After one week, I was dismissed! Such a chesed!. By then I had almost nothing to show for it besides my concussed head, which I was warned not to go running around wild (really, try telling that to a kid).
Actually the other amusing part was when in the midst of the court /lawyer proceedings (I think something of a pre something or other) they asked me what my marks in school were before the accident, what were they afterwards. I had to tell the truth. (right hand raised..) Before it was something like 75-90, afterwards 90-100.
I wouldn’t exactly call it a yartzeit. It’s called a living ness. you should have healthy years, and you can make a seudas hodaya, to thank the one above for sparing your life.
I also have experienced ???? ?? & we live to learn that ????? is a true ??? ???. He is a ??? ????? & we must drill it into ourselves till that will cause us to crave his closeness