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- This topic has 15 replies, 14 voices, and was last updated 13 years, 4 months ago by aries2756.
November 8, 2011 5:40 am at 5:40 am #600408blablaParticipant
I peer at the computer screen in disbelief. I’m in utter shock. I gaze at the 4 candles flickering on the home page of YWN. I’m in horror of what Hashem has bestowed upon us. The loss of 5 precious neshamos.
Anyone else?!
November 8, 2011 6:02 am at 6:02 am #824789observanteenMemberAnyone else?!
Are you kidding? I couldn’t stop thinking about it. I had a hard time working, schmoozing or laughing.
Oh, I just noticed this. Rabbi Nosson Tzvi Finkel. I’m sitting here in tears. Hashem, ad mosai? Oh, I just can’t take it.(Sigh)
November 8, 2011 7:03 am at 7:03 am #824790blablaParticipantI was shocked by the other tragedies and when I saw Rav Nosson Tzvi Finkel A”H I was blown away. Nobody else seemed to say anything then! It was when it just just happened. I’m still blown away.
November 8, 2011 11:43 am at 11:43 am #824791☕️coffee addictParticipantI don’t think anyone should be upset at this (sad for us though) I think this is the final ikvasa d’meshicha and Hashem is doing a big favor of not letting these neshamos be around to save them the tzar (however, techias hameisim isn’t that far off, according to the shitos that say it will be right after moshiach comes)
November 8, 2011 1:56 pm at 1:56 pm #824792miriam613Memberthis is terrible news, he is my cousin and i just met him a couple of months ago, i am shocked!!! i winder what hashem is trying to tell us, so many tzaddikim were niftar in such a short time!! at least one nechama he is in a better palce together with my other cousin rebetzin batsheva kaniefsky and together they will cry and plead to hashem to bring moshiach!!!
November 8, 2011 2:50 pm at 2:50 pm #824793smartcookieMemberWhat’s spooky is that all those candles on the homepage yesterday were very sudden deaths.
And except Harav Finkel, they were all children.
I know of another completely healthy man who passed yesterday from cardiac arrest too.
Too frightening.
November 8, 2011 3:06 pm at 3:06 pm #824794WIYMemberI haven’t posted here in a while but I feel that I have something important to say so I will say it and you can do what you want with it.
Im not a Rav or even a big Talmud Chacham but all these tragedies have got me thinking that what Hashem wants is rather obvious.
What happens when people suddenly or even not so suddenly are niftar? It shocks people, it wakes us up, makes us aware of the value of life and makes are hearts FEEL, we feel pain, hurt, loss…
I think Hashem is trying to revive our hearts. At the end of the day all of the issues we have has a root in the issue that our HEARTS are not in our Judaism. We aren’t feeling it we don’t feel love for Hashem (or each other) and we don’t serve Hashem with enthusiasm. Our hearts are dead. We have no emotions or feelings when we do mitzvos. Do we feel when we Daven? We may want to feel but do we FEEL? Do we try to get close to Hashem? Do we think about Him? Our lives are so materialistic so external and focused on the outside. We all walk around with unfeeling hearts. I think that at the core of it Hashem is trying to get us His children who he loves so much to start loving Him back! We need to put the joy the simcha the enJOYment back into our Yiddishkiet. We can’t go on llike this. We don’t want to keep reading and hearing about tragedies. We must find a way to feel again. Get close to a Rav or Rebbetzin seek out Daas Torah and find out how to reconnect to Hashem. Most importantly, never give up ever! If you fail try again! The Kotzker famously said the longest distance on Earth is the distance from the head to the heart. Its a very difficult task to get the heart working but its what we need if we want to bring Moshiach. Face it, Hashem will not bring Moshiach to people who don’t genuinely want it coming from deep in their heart. If we don’t really want to serve Hashem then theres no point for Moshiach to come its a waste of time literally!
November 8, 2011 3:11 pm at 3:11 pm #824795mommamia22ParticipantI noticed a while back that it seemed like there were a lot of petirahs, H’Y.
What scares me is that a lot of them seem to be people on very high/innocent levels, rabbanim, children, l’a.
I think the suggestions that we improve our ways, daven more, be more medakdek bemitzvos might be too general. When the klall seemed to have been in danger in the past, bnei yisrael were directed to do specific things, fast/daven, etc. I think we need more specific direction to unite us and make it a must rather than a good thing to do.
It is very frightening.
November 8, 2011 3:27 pm at 3:27 pm #824796gefenParticipantBaruch Dayan HaEmes. What a tragedy! How much more can we take? Someone posted on one of the YWN new stories:
That’s so scary! What lies ahead for us?? We must daven and do teshuva! Look at all that’s been happening lately. Hashem is surely sending us messages, but are we really listening?
