to e/o in the CR

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  • #600878

    just posting to say goodbye to you all. i had lots of fun being here but i’m saying adieu. i’m not going to be posting under this SN anymore; i’m going back to my original name. i’ll still be here but not really. thanx e/o for making my time here enjoyable.

    seeing you around.


    (name forgotten on purpose)


    Take care TAB if you decide to return we will gladly welcome you back.

    ☕️coffee addict

    i’m not going to be posting under this SN anymore

    does this mean you’re changing screen names?


    Yes. Coffe ad


    Before you step out please remember your real name. Try to remember who you once were….

    Once upon atime…lol;)


    I guess you had enough “taking a break”, please don’t come back with a SN such as ‘officially retired’ or ‘something crazy like that 🙂

    We’ll see you in a ‘different lifetime’. Bye now.


    Mods – Is “crazyeightindian” The real Joseph. Or is it The Troll’er – “Qtpie, IceCream::::::, brightcolor…?

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