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Tagged: " Ms Bondi said. "But for Joe Biden, " she said. But Donald Trump Jr spoke at leng, "Our party's theme tonight is America, I fought corruption and I know what it looks like, it's been the land of opportunism, not opportunity. As a career prosecutor and former attorney general of Florida, the land of opportunity, the people who benefited are his family members not the American people, we were told to look at Joe Biden as the model of integrity. You look at his 47-year career in politics, whether it's done by people wearing pinstripe suits or orange jumpsuits. "At the Democrats' convention
- This topic has 41 replies, 23 voices, and was last updated 4 years, 5 months ago by Health.
September 30, 2020 4:36 pm at 4:36 pm #1905938Resident MortalParticipant
I truly hope satisfaction of voting against a President that has Ohav klal yisroel because of his demeanor is worth it. I can think of nothing more selfish then to vote for a person that will enact policies that will literally lower the spiritual state of America not to mentions the gashmiast all because you don’t like how a man speaks! I mean seriously what is where is your hakoros hatov for a President that did so much for you and klal yisroel?
September 30, 2020 5:01 pm at 5:01 pm #1905946Reb EliezerParticipantThere is no hakoras hatov for an ausworf, a dispecable person who does everything for his own benefit.
See the Open Letter of Rav Shafran of the Aguda on his website.October 1, 2020 12:14 am at 12:14 am #1905966HealthParticipantRE -“There is no hakoras hatov for an ausworf, a dispecable person who does everything for his own benefit.”
You must be talking about Biden!
They say Trump has done more for the American People in 47 months, than Biden has done in 47 Years.October 1, 2020 12:14 am at 12:14 am #1905976charliehallParticipant“literally lower the spiritual state of America”
There has never been a President whose actions are more the opposite of what the Torah teaches: Harding and Kennedy may compete with him for licentiousness, but there has never been a more financially corrupt man in the White House. He cheats in business in every way imaginable, lies about it, and uses his office to enrich himself. “gashmiast”? Trump is the ultimate! Everything is about enriching himself. And his policies have been all about that — a massive tax cut to enrich himself and his cronies, benefits to foreign governments that give his businesses favors and hostility towards those that don’t, and the use of government agencies to further his own interests above everything else.
It is hard to imagine how to get into a lower spiritual state than Donald Trump. He has actually said that he had never asked God for forgiveness for anything.
October 1, 2020 12:14 am at 12:14 am #1905978Resident MortalParticipant@reb eliezer
Let me be very clear and not minst words, you are a shotah for advocating voting for the Democrats who have open antisemites in their roster in leadership positions. There is no justification in my eyes, no matter how he acts to vote any other way then trump, period.
October 1, 2020 12:14 am at 12:14 am #1905984Yechi HamelechParticipantCareful about the way you talk about the person who:
Was the first president to recognize Ir Hakodesh as Eretz Yisroel’s capital;
Was the first president to take major steps in advancing peace in the Middle East;
Defeated ISIS, thus saving tens of thousands of Jewish lives;
Recognized the Golan Heights as part of Eretz Yisroel, thus legitimizing the words of our Torah;
Doing a favor for all of Klal Yisroel by freeing the wrongfully imprisoned Sholom Rubashkin;And much, much more…..
Do you have any way of proving that Trump’s efforts of behalf of the Jewish people is for his own benefit? I didn’t think so…..
October 1, 2020 12:14 am at 12:14 am #1905986som1Participant“There is no hakoras hatov for an ausworf, a dispecable person who does everything for his own benefit.
See the Open Letter of Rav Shafran of the Aguda on his website.”
maybe you also should try first grade because benefit from something doesnt exactly mean “to sacrifice half of your net worth for that something”
on the other hand you have people like the obamas and bidens and clintons who made tens of tens of millions off the presidency/vice presidencyOctober 1, 2020 12:18 am at 12:18 am #1905991PROUD REPUBLICANParticipantReb Elazar stop your hatred.
October 1, 2020 12:18 am at 12:18 am #1906000Amil ZolaParticipantRM, you are pixels on a screen, just as I am. Why do you think your opinion would impact me? I’ve been voting for over 1/2 century and frankly, you don’t have the power, skills nor ability to insult me because of my electoral choices.
October 1, 2020 12:18 am at 12:18 am #1906003147ParticipantPresident Donald Trump was Brilliant on the Debate last nite, and definitely won the debate.
The other 2 creatures on the debate were totally despicable.
