Trump: ‘Israel will no longer exist if Harris becomes president’

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  • #2312111

    What a doofus


    The State of Israel will no longer exist as soon as Moshiach arrives (if not earlier.)


    That is only true if the Israelis are unable or unwilling to defend themselves (e.g. they do have weapons of mass destruction, don’t they).
    Based on their public statements, neither Harris nor Trump would go to war to save Israel, even if it was being attacked by the combined forces of China, Russia and Iran. Trump believes in “America First” isolationism, and the Democrats are skeptical of Israel’s bona fides (and remember, the dominant wing of the party to which Harris and Walz are associated, are the ones demonstrating in favor of Hamas and its agenda).

    While Trump might turn into an interventionist, “freedom agenda” Reaganite, and Harris might turn out to be just as pro-Israel as Biden, if not more (and have a John F. Kennedy like attitude towards to “axis” opposing American interests), if that doesn’t happen the Israelis need to rely of their own forces and military industrial complex if they want to survive (they also could rely on a Nes by doing tseuvah, but Israelis consider tseuvah a fate worse than be destroyed by the Arabs).


    A lot of places will stop existing. We already lost Afghanistan and Bangladesh as we speak. Some bad things are going on in Myanmar (well they always are), Indonesia, a few places in Africa. Or we could talk about the frightening prospect of what’s going on in the civilized world, can you imagine if western europe keeps converting? They are already have more extremists than the middle east, but these countries actually have arms!
    Yes, it will be bad if Harris/Biden/Obama gets another term.


    In our times, the Left side of the political spectrum includes:
    Liberals, Social Democrats, Marxists, neo-Marxists, Socialists,
    Progressives, The Woke, and Social Justice Warriors.

    What all of these people have in common, is that they want
    to see the State of Israel 100% eliminated, and permanently.

    They passionately want that there should NOT be ANY Jewish State,
    regardless of its size and regardless of the shape of its borders.

    Please allow me to make this perfectly clear:

    For entire Left side of the political spectrum, it is not sufficient
    to merely change the policies of the Jewish State;
    they want to 100% destroy 100% of the Jewish State,
    even though this would result in another Holocaust,
    with hundreds of thousands of survivors as homeless refugees.
    Obviously, all of the Jewish State’s synagogues and
    holy places must be destroyed and converted into mosques.

    Most of the world is DESPERATE to appease Muslims,
    by *** ANY *** means possible.
    This is one of the highest priorities in International Politics,
    and this has been true for many decades.

    If the only way that they can appease Muslims is by
    sacrificing the Jewish State, and killing millions of Jews,
    and making hundreds of thousands of survivors homeless refugees,
    and destroying all Jewish holy places, they consider
    those things to be a SMALL PRICE to achieve
    the super-important goal of appeasing Muslims.

    The Left side of the political spectrum (which includes
    The Democratic Party) wants Israel 100% destroyed,’
    100% DEAD, 100% gone, 100% vanished, 100% wiped off the map.

    Therefore, when Donald Trump says that a Kamala Harris
    presidency will mean the final end of The Jewish State,
    he is telling the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth!

    Stated another way, The Democrat Party is dominated
    by their extreme Left members, whose attitude towards Israel
    and American Jews, is 100% pure malice and hate.


    ok, lets rephrase that title:
    “America will no longer exist if Harris becomes president.”
    chabibi, Eretz Hakodesh isn’t going anywhere.


    You need to read T seriously, but not literally. He already was a President and did a lot of good things for Israel. Can he change his mind, who knows, but we have a pretty good record.

    Kamala already showed her attitude towards Israel and, especially, the current government. At best, you can hope that Israelis will be accommodating, elect a left-wing government, and follow Kamala’s policies and so she will not raise her accusing finger at Israel the way she did with Biden. Given that Israelis stopped voting for real left like 10-20 years ago, this is not likely. Even a centrist government will be difficult to maintain as it will include some economic rightwing, some commies, some Arabs, Sephardim, etc.


    Trump surrendered Afghanistan to the Taliban. Bangladesh kicked out a dictator who hated Israel; why is thst s bsd thing?


    “What all of these people have in common, is that they want
    to see the State of Israel 100% eliminated, and permanently.”

    Nonsense. Israel’s biggest advocates in Congress are John Fetterman and Ritchie Torres, solidly on the Left to Far Left. And the liberal Joe Biden has made it clear that he will defend Israel with the US military if Irsn attacks. MAGA folks on social media are trashing Biden for this.


    “Kamala already showed her attitude towards Israel”

    Indeed the Trump camp is attacking Harris for being too supportive of Israel. But only among Arab Americans in Michigan.


    How can Israel not exist? It’s like saying something impossible is possible!



    You’ve already posted this lie as “Charlie” on other sites but are afraid to use your real name here. Why is that?


    Republicans are lying to you. They do deals with Russia, Iran and Syria. If anything a Trump victory will put Israel’s security in jeopardy. Under Biden the US military will unmercifully bomb Lebanon and Syria if Hezbollah acts up.


    I think Trump will no longer exist if Trump becomes president because he is not the right man for the job. He is a businessman not a president.

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