm at 9:11 pm #10313492scentsParticipantHealth,
I am sorry for the personal attack, my mistake I should not have personally attacked any poster.
November 19, 2012 9:13 pm at 9:13 pm #10313502scentsParticipantHealth,
I have not made any statement that no one should criticize hatzoloh.
I have just asked why one would bash someone that has volunteered to help him in a time of need.
this has nothing to do about me being right or wrong. (not that astounding or funny after all).
November 19, 2012 9:21 pm at 9:21 pm #1031351farrocksMember2scents: How are you differentiating (based on the earlier comments on this thread) between criticizing Hatzalah and bashing Hatzalah?
November 19, 2012 9:30 pm at 9:30 pm #10313522scentsParticipantCriticizing would be when your expressing yourself against hatzoloh for doing something wrong.
Bashing would be to verbally attack hatzoloh for no valid reason.
If you were following this thread, I think that you will see that this has been my position all along.
November 19, 2012 9:41 pm at 9:41 pm #10313532scentsParticipantFarrocks,
Since you are referring to earlier comments on this thread, please let me know which ones you are referring to. so that I can explain it better.
I have more than once clearly stated, Hatzoloh as well as any other organization should be called out for any wrongdoings, however they should only be criticized if the issue is valid.
Meaning, its is irresponsible for someone to start publicly criticize an organization for something, when in fact there was no wrongdoing.
November 19, 2012 10:42 pm at 10:42 pm #1031354real-briskerMemberBPM – As 2scents clearly pointed out the obvious,which I apologize that i should have known you weren’t bright enough to realize. When I used the word “SOUNDS”, and that “Aha…”, I wasn’t saying anything more than how I am inturperting your hatzolah story. Does that mean it is the facts? Does that make me a liar or fraud?
Please keep your offensive posts to yourself.
??? ??? ?? ???? ?????
November 19, 2012 10:50 pm at 10:50 pm #1031355real-briskerMemberBPM
“Moderators: Why is real-brisker still permitted to post here?
Why are you not enforcing your own rules?
From http://www.theyeshivaworld.com/ coffeeroom/topic/rules-of-the-ywn-coffee-room-please-read
YWN Coffee Room Posting Rules
Loshon Hara and other inappropriate speech
2 – Loshon Hara will not be tolerated at all. We are not and will not become Lashon Hara central (keep this in mind when starting a thread).
Please make up your mind! your getting me dizzy.
If you are saying what I said is loshon hora, then why would you classify me as a liar???
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