Biden lied badly concerning his son & Ukraine, as well as numerous other lies, and no liar can be put into the Oval Office:- Period!!October 1, 2020 12:18 am at 12:18 am #1906010Hadassah35ParticipantDoes it matter How the man speaks or What the man speaks? He speaks and then contradicts himself. He speaks highly of leaders of other countries who have no regard for humanity, only their own power. He speaks about his wealth when there isn’t any. He speaks about people who love him and throws so many of his colleagues under the bus. He speaks highly of hate groups and hurts those who are hurting. He speaks about immigrants as though they are criminals when all they want is basic freedoms that we live in America. We were once those immigrants. We were referred to in just the same way our people are now referring to those who seek what we sought. He speaks about being pro life but has the CDC alter their facts and refuses to speak about keeping ourselves safe during the pandemic, thereby causing such devastating death numbers.
No. We don’t like the way he speaks. We definitely should not be listening to his speech and what he has to say. He has not earned the honor of his title.October 1, 2020 9:46 am at 9:46 am #1906187Reb EliezerParticipantresident, you are like your president, projecting. You are faulting someone with your own faults,
כל הפוסל במומו פוסל.October 1, 2020 9:47 am at 9:47 am #1906199Yechi HamelechParticipantHadassah35: “He speaks…. He speaks…. He speaks….. He speaks….. We don’t like the way he speaks”
You see, this is the defining factor between Republicans and Democrats vis- a- vis their view of the President: Democrats focus on Trump’s speech, on his outward image, and the way he projects himself, the way he expresses himself. Republicans, by contrast, focus on Trumps ACTIONS, on Trumps actual DEEDS. They focus on all the amazing accomplishments he has done in the past four years. On all the Jobs he created, on all the efforts he has made to advance peace in the Middle East, and much more.
Nobody thinks Trump is a Mentch. Not even his closest aides. Nobody thinks he is perfect. But he has done for the American people (and also for the Jewish people – see my previous comment) than any president in the past has done. Trump doesn’t need our Hakaros Hatov; I don’t think he even wants it. He has been serving faithfully as our President in spite of all the false accusations and misrepresentation displayed about him on the media. He clearly isn’t the type of guy to be swayed by lack of Hakaros Hatov.
G-d willing, Mr. Trump will be reelected as our president and continue servicing the country and the Jewish people for another four years. The stakes are high so go out and vote!
October 1, 2020 10:44 am at 10:44 am #1906222GadolhadorahParticipantSad that these times have brought out a proliferation of really bad trolls who mindlessly spout the Trumkopf tweets. Wwhere is Reb Yosef when we desperately need some enlightened trolling and uplifting humor???
October 1, 2020 12:52 pm at 12:52 pm #1906267lowerourtuition11210ParticipantYou do realize that Reb Shmuel Kamenetsky has endorsed voting for Trump.
October 1, 2020 1:23 pm at 1:23 pm #1906276Yechi HamelechParticipantLowerTuition:
He obviously doesn’t hold of Rabbi Kamenetsky. After all, he’s the “Gadolhadorah”…..
October 1, 2020 4:39 pm at 4:39 pm #1906292se2015ParticipantTo peeps for papa trump:
Do you feel that he lied to you? That he is more oheiv trump than oheiv yisroel? That through his selfish dissembling, and the inevitable copycat corona-who-what-where demeanor of his peeps in the orthodox community, new york jews are now in a second covid wave (to the exclusion to the majority of the city who are enjoying indoor dining), and now experiencing illnesses and deaths? Is that how a ohaiv yisroel acts? I move embassy, you jews love me, I downplay covid but get tested daily and have secret service ensuring social distancing around me, while based on what I say and do, you attend super spreader events with no precaution leading to deaths, but you still love me, losers. Score: Trump 10, Jews 0.01.
October 1, 2020 4:40 pm at 4:40 pm #1906305se2015ParticipantSince Rav Shmuel Kaminetsky supposedly endorsed trump before the frum second wave, we don’t actually know if he still holds of the endorsement. Specifically, his basis was hakaras hatov, but does that still stand considering how trump misled us? Unless Rav Shmuel Kamenetsky reendorses trump, then we have to fall back on the halachic principle of safek derabanan lekula (even assuming that a rav’s political endorsement is binding in halacha).
