to tip or not to tip that is the question

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    Its that time of year again, just wondering who to tip and how much


    We have been leaving larger than usual “holiday” gifts for our cleaning service, landscapers, and trash pickup guys. Also, left a small gift to the office manager of our shul (who has been incredible in coordinating all the zoom stuff, outdoor minyanim etc). There are others who we haven’t seen since March (parking attendant in office garage, fitness center staff, etc,. Haven’t used Uber or a taxi in months nor have we eaten inside/outside at a restaurant so have no idea what others are doing.


    How much do I tip my favorite coffee room posters?


    How much do I tip my favorite coffee room posters?
    Perhaps davening that ALL CR posters (irrespective of agendas, politics and mask preferences) should get through the next few months with good health and be the first on line for vaccination when their turn comes


    I tried to tip my cooking stuff, waiters, cleaning service, landscaper, butler, dog walker, hairdresser, delivery service, repair-person, laundromat. My wife refused the tips, but the kids took some.


    “I tried to tip my cooking stuff, waiters, cleaning service, landscaper, butler, dog walker, hairdresser, delivery service, repair-person, laundromat. My wife refused the tips, but the kids took some.”

    I wish YWN had “LOL” emojis!

    ☕️coffee addict





    yaakov doe

    It’s illegal for government employees to accept tips. Your generous thoughtful gifts to your spouses and children can be considered tips and are legal.


    @yaakov. My kids are not government employees..

    I am not “generous”, I am just writing expenses off 🙂

    on a serious note:
    1) Timing of tips – new year sounds better than a week before. This year, we did a couple of tips near Thanksgiving. Not sure if they expect another one

    2) for those who can, consider increasing ordering more deliveries from contractors, such as instacart, and tip them. These are often people who had jobs that suffered in pandemic. So, both tips and delivery cost would count as tzedokah, I think.


    “It’s illegal for government employees to accept tips…”
    Postal carriers CAN accept gifts with a nominal value up to $20 “per occasion” but not more than $50 per year. Cash or cash equivalents (gift cards) are NOT allowed in any amount. Home made foods of any sort are never a good idea. We typically leave a gift box of chocolates or nuts since they easily fit in the mailbox.


    perhaps keep in mind the issue of giving tips too close to a goyashe holyday


    @abukspan, does that apply to the Rebbes and Teachers as well?


    common: @does that apply to the Rebbes and Teachers

    changing gears somewhat: It seems that Congress will not pass blanket protection to businesses, then you might be able to sue your Rebbes in secular courts if the following happened (not saying it happened to everyone, but all happened somewhere):

    1) they were not careful enough (for example, going to unmasked minyanim), or were not promptly reporting cases to parents,

    2) you discovered how bad teaching is when seeing teacher on zoom

    3) that your child learned better and got better midos out of school

    4) your child was able to learn at home without medication that school insisted on

    5) your school always insisted that their school is better than online schools, then continued charging full tuition for online/phone classes


    @always ask questions “changing gears somewhat” that is a gross understatement, it has zero to do with tipping, start your own topic about this


    @common: zero to do with tipping,

    You are right. The association is tipping is gratitude. Gratitude is recognition of positive. We need also to recognize the negative… Also, withholding customary tips (restaurants) is considered a negative recognition. Also, I am all for tipping good teachers. And paying them more – from savings of not tipping and paying bad teachers. Suing is simply restoring falsely claimed payment to the parents – who can now afford tipping good teachers.

    Nice? Can I stay in your topic?


    I ended up tipping my garbage men $20 a piece, village contracts with a private firm, didnt tip mailman I did tip son chavusa / mentor $100


    Reviving an old tread, did anyone tipping habits change post Covid?


    Tips are the way for Americans to avoid paying livable wages in the service sector.

    As soon as a livable wage is legislated for the service sector here comes total automation….


    It is illegal for a government employee, such as the mailman or garbage man to accept a tip.


    Am I right that in gemora or earlier times, one was supposed to leave some food on a plate as a tip to the waiter? Forgot the source.


    Many restaurants don’t even offer the 15% option tip option any longer on the credit card receipts and show 18%, 20% or 25%. I typically leave at least 20% but not everyone can afford that option.

    What really annoys me is the “fair wage” surcharge being automatically added to bills to reflect higher “minimum wage” requirements or in some jurisdictions, a requirement to pay the standard minimum wage rather than relying solely on tip income for wait staff. Others are adding a surcharge for those who work in the kitchen who might not be directly “tipped” or where tips are not pooled among all the Staff.

