Too Much Candy on Purim

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    It’s that time of year again. The stores are gearing up, putting out candies of all shapes and sizes and colors. Every year it gets more and more ridiculous. And the day after purim it goes in the garbage or to the cleaning lady. What a waste of money and bad for your health! Wish they wouldn’t sell so much. I am not a health food nut but I think the amount of nosh being sold is really beyond!


    Let the stores sell their sechoira, Imaofthree

    ….and you don’t have to buy ANY of it!

    And for all you other anti-junkies out there, don’t complain, G-d made Tu B’Shvat for you 🙂


    Latkes and Sufganiyot are also unhealthy not to mention hamentashen

    kreplach and large amounts of alcohol, point being its a one day holiday let them enjoy it if you want to limit your 3 kinderlach then by all means do so. I’m much more concerned with drunk driving ( uh oh hijack alert!).


    The quality of junk food is definitely going down nowadays. 🙁


    kids are kids and will love candy (and some adults also). we try to have a healthy breakfast, and have on the table during the day, a platter of vegies, salads, fruits. your family will choose what they want to eat, but have the healthy food available and in arms reach.


    let them eat cake.

    Another name

    imaofthree, send your extra junk (especially the chocolate) to me. Problem solved!


    You’re really complaining about kids having too much candy on Purim when the adults are all having far too much of things much, much worse?


    You’re really complaining about kids having too much candy on Purim when the adults are all having far too much of things much, much worse?

    This is the credited response.


    I was really commenting more on the amounts of nosh the frum stores carry for Purim. Even for Tu B’shvat, the amount of dried fruit was staggering. We live in times when the gashmius is so exaggerated it’s really ridiculous. I got so fed up of it all that I have ordered my mishloach manos from keren aniyim. All the money goes to tzaddakah.



    You still have a mitzvah and chiyuv of mishloach manos. So make sure you give at least one “package” of 2 different items to one person.


    I do give mishloach manos but I buy it from Keren Aniyim which puts together beautiful packages. Everyone always raves about them and no work for me 🙂


    heyy i have an awesome idea!! mayb ill bli neder fast this yr on purim or a zchus 4 my sis 2 get engaged!! and ill not gain 50 pounds either!!! then ill eat normal seuda at night and eat my candy a lil a day for a week or two.. SMART!!!


    Sam2 – good point!

    🐵 ⌨ Gamanit

    Ummm… ThePurpleOne: It’s a mitzva to have a seuda on Purim. I can’t see how skipping that would be a zchus. Maybe try saying extra tehillim for that.


    reread my post.. i wrote that wud mayb fast all DAY and have seuda later, at night..

    ☕ DaasYochid ☕

    It’s probably assur to fast past chatzos, but you could get around that by taking a drink. Why don’t you just eat healthy?

    big mama

    I have an aversion to candy all year around from eating to much nosh on purim when I was a kid so something good can come out of it


    limit yourself to 2 noshes on purim day. thats what we do, n it works! dont fast purple. not even sure that’d be muttar. seudah at night, after shkiya, wouldnt be a purim seudah


    DY: Having a drink of water might not work. (I’ve never seen anyone mention it explicitly but I think I have a few Ra’ayos that water doesn’t count as Te’ima and only one Ra’aya that it does.) It should be a drink of something else.

    Purple: Make sure you start eating your meal before sunset. Also, why would you think there is any extra Zechus to fast on Purim?

    yaakov doe

    Like that goysha holiday in December, Purim has been comercialized. Purim stores, hundreds of different candies, many of which are made in China and fancy shaloch monos already made up in the stores. What happened to the shaloch monos of old, a bottle of wine and a homemade cake or a salad? It has totally gotten out of hand and matonos l’evyonim largly ignored. And Vodka and Bourbon, replace the required wine at the Purim seuda (not the night before). A dentist’s, acandy store or liquor store’s dream holiday isn’t what Mordechai and Esther intended.


    hahahahaha, but yeah man, I totally get it.


    I call dibs on all the Schmerling Chocolate Minors.


    Gosh I become a kid again every Purim and eat fist fulls of nosh. I hope this year I will control myself. I think I almost get to ad delo yada from the nosh lol.


    I do my part by sending a shaloch monos of a whole grain roll and some corned beef, and I limit to two or three incividuals. Maybe it will rub off, one person at a time.

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