Unfair tax evasion?

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  • #2368945

    Dr Pepper,
    I think you are complaining that social security is not doing what you’d like it to do – work as a personal retirement account. It is just not – you are being taxed to pay for current retirees. Put it in your tzedokah column, not savings column. You also have some hope that when you retire, someone else will pay for your retirement. It will be up to the congress at that time to make that decision. If they don’t make no decision, then the current system will continue and may be insufficient to pay for what you think you deserve. Maybe our children will be generous enough to pay for that, or maybe not, or maybe US will be a province of China and it will be up to Xi to decide your pension benefits. Who knows.

    Now, the reason you are mislead is due to you being consistently told that social security is waiting for you … their website shows expected payments … these payments are not legal obligation, they are simply an estimate of what you might be paid if future congress continues the same laws as now. Again, any congress may change the law.

    If you want a forecast – the minimal age will increase a little; there will be more immigrants at some point (despite current backlash); productivity will increase; Chinese will be defeated and continue their slave labor to send us cheap stuff – and social security will continue provide for retirement of most poor people – otherwise they’ll vote congressmen out.

    Dr. Pepper


    I’m not complaining 😂, I’m just explaining how Social Security works (or was supposed to work) for those who didn’t know. And I’m not relying on it for when I retire.

    I just consider it a tax that I’m not receiving any benefit for. A small price to pay to this wonderful country that took in my ancestors with open arms when they had nowhere else to turn.

    With that being said- it is a free country and I have the privilege of voting for representatives who I feel will do a better job with the taxes that I pay.

    ☕ DaasYochid ☕

    your response in post #2368385 seemed to imply to me that you weren’t interested in having an intelligent conversation.

    I have no problem having an intelligent conversation, but when I already answered your question, and you think I didn’t, I think it’s fair to ask what you think was unclear and to answer your multiple choice question by saying the answers weren’t all listed.


    Dr Pepper > I just consider it a tax that I’m not receiving any benefit for. A small price to pay to this wonderful country that took in my ancestors with open arms when they had nowhere else to turn.

    finally, we agreed. Of course, you get benefits – zechus for supporting old people, see Kiddushin ~ 30. But if you complain about it – then you might, H’V lose the zechus.

    But I agree with your overall theme – consider the system as a whole. In a complex society, you will obviously have some aspects that do not benefit you personally. Same, l’havdil w/ halakha – “do not steal” is to disadvantage of people who currently have nothing. “do not commit adultery” disadvantages people who are currently looking for more partners. ..

    ☕ DaasYochid ☕

    Apparently Elon Musk thinks Social Security is a big Ponzi scheme.

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