    Why are labor costs treated differently from rent, food and beverage, utilities, insurance and other costs which have ALL increased substantially in recent years but there are no special surcharges for those items. A surcharge might make sense if there is an expectation that the costs (e.g. fuel costs) might go down and the surcharge would then be eliminated. Labor costs are NOT going down. Restaurants should simply update their menu prices periodically to reflect their total costs. With computerized printing, it takes literally a few minutes to print out new menus every few months and slide them into the menu binder rather than alienating customers with these “surcharges” in addition to tips.


    @lostpark, so you use this as an excuse not to tip?


    Haha I tip, I’m just saying no matter what you do the people with low end jobs are facing more pressure due to corporate greed.


    @AAQ, try doing that these days and you risk having the tip aka the bowl of soup thrown at your face.

    , the garbage collection in most suburban communities are bid out to private contractors.


    CS: The legal prohibition against tipping a government employee also applies to a government subcontractor who is doing government-funded work for the public.


    ‘Where tips are not looked among all the staff’
    That practice is illegal in any jurisdiction (such as CT) that has a reduced minimum wage for tipped service employees.
    Back of the house personnel, hostesses, owners, managers may not share in the top pool.
    Effective January 1, 2024 that dishwasher is now subject to $15.69 hour minimum wage in CT.
    The tipped server receives less than $7 per hour from the employer, but if the weekly tips don’t bring the wages up to the $15.69 level, the business must pay the difference.


    > try doing that these days and you risk having the tip aka the bowl of soup thrown at your face.

    Suddenly you are against the Gemora, sad …


    @AAQ, I’m not against anything, why don’t you try that in real life, order soup and then tell the wait staff that the leftover soup is going to be the tip and report back the reaction.


    Cs, where is your derech eretz, you don’t need to tell that, just leave a big chunk of your steak there.


    Found a quote from r Belsky on torah org saying that modern customary tips are obligatory and one should even give to tochacha to others for creating hillul Hashem. He refers to gemora megilla about tipping innkeepers during regalim


    @AAQ, “one was supposed to leave some food on a plate as a tip to the waiter? Forgot the source.”

    My friend tried to put it into action last night, although he did not get the food thrown into his face he came darn close to getting assaulted, the manager told him he was no longer welcome there in spite of his protest that he was merely following the gemera.


    I guess it all comes down to what a “tip” is supposed to represent in a post-Covid world: A token of appreciation for truly outstanding service OR a supplement to the waiter’s direct compensation from the restaurant to bring it up to a living wage OR perhaps a bit of both depending on the “minhag hamokom” in terms of whether local rules require paying wait staff a minimum wage and the type of restaurant.


    > he was no longer welcome there in spite of his protest that he was merely following the gemera.

    well, your friend should not go to treifa places. If they do not follow gemora in this, what other halochos they might disregard !?


    gadol, it is a free market choice how to structure payments. If owner is not paying anything at all to the waiter, then the waiter could tell the customer – pay me or serve yourself, and customer can decide either way.

    bad communications between all sides is a separate issue not affecting the business model itself.


    In a restaurant, one should always tip, unless the servers are paid a regular wage, and not a tip-earner wage, or there were serious issues with the service.

    I once had an instance where there was a serious issue with the service, and I didn’t want to leave a tip. I spoke with the manager, and explained what the issue was, and how I felt about it. He agreed with me that in this case, I should NOT tip, and there were no hard feelings between me and him. I probably can’t say the same for the server, there’s no way he was happy – I believe he ended up getting fired for what happened.


    @AAQ, it was a glatt place, the busboy was from Central America and the waitress was from Eastern Europe, both never heard of that gemeroh before and were not interested in leftovers as a tip, the manager was an America who never heard of that gemorah, he mumbled about Jews being cheap.
    the owner who was frum told him not to be a TIPish.
    PS by doing this it may violate the Board of Health rules, so you have an issue of dina dimalchas.


    the best way to do hakoras hatov is to tip.
    how does one tip Biden for sending tons and tons and tons of ammunitions to Israel?


    Host a dinner for him at Jose Andres’ new restauant (Bazaar) at the Waldorf Astoria in D.C. (formerly known as the Trump Hotel). Short, 2 minute driver from the WH and has received great reviews. Sadly, the hashgacha is lacking.


    > it was a glatt place,

    how is it a glatt place if the service is not smooth? And it is relative – maybe it is not customers who are cheap, but the food that is expensive.

    > violate the Board of Health rule

    you got me here. Maybe do it under the table?

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