This is my first post and I joined coffee room to discuss and get some advice on this situation. It is a year now since the tragedy, but the pain is still so raw and so deep. I live in London and never knew Leiby and had never even heard of the name Kletzky, yet I feel as though I have lost someone I loved dearly. I understand the tragedy was so traumatic, and Leiby must have a special neshomo, that it’s normal to be so affected. I have 2 boys, a year older and younger than Leiby, and they remind me of him constantly. I think of him as each yom tov and occasion comes along and how his parents must feel. I think of him each time my children knock on the door after school or Cheder, and I greet them gratefully. I know I am a better, more patient and more loving mother because of Leiby, and I hope his parents know that for children the world over, this is the case. I am so inspired by their strength in managing their fund to do good in his zechus. I hope it gives them some nechomo. I have tears running down my cheeks and need to stop.