Trump to Jews, good, also complicated

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  • #1940690

    Conduct at/related fo:
    * Rubashkin – great.
    * Israel defender – great.
    * Poway – good.
    * Charlottesville – terrible.
    * Israeli-AmericanCouncilNationalSummit Dec’19 – terrible.

    Reb Eliezer

    Pittsburg – terrible
    Capitol- terrible


    The President had nothing in the slightest to do with Pittsburgh or Charlottesville or Poway. Stop believing every lie the MSM media spoon feeds to you.




    Dear ujm, I meant his reaction to the events, AFTER it happened. NOT fault AT the events.


    I would suggest an observation that Truml, in a way, was like Nixon (after revelation of audio of) his diatribe against people, including against Jews, yet, when push came to shove, LE-MAASE he defended Jews more than that Yeke Henry Kissinger, around the six-day days responding to Golda Meir’s request .

    The huge difference is that Trump’s words were in public.

    And of course his pardons on last day helped many families.


    There were literal Nazis and other anti-Semites at the Charlottesville rally. Instead of condemning them, Trump just kind of gave a wishy-washy response about how there were good people there too.


    Shalom, his reactions were entirely correct and appropriate. The MSM lied about the facts.


    Ujm. I’m no liberal. Far from it. But I can’t forget his reaction when he said “there were very fine people on both sides.” It is why Gary Kohn left him immediately after in Aug/17.

    As to MSM.

    Here it is:

    * CNN (became mostly opinionated in recent years, than “reporting”) , BBC, NYT= left

    * FOXnews, Nypost = center-right (Tucker= right. C. Wallace = left).

    * MSNBC , The Guardian = Far left (like Haaretz. But Haaretz and The Guardian are more ardent anti Israel).

    * Newsmax = right


    * Notorious Wikipedia administrator ‘Zero0000’ = anti Israel.


    Shalom, there were some decent folks at the rally. Even if the idiots got the spotlight from the MSM while the MSM failed to report the presence of the good people.


    He did not condemn any of the forces of evil and hate that had been growing quickly under his watch. I’m tact he stoked the flames.


    That’s a canard peddled by the MSM.

    Ben Levi

    I actually think that it is the MSM that is stoking anti-semites for political purposes and Chalottseville is a perfect example.

    The full statement that Trump made contiued something along the lines of” I am not talking about Neo-Nazis and other hate groups they should be condemned totally”

    But for political the MSM ignored his full statement and took the ludicrous position that the man who was closes advisors were Orthodox Jews the first President who had grandchildren going to religous Jewish private school, who actually moved the US Embassy to Jerusalem, who was the first to appoint an ambassador specifically to fight anti-semitism was somehow “anti semitic”

    And sadly gullible jews who have subsituted the temprary ethics of the NY TIMES editorial board for the timeless ethics of the Torah believed them.

    Ben Levi

    And now sadly the US is led by a “moral” president whose first tasks included signing laws increasing taxpayer funding for abortion and appointing an indivual suffering from gender dysphoria who took his mother out of a Nursing Home while ordering others in during Covid, to the Health Department.


    We are all anxiously awaiting to see how far the pendulum will push…how extreme to left.


    Imagine if Trump …

    Had forcefully denounce the haters at Charlottesville;

    Had reacted to prevent immediate upon seeing on the screen the rioters storm the Capitol Jan/6;

    His legacy would be so much different!

    By now, the only Republican hero coming out of it was/is Mike Pence. A good guy, someone that puts Nation’s values above ego. Even was at risk of being killed. (He is not a hater and a Israel-defender).


    We forget that Trump endorsed neo-Nazi Paul Nehlen in his congressional primary challenge to Paul Ryan. That showed Trump’s real beliefs early on.


    Trump has been incredibly good to the Jews and anybody who says otherwise is a kafuy tov

    Ben Levi

    We forget that the Democrat party has become the home of open anti-semites such as Talib and Omar.

    We mopurn the fact that Jews have put NY TIMES and Liberal thought ahead of Torah.


    I disagree on a lot of media categorizations. Here’s my version

    MSNBC: Left
    CNN, The Guardian: center-left to Left
    BBC and NYT: center-left
    FOXnews (“news division”), NYPost: center-right
    Tucker, Hannity, Ingraham, etc..: Right/ Questionable
    Newsmax: Far right/ Questionable


    Throughout history, when the rhetoric is toxic and politics are polarized, yidden always suffer. We seem to be the “universal target” and that blaming it on the Jews is the only uniting theme for left and right. We have seen it here in the U.S. where the far left anti-Israel BDS movement can morph into the far-right trumpian rhetoric of a George Soros/Jewish cabal controlling the world.


    Trump has been a blessing for the Jews. Trump has eschewed and rejected the tiny number of extremist and antisemites who tried to latch unto him despite his lifetime and presidency of being a best friend to the Jews, going far out of his way to help Jews despite it having no personal or political benefit to himself.

    Ben Levi

    The only major party in the uNited States that makes room for politicians who openly espouse anti-semitic beleifs is the Democratic Party.

    Rashida Talib & Ilhan Omar have both openly espoused anit-semitic Beleifs while in office.
    The Senetor ffrom Goergia, Warnock did so previously, it is yet to be seen if he willc ontinue to do so.

    This is simply the hard truth.

    Under Trump the Republican party not only openly embraced Jewry they condemned and fought anti semitism at every turn including appoint an Ambassador specificaly tasked with fighting Anti-semitism.

    The Democrats not only turned a blind eye towards it. They welcomed it into their party.

    Ben Levi

    Sadly in spite of these facts there are Jws whose blind allegiance to the NY TIMES has caused them to try and twist and turn every thing in order to justift their continued support for the Democrat Party..

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