October 1, 2020 6:03 pm at 6:03 pm #1906356dbrimParticipantTrump has terminated the financial support for the PA’s pay-to-slay policies that gave financial incentives to arabs to kill Jews. Biden would reinstate those financial incentives. Biden would also re-join the Iran deal to speed up Iran’s access to nuclear weapons, that they have promised to use against Israel. Biden does not condemn the violence in the streets of American cities against innocent residents nor the terrible epidemic of assault on law enforcement agents. The democrat party has exploited Black America for decades and continues to do so as inner-city neighborhoods are destroyed and crime rises with the defunding of the police. BLM is one of the biggest scams against Black America and is supported and funded by the left. Vote for Biden if you hate Jews and Blacks.
October 1, 2020 7:30 pm at 7:30 pm #1906369Reb EliezerParticipantTrump likes Trump not Jews and Blacks.
October 1, 2020 7:30 pm at 7:30 pm #1906373se2015Participant“Vote for Biden if you hate Jews and Blacks.”
Is Trump’s base in play?
October 1, 2020 10:37 pm at 10:37 pm #1906401HealthParticipantSe2015 -” (to the exclusion to the majority of the city who are enjoying indoor dining), and now experiencing illnesses and deaths?”
You Leftists always blame Trump.
I guess you don’t believe the Mayor and the Governor in NYS have any power!October 2, 2020 12:12 am at 12:12 am #1906429GadolhadorahParticipant“He obviously doesn’t hold of Rabbi Kamenetsky. After all, he’s the “Gadolhadorah”…..
Well, yes, along with the more obvious reality that a vote for trump would violate the Torah prohibitions on self-inflicted injury or suicide.
October 2, 2020 1:09 am at 1:09 am #1906447HealthParticipantGH -“Well, yes, along with the more obvious reality that a vote for trump would violate the Torah prohibitions on self-inflicted injury or suicide.”
And and a vote for Biden will continue the abomination that DemonCrats have started, namely Roe vs. Wade & Same Gender Marriage.
With the future Supreme Court, being Conservative, we have a Good Chance to overturn those 2 cases!October 2, 2020 3:51 am at 3:51 am #1906449se2015ParticipantHealth – overturning roe v wade or marriage equality will mean very little in liberal states. Overturning roe v wade will mean states may restrict or criminalize abortions, not that they must. The Supreme Court doesn’t actually ban abortions. That would still be up to the states. In fact, if restrictions imposed by conservatives states are upheld, liberal states will have an influx of people coming from other states for abortions. As for same sex marriage, there can be some federal ramifications, but states like New York and California aren’t going to ban gay marriage no matter what the Supreme Court says. If a state like Arkansas won’t allow gay marriage, then gay people from Arkansas will go to New York or California to get married.
October 2, 2020 10:34 am at 10:34 am #1906506W3DCBParticipantAmen!
Thank you for stating the obvious. These days, the obvious must be stated plainly.October 2, 2020 11:35 am at 11:35 am #1906516KGNParticipantMAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN!
October 2, 2020 11:35 am at 11:35 am #1906514GadolhadorahParticipantEven with the new “conservative” justice, there is zero likelihood that the court would reverse the gay marriage rulings. Roe v. Wade is definitely at risk, along with possible prohibitions against late term procedures but again zero liklihood of the Feds over-riding the states and trying to impose a Federal ban on all abortions.
October 2, 2020 2:03 pm at 2:03 pm #1906543KilaolomchasdoParticipant@gadolah hatorah
While true, the new court may not have the guts to undue past rulings, at least we know they won’t make even WORSE new rulings: Like banning bris millah, banning shechitah, or forcing rabannim to be meseder a same gender kiddushin.
My opinion is, Trump and Biden both have bad middos (admittedly, Trumps are less well hidden), but the fact is, that Trump will be rolling out POLOCIES that are far more beneficial for kllal yisroel than Biden, who will have a leftwing anti religion platform.October 2, 2020 6:04 pm at 6:04 pm #1906591jackkParticipantKLC,
None of those issues are anywhere near the SC currently and they are not on the Democrats policy list either. They also would never be implemented nationally in the US. I am not sure why you are using those examples.
If the republicans would have nominated a normal republican , then I would agree with you.
