Think fast- What's the randomest think you're thunking?

Home Forums Decaffeinated Coffee Think fast- What's the randomest think you're thunking?

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    Just imagining cats with glow-in-the-dark tips on their tails, rummaging through garbage bins at night. Green glowing eyes and all. Anyone else?


    How can a person tell if something is random?


    I need to figure out how to put darkening shades on my Venetian blinds.


    You can put room darkeners behind them


    RebYidd23- random would be anything that connects to nothing or anything or everything.

    ED IT OR

    i begginned thunking bout spellcheck


    Once u think about it, it can’t b random any more


    I’m thinking about how cute penguins are and what a shame it is that they’ll never be flattered by my compliment. And now another thought is tickling and niggling at the edge of my brain stem: does the enjoyment I feel at complimenting people and seeing their faces light up emanate from a healthy place of caring for others, or is it subconsciously a desire to get them to like me? hmm.. I’d really wanna know the answer to that one.


    does the enjoyment I feel at complimenting people and seeing their faces light up emanate from a healthy place of caring for others, or is it subconsciously a desire to get them to like me?

    I don’t think the desire to get others to like you could trigger

    pleasure at the knowledge that you’ve cause someone else pleasure.

    More questionable is whether you’d compliment others even if you didn’t feel such pleasure as you describe at the realization that

    they enjoyed your words, but merely the satisfaction of a mitzvah accomplished. Either way, keep complimenting! People need it, not enough people do it (?), and in any case, “l’olam ya’asok adam b’Torah ub’mitzvos shelo lishmah!”


    “…shemitoch shelo lishmah bah lishmah”- but I don’t find that it works for me.

    “More questionable is whether you’d compliment others even if you didn’t feel such pleasure as you describe at the realization that

    they enjoyed your words, but merely the satisfaction of a mitzvah accomplished.”

    I wouldn’t know. How would I know what triggered the pleasure?


    If you’re ever feeling down, just think of this.

    Somewhere in the world, a short fat kid just dropped their ice cream.




    I was wondering about something really random today. Do Muslims daven with kavanah, or sometimes mumble their prayers, like I and others sometimes do? Does it look the same as it does when we mumble our way out of the house in the morning?


    lol! yeah random! well whenever they pray in public (I prob wouldn’t use the word “daven” for muslims) they seem to be concentrating very hard….fortunately I don’t know any muslims personally so I can’t really ask…


    Which is a big kitrug against us – the Muslims follow the same God we do, and they do a heck of a better job at it than we do. That is part of the problem. With Eisav, the strength comes from our weaknesses (?? ???? ??). With Yishmoel, however, their strength comes from within itself, the only way to beat them would be by outdoing them. Yishmoel are not our antagonists, they are our competitors. Problem.

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