I understand the beef jerky and salami because they’re salty and you could get dehydrated, but is chulent a no-no in your opinion too because of saltiness? If not, then what’s the reason?
Foods/drinks that are diuretic, meaning that they accelerate expulsion of water from the body. Common examples are those with high caffeine content, certain fruits and vegetables. The list is fairly extensive – and surprising, to me at least – so some research may be in order. I would post a link to one article I liked, but I think that would violate the Coffee Room rules and be removed.
A creamy peanut butter sandwich on white bread with only creamy peanut butter and lots of it.
Did you know creamy peanut butter’s low water content, relatively high protein content, and smooth texture is the perfect combination to get stuck to the roof your mouth in a suctioning fashion? (Today I found out).