Trump Verdict

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    So, who wants to predict the time the jury reaches a verdict in the pending Trump trial?

    I say, Friday, May 31, ‘twixt 11:30 and 1:30, Eastern Daylight time.

    And how many jurors ordered corned beef sandwiches for lunch today?


    Thursday 1310 EST after eating a free lunch.


    In America murderers like OJ Simpson and Lemrick Nelson are acquitted of the murders they’re guilty of whereas actually innocent people are often convicted.


    The jury is in a bind. The government’s case was pretty bad to begin with, and what they had was presented poorly. Since when it it illegal to pay off a “woman of ill repute”, not to mention that she was probably guilty of extortion and Trump was the victim. However the jury pool was engineered to guarantee to super-blue jury. Unless they convict they’ll go home friends and neighbors blaming them letting the “great Satan” (to borrow from a similarly fanatic culture) go free.


    When people you hate get railroaded by the justice system, no one cares. Hence the reaction among our people when the system went after Lev Tahor one by one. Lev Tahor is vile ergo I don’t care if they get railroaded. Its all fun and games until the system is used against someone you don’t hate, maybe even Shalom Rubashkin.

    Reb Eliezer

    Jury holds Trump guilty on 34 felonies.

    Reb Eliezer

    The Hungarians have a saying, adig megy a korso a kutra meg el nem torik, the pitcher is taken to the well until it breaks. Trump just broke.

    ☕️coffee addict




    The Hungarians have a saying, “agyilag zokni; szüljél sünt”!

    Maybe stick to the pirchei vertlach.


    Biden just broke. The Democrats have adopted the Putin/Xi model of dealing with opposition. They have made Trump, of all people, into a champion of individual rights and opposition to abusive criminal justice. The Democrats remain split between a wing that includes many Jews, and a wing that advocates our genocide – and the Republicans (and Libertarians) can work together.

    Whatever form of senility Biden has, it seems to be contagious.

    ☕️coffee addict

    I hear that sodom’s judges are impressed with the verdict

    catch yourself

    AAQ, turns out they wanted dinner, too.

    Besalel, not everyone who is prosecuted is “railroaded”. Your personal biases notwithstanding, the examples you use illustrate quite clearly that you don’t understand this.

    That said, the Trump trial is an outrageous and dangerous abuse of power. I recognize this even though I have never supported Trump.


    Baruch Green of VIN News said:

    President Trump is now a convicted felon.

    He was found guilty by a biased jury, guided by a leftist judge
    who is a Biden donor, and prosecuted by a Soros-backed DA.

    Anyone who followed the trial knows that these charges were completely bogus.
    Fabricated. Manufactured. Made up from thin air.

    All Trump did was label the payments he made to a lawyer as “LEGAL EXPENSES”.

    There are no words to properly describe the level of travesty and corruption.

    SOURCE: article titled: “POLITICAL HOCK: This is a Dark Day for America”
    by Baruch Green 2024 May 31 www (dot) VIN News (dot) com


    We have several posters saying here that even if they do not support T, they are not happy with the trial outcome. This is really good news. Besides immediate effects on the election, these events are dangerous as they might harden people’s views and make them hate each other more.


    To ujm:

    A good example of innocent defendants being convicted is The Central Park Five. Maybe Trump is being paid back for his role in that wrongful conviction.


    >>>Maybe Trump is being paid back for his role in that wrongful conviction.

    Trump had no role whatsoever in that conviction. He took out ads asking that NYS reinstate the death penalty at the time. The innocence of the Central Park Five (who had previously admitted their guilt) is not a reason to retract support for the death penalty. Trump taking out ads for it did not sway public opinion let alone the jury that the specific defendants on trail were guilty



    Karma? So whats going to be your payback for being such an anti-Semite loving kapo?


    On 2024 June 2, Mr. Elon Musk said this on Fox News:

    “If a former President can be criminally convicted
    over such a trivial matter — motivated by politics,
    rather than justice — then anyone is at risk of a similar fate.”


    On 2024 June 2, Mr. Elon Musk said this on Fox News:

    “If a former President can be criminally convicted
    over such a trivial matter — motivated by politics,
    rather than justice — then anyone is at risk of a similar fate.”


    Donald Trump and Elon Musk have discussed a possible advisory role for the Tesla leader should the presumptive Republican nominee reclaim the White House.
    The immigrant who bought Twitter, and has lead it in steadily declining number of users and revenue, is eyeing to gain as much power as he can in the American government.

