Tuesday of Parshas bishalach is tomorrow. There is a well known sigulah from R’ Mendel of Riminov to say Parshas hamun twice mikra and once targum.
Does anyone know anything about this sgula? Is there a real source for it? Who was R’ mendel of Rimnov? What is the idea of Tuesday? I understand Bishalach – the mun is in this weeks parsha. Perhaps Tuesday, because it says “tov” twice on th third day of creation. who knows.
waitt so is thr something else on the 9th day and month or rlly its just 11th everything? oh well, mistakes;)!! but does anyone know if has to be sed in 11th hour or anytime??
Parshat HaMon is contained inside Sedra BeShalach which is read this week.
Why on Tuesday? Simply it’s Yom Shlishi and during creation, vegetation (which is from a certain point of view the beginning of the food chain) sprang forth.
Also, our economy in the times of Chaza”l was primarily based on agriculture.