Hashem Yerachem!
November 8, 2011 4:29 pm at 4:29 pm #824797MindOverChatterParticipantWIY: Welcome back. We truly missed you here. I agree with your post. Although it’s long, I read through the whole thing, and it makes perfect sense. Thank you.
November 8, 2011 5:24 pm at 5:24 pm #824798seeallsidesParticipantWIY – That is a beautiful post – thank you- May all our tefillos and kabbalos bring Moshiach b’Korov
November 8, 2011 6:55 pm at 6:55 pm #824799aries2756ParticipantThere is also way too much loshon horah spoken and too much motzi shem rah. I took the opportunity to send SMR a message on his birthday. Yesterday I received a personal response from him. I was so surprised and so encouraged at the same time. As much as I tried to be mechazek him he in turn wrote me words of chizuk and assured me that Hashem is in charge and lightens his burden and “lightens” his dark, dank and “dirty” environment with hope and love. If only we all had that kind of emunah and bitachon.
“it is a big Nizayoin to be in this cold dark place, in constant surroundings that are so full of TUMA and everything that a Yid is NOT and should no even be next TO. and its in this place that HASHEM lights up our Neshama so that we feel and see Getlichkait with a Feeling And clarity we never had Before. this is because HASHEM gives the Koiach for our NESHAMA to shine thru all the darkness, and the Dark is pushed away by light.
Let us not fall into a paralyzed and complacent acceptance of the situation. Let us think about Hashem’s message to us and what WE can do for SMR and for others, our own neighbors who have fallen on hard times and are in difficult situations. We are too sure of ourselves, and too judgmental of our fellow Jews. We need to follow the Torah, show rachmanus that Hashem shows us, and Daven to Hashem not only for ourselves but to help others.
SMR, could have complained, could have asked for something, could have described his misery, but he doesn’t. He doesn’t want to share that with anyone else. Even if it lightens his burden to share his tzar that is not who he is or what he is about. He trusts in Hashem and asks others to do the same. His sister came to visit and he asked her “why do you look so bad?” she answered “Nu, why do I look so bad, because you are where you are.” He said “That is because YOU think YOU are in charge. Hashem is in charge and when you fully believe that you will be happy and know that everything will turn out all right.”
Friends, Hashem is in charge. He knows all, sees all, and keeps excellent records. WE have all heard the expression “the Wrath of G-d”. We see signs all around us and we ignore them. We think they are messages for the goyim, for the pritzus they display and for their way of life so against the ways of the Torah, but we don’t even think for a minute that these messages are for us. So Hashem sends us messages closer to home. And for a few weeks we are all about doing the right thing and then we become complacent again and go back to our normal lives. So Hashem not only has to wake us up but shake us up. My dear friends, HASHEM runs the world. His word is the first and last word. HE is the judge and jury. The nishomos he takes home will be fine in his care, it is us who suffer the loss. It is us who will no longer benefit from them. WE are the losers and that is what Hashem is trying to tell us. IF we don’t behave as he expects us to, if we don’t do as he instructed us to, if he keeps having to write painful accounts of what his precious children are doing he will keep having us to teach us and send us messages.
November 8, 2011 8:38 pm at 8:38 pm #824800PLONIALMONI4MemberTo WIY
I do not know who you are but I want you to know that your post struck a chord within me that shook me to he core.
This morning after leaving shul the thought somehow entered my head that I had just spent the last 35 minutes being a mechanical robot.
Upon learning of the terrible news a short while later, it got me further thinking as to how better reconnect to Hashem.
What is more distressing is the fact that Chodesh Tishrei is barely over and I find myself in this position.
Your post gave me clear direction to which I offer my humble gratitude.
November 8, 2011 9:38 pm at 9:38 pm #824801GumBallMemberMy principal just told us this morning that hashem never does anything bad to us. All is for the COMPLETE good.
November 8, 2011 10:58 pm at 10:58 pm #824802supergirl613MemberIt shows that all ages are being taken from us. it doesn’t only have to mean old, sick people, it could be as young as 2 years old.
I heard lots this morning from my principal when she talked to us this morning, it shows that each person is important and only when they die, that’s when we realize how great they are.
Look around you and see every person. Don’t acknowledge them once they leave this world, notice them now.
November 9, 2011 1:09 am at 1:09 am #824803aries2756Participantit is sad and painful when an older beloved person is nifter, but that is still b’derech hatevah. When a young person or child is nifter, it is tragic and shocking because it is NOT b’derech hatevah.
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