    Dr. Pepper


    You seemed pretty bitter right from the start when Elon Musk announced that he was buying Twitter.

    Like it or not- Twitter employees used unfair practices to sway an election (by suppressing negative, albeit absolutely true, stories about the Bidens). I understand your disappointment that they won’t have that weapon in their arsenal this time around.

    Twitter gave President Trump a permanent ban while allowing despots from around the world to continue their hateful and threatening rhetoric.

    I highly doubt Mr. Musk purchased Twitter with the intent of making money off of it. He most probably purchased it with the intent of removing a cyber bully- at an enormous cost to himself- and making the world a better place.

    I read somewhere that while he was president, Mr. Trump made the country more prosperous at a great personal expense while as president Biden made himself more prosperous at a great expense to the country.

    We need more selfless people like President Trump and Mr. Musk to be involved in running this country than Biden and Obama.

    While on the topic of Mr. Musk- you had previously claimed that he paid no taxes in 2022 but according to CNN (hardly a Conservative mouthpiece) he paid $11,000,000,000 in taxes. I asked for your source in the past but you ignored the post. Can you either provide the source or come clean about making it up/ lying?


    Jackk……both share a great fondness for conspiracy theories, including a pattern of using anti-Semitic tropes and memes.


    Dear Jackk,

    I see that you have a negative attitude towards Mr. Elon Musk,
    even though he immigrated to the USA legally, and even though
    he works very hard, and employs thousands of people,
    with high-paying, full-time jobs.

    Amazingly, you seem to NEVER criticize 10 million ILLEGAL ALIENS,
    and the wicked USA President who intentionally violates the law
    by permitted them to enter the USA.

    You seem to NEVER criticize 10 million ILLEGAL ALIENS, even though
    many of them have criminal records in their countries of origin,
    and even though some of them are spies or terrorists,
    and even though they have NEVER been tested for contagious diseases,
    and even though most of them live from government benefits,
    thereby inflicting incalculable costs on the unfortunate taxpayers.

    Entire hospitals have have closed-down completely
    and have closed-down permanently, because of the
    overwhelming burden created by 10 million ILLEGAL ALIENS

    As I write these words, I expect that you will *** NEVER *** listen
    to anything I say, and you will *** NEVER *** change your opinion,
    not even by one millimeter. But I do not write for your benefit.
    I write for the benefit of The Jewish People, as a whole nation.




    I will listen to what you say. I will not listen to what you copy and paste from people or media with a republican right wing bias.

    I will not listen to Elon who is trying to get a job in the administration if Trump is re-elected.

    The number of unauthorized immigrants in the U.S. remained mostly stable from 2017 to 2021. It hovers around 10 million. Just goes to show you that the whole “illegal aliens” and “build a wall” is just a campaign slogan.
    Fox news can repeat 24 hours a days the words “illegal immigrants” , “drugs” and “invasion” as if the Republicans have a plan and will to resolve the issue. The Republicans in congress just showed that they do not want to fix the issue. They prefer it to remain an issue and therefore they won’t even vote on the Senate’s bipartisan legislation. But you know who took the initiative finally ? Joe Biden. He just signed an executive order to deal with the issue.

    99% of them are here to have a better life than in their home country. They are willing to work as hard as Elon Musk – even harder than him.

    Criminals, spies and terrorists are all bad hombres whether they are immigrants or not. That is why we have a government and police.


    `Interesting that R’L both sides have a Cohen on their team, one as a witness against, another as a current wife.

    Also, does Hunter give credit for taking a crack at performing mitzva of yibum?


    I think trump should have to serve 4 years of community service,

    In the white house


    The DE jury followed my advice and were done by lunch! Lawyers need to drive back to NY by shkiah.

    Hunter raised an interesting (Talmudic?) point – are you considered a drunkard at the moment you are not drinking (and maybe alcohol level just below the legal limit). Should a person have a chezkas kashrus? The fact that he drunk before does not mean that he’ll not stop today. Power of teshuva, etc. Same goes for a ganav or a gambler. If he is not gambling right now, he is a kosher witness. And if it is Montag, he is not a mechalel shabbos (right now).

    Possibilities are endless. A policeman stops you – why are you speeding? A: I am not speeding, I am at full rest right now, forget all my previous aveiros.