However, the republican party no longer exists and it is the Trump party. He has shown us a lot in the past 4 years besides open bad middos that gives us reason not to vote for him.October 2, 2020 6:09 pm at 6:09 pm #1906594GadolhadorahParticipant“the fact is, that Trump will be rolling out POLOCIES that are far more beneficial for kllal yisroel than Biden, who will have a leftwing anti religion platform”
Rolling out POLOCIES or PELOSIs?? Some of us don’t perceive either Pelosi or Biden as having “anti-religious” platforms although they clearly have a much more progressive POLICY agenda that would benefit poishete Americans more than his wealthy real estate chavrusha. I think Biden has alread begun a move towards the center that will become even more apparent as we move closer to election day.
October 2, 2020 6:11 pm at 6:11 pm #1906595HealthParticipantse2015 -“If a state like Arkansas won’t allow gay marriage, then gay people from Arkansas will go to New York or California to get married.”
They can move to the Lib states, but the conservative States won’t have to Recognize the ‘So-called” Marriage.
October 4, 2020 10:22 pm at 10:22 pm #1906798KilaolomchasdoParticipant@jackk
Just because they’re not near the SC now, doesn’t mean anything when the SC has lifetime appointments. Based on the anti-religious direction the Democrat party (and certainly the media who often the party like to follow) is going, I wouldn’t be surprised if this became an issue 20 years down the line, just like it did in Europe (not to mention also forcing yeshivas to teach shtus in their history classes). The democrat politicians have a progressive base to appease, and therefore are certainly more likely to be anti religion. Certainly more anti- Israel. So now we look at Trump’s three nominations: Gorsuch, Kavanaugh, and Barret. All three are great for religious freedom, and therefore a win for Jews.
And I hate to break it to you, but Biden has very disgusting middos too (there’s a clip of him yelling at a guy who was upset at him, and said some very inappropriate things to him, was extremely disrespectful to the president of the U.S. in the past debate (yes, I realize Trump has degraded the office, but still, he’s the president), and is also very arrogant). Yes, Biden is better at hiding his awful middos, but at the end of the day, I still feel pro religious/ pro- israel/ pro yeshiva policies with slightly worse middos, FAR outweigh anti-religious/ anti- Israel/ anti- yeshiva policies with slightly better looking middos.@Gadollahtorah
He’s done that, because he’s a slimy politician like everyone else, and wants to win votes from swing states. He’s flip flopping all the time. During the primaries, he was MUCH more progressive to win their votes, and now he’s just doing it again. Why should I trust him not to flip flop again, when Trump has for the most part, during his 4 years in office, been one of the most pro-religion and pro-Israel presidents we’ve ever seen.October 4, 2020 11:55 pm at 11:55 pm #1906806pekakParticipantCovid will go away regardless of who is at the helm, Biden and the Dems wouldn’t be more effective in fighting it. We need to keep the current President on to rebuild the economy.
October 5, 2020 5:38 am at 5:38 am #1906821HealthParticipantKila -“And I hate to break it to you, but Biden has very disgusting middos too”
That’s nothing. He abused a woman in his Senate Office.
He’s just like Billy Boy – abuse them and then say “What Woman”?
But yet all the Lib women vote DemonCrat.October 5, 2020 11:58 am at 11:58 am #1906878OtherTzadParticipant2 things I noticed:
Anyone saying to vote for Biden has no idea about his political views, especially towards judaism. If you knew a thing or two about Biden, you’d be shaking thinking where things could lead.
Anyone saying vote Biden is because they dont like trump- and not because they like Biden.
JUST BECAUSE YOU DON’T LIKE TRUMP’S MIDOS, DOESN’T MEAN YOU VOTE AGAINST HIM. You better learn what Biden stands for, before claiming to vote for him. Notice, no one here saying “Vote Biden” is saying why. They’re all saying why not to vote trump.If you think its camp color war Red vs Blue- let me tell you: this matters for your future. Dont say “vote biden” unless you know what he stands for and not because you dislike trump. If you come here telling frum Yidden to vote Biden, you BETTER know about his policies. Which you CLEARLY don’t.
October 6, 2020 11:16 am at 11:16 am #1907238☢️ Rand0m3x 🎲ParticipantPresident Donald Trump was Brilliant on the Debate last nite, and definitely won the debate.
Biden lied badly concerning his son & Ukraine, as well as numerous other lies,
and no liar can be put into the Oval Office:- Period!!Trump lied worse than Biden did, according to a fact check review I read.
Also, Trump’s disregard for the truth is well-known, so by that logic…
As for the winning:
Debate watchers were pretty decisive in their verdict of last night’s performances: Only about one-third said Trump’s performance was “somewhat good” or “very good,” and 50 percent said it was “very poor.” Biden’s performance was more positively received, with around 60 percent saying they thought he performed well. – FiveThirtyEightOctober 6, 2020 5:53 pm at 5:53 pm #1907440Ben LeviParticipantI find it interestin that those who are pro Biden cannot give any reason for him.
