Unsolicited Advice

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  • #619156
    B1g B0y

    If you overhear someone having a (phone) conversation about an issue that they are having and you have a DEFINITE way to help them out, should you go and offer help at the risk of them being offended that you were listening in?


    no, mind your own business


    Of course you should help them.


    I would say “it depends”. If a person is talking on a cell phone in a public place and speaking loud enough that you overhear the speaker’s end of the conversation, I would think one can over and say “I couldn’t help but overhear what you were discussing and I believe I have a way of helping”. Let the speaker tell you either yes or MYOB.

    My .02.

    B1g B0y

    Thanks for the help.

    Can you elaborate as to why or why not?


    ????? ??????????? ???????? ??? ??????


    If they were talking out loud in a public place, they shouldn’t be offended that you were listening in.

    Little Froggie

    I would pretend to be speaking on my cell phone and answer…

    Lilmod Ulelamaid

    LF – lol. good idea if you can pass it off. But you have to be the type who can pass these things off.

    And the other guy has to be the type to listen to other people’s conversations….

    There’s a story (maybe in the Gemara?) about some Talmidei Chachamim (Tanaim? Amoraim?) who were trying to figure out the meaning of a certain word in the Torah. The maid servant (or maybe it was someone’s wife or daughter) was very learned and she knew that it means a broom, so she called out to her maid servant, “Can you get the broom and sweep in here?” But she used the word they were trying to figure out, so they would realize that it means “broom”.

    Lilmod Ulelamaid

    I once went out with a guy who motioned for me to be quiet because he was trying to listen to someone else’s conversation.

    I thought he was rude, but now I realize that he really just wanted to help them…


    Ooops I did that today at the grocery store. Someone at the checkout asked the checkout person if there was an Italian take-out restaurant nearby.

    That checkout person turned around and asked my checkout person. The checkout person told them an Italian restaurant in a city 15-10 min away. He wasn’t sure if they did take out.

    So I went over there and told them of a place that I knew. It’s an Italian restaurant that always puts flyers on my front door, which go straight to recycling. I actually saw one in someone’s office earlier this afternoon.

    I thought that it was totally Hashgacha Pratis. Thus, I went over to them and gave them the name of this place that does take out and delivery.

    Yepp yepp totally did not mind my own business here.

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