To say or not to say

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    Should a parent tell their their young son (7-10) to make a beracha ? On one hand it is very important to train them to say it that way they will always do it but on the other hand if they start from such a young age , it will become robotic and they wont really have any thoughts when making the beracha and then perhaps the sight of their parents making the beracha and their enjoyment when they make it will create a desire within the kid to mimic his parents without telling them to make the beracha ?(this goes without saying that if the parent would remind the child it wont be forcing him to but rather doing it in a kind and non pressuring way)


    7-10? The parent is mechuyav to be mechanech him.

    Obviously he as to be taught in a way that he’s appreciating what it means and the connection to Hashem; without that it’s called bad chinuch.

    He’s certainly old enough to know to Whom he’s davening/making brochos.

    As always leading by example is a good start.

    ☕ DaasYochid ☕

    As always leading by example is a good start.

    It’s more than that, it’s the ikkar.






    Absolutely. And the parent has an obligation to set the right example, by making his or her own brachos out loud, and training the kids to say amein. We train our kids (I hope so, at least) to say pelase and thank you when we give them something. It is even more crucial to express our hakoras hatov to Hashem by making the bracha.

    Apropos of this, I have been zochah to be the “Bubbysitter” for two of my aineklach since their respective births, and even when they were newborn and I was giving them a bottle, I said a bracha for them (I drank something too, so it should not be a potential bracha l’vatala). I did the same thing with solid food as they got a bit older. They always associated making a bracha with being given their meals or snacks,

    Avram in MD


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