Other then “I hate Trump in spite of the fact he is actually implementing normal policies and even though Trump is better at the Job but Biden makes me feel better”
October 6, 2020 10:59 pm at 10:59 pm #1907503HealthParticipantRandom3x -“Biden lied badly concerning his son & Ukraine, as well as numerous other lies,
and no liar can be put into the Oval Office:- Period!!
Trump lied worse than Biden did, according to a fact check review I read.”The problem with Biden is Not his Lying. Trump does it too.
Lying is Not a crime, But Nepotism is!
From the News:
“Our party’s theme tonight is America, the land of opportunity,” Ms Bondi said. “But for Joe Biden, it’s been the land of opportunism, not opportunity. As a career prosecutor and former attorney general of Florida, I fought corruption and I know what it looks like, whether it’s done by people wearing pinstripe suits or orange jumpsuits.
“At the Democrats’ convention, we were told to look at Joe Biden as the model of integrity. You look at his 47-year career in politics, the people who benefited are his family members not the American people,” she said.October 7, 2020 12:29 am at 12:29 am #1907552JacobLevParticipantWhen Pam Bondi was Attorney General of Florida, she stopped investigating Trump’s phony “Trump University” after he gave her a campaign donation. In terms of nepotism, how much have Trump’s children profiteered from his presidency. In addition to Kushner and Ivanka being his “senior advisors”?
October 7, 2020 12:47 am at 12:47 am #1907559Ben LeviParticipantJacobLev,
It’s hilarious how at time’s the Lib’s claim that trump is bankrupt.
Other times he has stolen billions.
Other times his businesses are floundering.
Other times he has profited enormously from his Presidency.
Understandably they now very little about finances.
Recently the NY Times ran a ridiculous story about how a man with $2 BILLION in documented assets is in trouble because he has a 400 million loan coming due.
If you wish to talk about profiting from the Presidency.
Are you even aware of the story of Clinton who left office literally penniless and disbarred, yet became a multi millionaire several times over within a couple of years?
How about Obama?
Compare that to Trump who by any reasonable standard was in the exclusive billionaire class before assuming the Presidency, and has donated his salary in totality each year of the Presidency.
October 7, 2020 4:15 pm at 4:15 pm #1907836HealthParticipantJacobLev – Don’t believe everything you hear from the Biden campaign!
“When Pam Bondi was Attorney General of Florida, she stopped investigating Trump’s phony “Trump University” after he gave her a campaign donation.”
From Politicifact:
“The timing makes it appear Trump sent the check to stop Bondi from investigating Trump Institute, the Florida affiliate. But the Associated Press reported in a Sept. 6, 2016, article that Bondi had “personally solicited” Trump’s contribution several weeks before her office was made aware of the lawsuit. This account means Bondi wouldn’t have known about the Trump investigation.
Bondi’s office decided not to pursue the case. Florida Assistant Attorney General Mark Hamilton made the “rightful determination” that because New York’s lawsuit was on behalf of all consumers nationwide, “no further action need be taken,” Bondi spokesman Gerald Whitney Ray told the Tampa Bay Times in June 2016.
Pay to play?
Both the Trump campaign and Bondi’s office deny she had anything to do with deciding not to pursue the investigation.
Steven Cheung, a Trump spokesman, cited a New York Times article that said the investigation was never brought directly to Bondi’s office but instead was considered by lower-level staff members, who opted not to pursue the case.
Bondi spokesman Gerald Whitney Ray reiterated this point to the Tampa Bay Times and PolitiFact Florida, saying Bondi was not personally aware of the Trump lawsuit when the donation was made to the reelection campaign.”“In terms of nepotism, how much have Trump’s children profiteered from his presidency. In addition to Kushner and Ivanka being his “senior advisors”?”
From USAToday:
“Trump’s daughter, son-in-law work at the White House
Ivanka Trump serves as adviser to the president. Her husband, Jared Kushner, is assistant to the president and senior adviser.
Both have forgone pay for their positions.
Ivanka Trump and Kushner were appointed to their roles at the White House in the early days of Donald Trump’s presidency. Kushner was appointed in January 2017; Ivanka Trump was hired in March 2017.”So STOP with the LIBERAL LIES!!!
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