RY23; Azoy, but we also thought that there was only one true “President” resdiing in the WH but apparently he was abuducted sometime on January 20, 2017 by undocumented Martians and they substituted one of their androids in his place who was to be remote controlled by a secret satellite orbiting the earth. Unfortunately, the satellite went into the wrong orbit and the radio commuicaitons have been lost leaving an uncontrolled android runnig our country.
I clicked on this link thinking it was a thread about Trump. I see that it’s actually more about Uncle moishy. To bring the topic back to its title, who thinks Trump will get his wall?
Boki…..yes, he will get some additional funding for border security in exchange for some temporary relaxation of DACA and other undocumented residents from some countries facing deportation. He will never get a “wall” unless the Mexicans build it on their side of the border to protect against waves of Americans fleeing south if the Trumpkopf is reelected in 2020.