Tzedaka: Giving two smaller amounts bigger Mitzvah than one greater amount?

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    Is it a greater mitzvah to give $1 two separate times to the same charity than to give it $2 once?


    Yes that is the Halacha

    Think first

    Yes, its a mishna in pirkei avos “v’haakol l’fi rov hamaaseh” and the meforshim explain that each time you give your breaking the selfish part of you.


    Is giving $6 to a Tzedaka a bigger Mitzvah than giving $3 to that Tzedaka?


    Until you give the same amount to so many different people @smaller amounts, but then have to pay huge amounts in stamps. Then a fewer large checks would be better usage of the money. Especially as we anyways are not going to solve the problems of the US postal service being fianacially strapped.


    The Maharal holds that when it comes to Tzeddaka, since everything you gave is counted into one lump sum, it makes no difference.



    Yes. It helps them more.


    WIY: So how then (considering your last point) is it that a poor man who gives less money than a rich man, yet an amount that is a greater difficulty for the poor man, gets a greater Mitzvah than the rich man?


    I think that there are various factors in a mitzvah and that a mitzvah and schar is a lot more complex than just “Hashem said do ____ and you did it so you get a check. Theres different levels of how well you completed a mitzvah and how excited you were to do it as well as how difficult it was. In short I believe that there are many factors involved in the sum total of how much schar you will get for every mitzvah you do.

    So for example if a rich person gives $10 to tzeddaka he will get schar for helping the poor person with $10 of his needs. However since the mitzvah was easy for him he will not get schar for difficulty. So the sum total of schar this mitzvah wont be so big.

    If a person who himself is poor gives $10 to Tzedaka not only does he get schar for helping the ani $10 worth. He gets a lot of schar for the sacrifice of giving those $10 when he himself is hardly making ends meet. (The sacrifice may be even bigger than the actual schar for helping the ani $10 worth) So the sum total of this mitzvah will be a lot greater than the rich mans mitzvah.

    However 2 people who are well off and all other factors being equal one gives $5 and the other $10 its certainly a bigger mitzvah to give $10 because it does more for the ani’s bottom line.

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