Tisha B’Av Film Festival, No Popcorn Served- A Day to Mourn or Market ?

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    A time not that long ago Tisha B’Av was a day to focused solely on the Churban, avoiding distractions despite the inconvenience for just one day a year. One Erev Tisha B’Av in Far Rockaway, I recall learning a Rambam in Hilchos Bais Habchira Erev Tisha B’av I was approached by the Menahel Rav Ahron Brafman Zt”l who gently and sincerely admonished me by saying “Why can you just learn what Chazal asked us to”. To follow Chazal’s guidelines for this day. This message has stayed with me for over 35 years.
    Tisha B’Av is a unique day intended to concentrate on the tremendous loss of the Shechinah, the Churban of both Batei Mikdash, and other generational tragedies. Chazal limited Torah study during this time to specific topics related to Churban and Mourning.

    Today, we are bombarded by aggressive media campaigns promoting “must-watch” films on Tisha B’Av.
    It feels like its become a Tisha B’Av Film Festival, with organizations prioritizing marketing over the day’s true purpose.
    The truth is theaudience isn’t to blame; fasting and keeping busy isn’t easy, especially for this generation. However, we must “raise the bar” so that these distractions don’t become the norm. When leadership is lacking, and our Ruchniyos goes unchecked, our values and Mesorah are compromised.
    Reflecting on my time spent with Torah giants like Harav Elya Svei zt”l, I recall his concern: “Vos vet zein mit di Kinder?” (What will be with the children?). Lets keep the bar raised high and stay true to the Emes.
    Lets hold these organizations accountable so it does not remain unchecked.


    I was so relieved to read the above monologue as it spoke the thoughts I have always had. There are many positive messages from the mentioned videos and that is why they should be aired at the times of the year between holidays/ mourning days to ignite the dimming flame that can happen during the ‘dry spells’ in the Jewish calendar. On the 9th of Av there is a specific avodah we are meant to involve ourselves with. The mentioned videos, as positive as they may be, divert our attention from that avodah. On this day we use the building up of the three weeks to sit (low) and attempt to connect with the pain that is felt so-to-speak by the Shechina while yearning to reconnect with the relationship to Hashem that was meant to be.
    My Mashkiach who had a lot to say about Tisha B’Av would never speak on TB but rather only speak before mincha erev TB. He would explain, TB is meant for people to be alone contemplating and not in groups listening. He never dreamed the day would come where TB shmoozes would be replaced by watching movies.
    If one accomplishes what needs to be done on TB then the coming weeks afterwards would be a time to hear the different lessons that can be learned from the must-see videos.

    Menachem Shmei

    Did you see the films? Many of them are just Kinos coming to life.
    The point of Kinos is to read about the many sufferings of the Jewish people and be aroused to teshuva.
    However, many of the Kinos are very hard to understand or relate to.

    These films depict tragedies that have occurred to the Jewish people together with speakers influencing the viewers to add in avodas Hashem.

    What is so wrong about this?


    Well put, AmiCohen and bja613.
    A lot of this has been aired in the recent Coffee Room discussion “should tisha-bav be movie day”.
    See what Haimy and Little Froggie wrote there.
    I made a similar point in response to the opinion piece about 2 days Tish’a be’Av


    There is a whole Kuntris put out by the TROLLER kollel on this very subject, I suggest you read it


    I am disgusted not by people watching somber and appropriate videos on Tisha B’Av. I think that’s fine. But I am absolutely disgusted that the vast majority of these “must-watch” videos cost good money to view.

    I understand that videos cost money to make; but the idea that anybody would attempt to make money off of Tisha B’Av is absolutely horrifying to me. If you want to make a video, that’s fine. But don’t charge for it on Tisha B’Av.

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