Things that turn people into animals: Politics,Driving,using religion the wrong way (i.e muslims,neturei karta ,cults).Shidduch searching,anger,………………..
Being referred to a doctor only to be told you can’t make the appointment because the physician doesn’t do the procedure then having to call your doctor back and have the doctors battle it out.
Chazal say that kinah (jealousy), taavah (desire/lust), and kavod (respect/honor) have the ability to make people do things that they normally would never do. Think about it.
I have a lot of infected tissue that needs to be surgically removed. Surgeon 1 made the recommendation (he’s head of the case) Surgeon 2, Who I’ve been seeing for the last 6 months is chief of staff sent me to Surgeon 3. Surgeon 3’s receptionist did not even want to schedule the evaluation and kicked it back to no. 2. Surgeon 2 was not happy to say the least.