    Maybe this needs to be included into YK liturgy – ashamnu, but not right now; bagadnu, but not right now. Look at us right now, we are fasting and davening. Disregard nah the sheretz b’yadeinu.


    lol, lostspark! Agreed!

    Pardon my ignorance, can someone take a minute or two and educate me in as few words as possible what Trump;s crime was?
    I’m getting mixed messages from my news tabloids and Coffee room.

    Reb Eliezer

    He covered up a discretion in an immoral behavior with hush money to influence the election of 2016.


    Happy 78th Birthday to the convicted felon. May he celebrate many more birthday’s with his fellow criminals.
    It is really amazing that his VP, COS, AG, Defense Secretary , White House Aides and Counsel, White House communications director, National Security Adviser and many others in his administration will not support him for President. You do not find a single exception with President Joe Biden.
    All those who have worked for Trump realize that he is totally incompetent and does not have the middos to be the leader of the US.

    Reb Eliezer

    We say every morning laolam yeheh adam, first be a mentsh, a human being.

    Dr. Pepper

    Reb Eliezer-

    Being a mentch is very important (and that and serving Hashem are the first things on my mind when I wake up every morning) but at other times it can take second place.

    Consider the following parable.

    You’re going on a long road trip with lots of family members when the car starts smoking and overheating so you quickly pull into the closest town as the next one is 300 miles away.

    You ask a local where the closest mechanic is and he says that the small town has two mechanics.

    The local explains that the two competing mechanics in town are named Donald and the other one is Joe.

    Donald is a new, but brilliant, mechanic and will look the car over from bumper to bumper and fix everything in between. No one is sure how he makes a living since he doesn’t even charge enough to cover the parts let alone pay his employees or rent. But be careful- he sends mean Tweets.

    Joe on the other hand has been a mechanic for over fifty years yet has never been able to accurately diagnose any issues and seems to replace parts that clearly don’t need to be replaced. Everyone in the town suspects that he has a deal with the manufacturer to replace working parts and he gets to keep 10%. But on the positive side- he doesn’t send mean Tweets.

    Oh- and a PSA, keep all females away from Joe as he loves smelling women’s hair and touching little girls and making them uncomfortable.

    So Reb Eliezer- which mechanic would you use, Donald or Joe?


    How could R convention be preceded in a short order by – an opponent bumbling debate and a half-hearted attempts to fix them; a failed bullet producing an iconic defiance picture; and a prosecutor dismissal? It is either a well-timed conspiracy or a yad Hashem ….

    the only argument against the conspiracy is the near-miss of the bullet, who would risk that even if Wilhelm Tell was shooting. Unless, it was paint and not blood. Your thoughts?

    ☕️coffee addict

    “You do not find a single exception with President Joe Biden“

    Said a little too soon jackk 😂😂😂


    jackk > You do not find a single exception with President Joe Biden.

    Jackk, Pres Trump already answered your question if you watched the debate. He asked whether Pres Biden ever fired anyone. I’ll add to that, none of people who work for them are independent actors, most of them came up the hierarchy serving previous bosses. They don’t want to, and can not complain. Congress member who have some independence started complaining.

    Reb Eliezer

    Pepper, your parable does not compare. As you cannot rely on Trump who constantly lies, so you don’t know when your car will break down. At his Republicsn Convention speech CNN enumerated 21 lies.

    Reb Eliezer

    Pepper. you are wrong it can never take second place otherwise you are not truthful but fake in your prayer to Hashem as your beloved Trump is.

    Reb Eliezer

    Pepper, the Ben Ish Chai has a interesting parable that Hashem demands action in mitzvos over thought. A wife served her husband stuffed chicken. He said why don’t you put pepper into it? She said, if he likes pepper so much, I will only put pepper into it. He could not eat it. Machashava must be applied to action. Too much pepper Is no good like being a mentsch,, moral and truthful is secondary.

    Dr. Pepper

    @ Reb Eliezer

    The main point of the question that you seen to be purposely avoiding is if it’s always more important to go to someone who’s a mentch. Can you just answer the question? We can discuss later on if it’s a comparable parable or not.

    I have no idea what you were trying to convey in the next two posts. If you reword them I’ll be happy to discuss it with you.



    What is it that you always love to say? Oh yeah, “One faults with their own faults”.

    It’s really kind of sick the way you justify your twisted political views with b’nos vertlach that your great-great-great-granddaughter taught you.

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