Until we meet again with a new user name

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    In general, I do not like swan songs. When one leaves an internet group, one should not be dramatic, but disappear into the night.

    However, I am not leaving because of a brougus or unhappiness. Now that we have passed Lag B’Omet, I have remarried and am living in NY with my new wife.

    I shall join again in a week or so with a new user name and continue the experiences I have enjoyed here for so many years.


    mazal tov again. I don’t think you have anything to be ashamed of with your current name.



    Amil Zola

    Happy trails to you. Wishing you all the best across the miles.


    Mazal Tov!!

    Username NYLAWYER is still available…

    OTOH, I have a few spare usernames available for your perusal, if you’d prefer to disassociate with your previous persona.


    A. Mazal Tov! Wonderful news.
    B. Is it not possible to simply change your username? Mods?

    The Wolf

    ☕️coffee addict

    Mazel Tov!

    You should have happiness with your wife and in your new state of residence

    ☕️coffee addict

    “I am proud to live and practice law in a state that does not elect judges. These should not be political positions as subject to party influence and campaign donors“

    Well I guess that’s not going to be true anymore 😆

    Sam Klein

    Mazel tov on your beautiful Simcha.


    Reb Wolf makes an excellent point. You CAN change your existing username. Go to:


    Add a “Nickname”. Then switch your Display Name to the Nickname you just chose. Then click Update Profile on the bottom of the screen.

    One thing to keep in mind is that doing this will also change your display name on all your old posts.


    Wolf, how are you? It’s been ages since you last treated us with your wisdom. You need to come by more often.

    How is your health coming along?


    Mazal tov from the entire YW Coffee room family (you know who you are). Before you take on a new persona two points

    a) Many yeshivos are still called by they city of origin even though they are far from it (The Mir is no longer in Poland, Ponevitch is not in Lithuania etc.) You can always still be CTLAWYER wherever you are.

    b) even after you take on a new name you will likely share the same issue as many other celebrities and will be known by ____, formerly known as _____ (think Prince, Kanye, Twitter……)


    I can understand why one would change the second part of the username, but there is nothing embarrassing about being from Connecticut.


    I can understand why one would change the second part of the username, but there is nothing embarrassing about being from Connecticut.

    I certainly don’t disagree with this sentiment, but, of course, if one had the choice of highlighting their New York affiliation or their Connecticut affiliation, certainly any reasonable person would tout their New York credentials.


    Ex-CTLawyer: Please allow me to be the first to congratulate you upon your new name.


    @ ujm

    I have been able to edit my user name to Ex-CTLawyer, thank you for the suggestion (UJM). BTW, my Eid to sign the Ketubah was a Satmar friend from Brooklyn. My Kallah’s was a contemporary who went to RJJ on the lower east side.

    Akuperma, I am proud of my 70 years in CT. I have surrendered my CT license, thus calling myself a CT Lawyer violates the rules.
    My NY, FL and MA licenses remain active


    Most heartfelt Mazal Tov and thanks for letting us know! Looking forward to you writing again soon on the CR.


    How is your health coming along?

    It’s still coming along. I’m still in treatment – I started a new chemo regimen two weeks ago. So far no major reactions to it.

    The Wolf


    Wolf: You should have a Refuah Shelamo Bmheiro.


    Wolf, refuah shleimah


    all, please notice chassidus and ehrelichkeit of exCTlawyer who was ready to lose credit for millions of posts he created just to make sure that his pseudonym complies with CT Bar rules! Very inspirational. Keep his face in your mind next time you are skirting some minor regulation.


    Thank you for your kind words

    I spent a professional career making sure I was in compliance with a myriad of rules and regulations and would never deliberately or knowingly break the rules.
    To all but the moderators I am known by my user name. But over the years I have been contacted by a mod who knew my real identity and email for assistance with a legal and medical situation in CT.
    Thus, I cannot pretend a user name allows me to violate the rules. Besides the Bar rules there are HaShem’s rules. I do my best to not violate those

    ☕️coffee addict

    Refuah sheleimah wolf!

    I hope you are matzliach


    UJM, you grab the usernames like the passport agencies grab and sell the appointments?


    Personal preaching time:

    Take all opportunities to make the most of your time with family,
    As previously posted, I remarried about a month ago and moved to NY.
    On our first date, I was zoceh to meet my future MIL, unusual because I hadn’t met a date’s mother in half a century. We developed a close bond, visiting regularly until and after our chasunah. This fine lady in her late 90s marched my kallah down the aisle and danced at the wedding. We were away this week and Friday afternoon while getting on the plane received a notice of her passing. 3 hours with no phone service or internet (service on plane out of order) and no info. We arrived home two hours before Shabbos and a cousin had delivered food for us, knowing we would not honor invitations with had in place for Shabbos meals.
    The levayah is this morning. A wonderful, sweet, kind, loving Tzedekis will be sorely missed. But, I shall thank HaShem every day that this woman gave birth to, raised and provided me a perfect wife for my golden years.

    To protect privacy, I’ll not post the name of the Meis. May her neshoma have an Aliyah.


    May you and your Kalla be consoled. Thank you for writing this.

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