There always was an opposition

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    I often console myself when reading anti traditional or anti chareidi posts by reminding myself that from the time that Moshe faced mockers all the way to the days of the modern-day Maskillim – the Jewish nation has had its fair share of internal problems. Can anyone list other instances in Jewish history where the mesorah was threatened by “ancient bloggers?”


    Doson and Aviram, the Egel, Korach, Samaritans, Saduccees, Zealots, Karaaites, Enlightenment, Reform, Conservative, Bloggers.

    I’m sure I’m leaving many more out, even obvious and well known ones.


    Actually if you look in Succos daf yud aleph there is a machlokes as to whether Rav held a certain position; each had a mesorah that contradicted each other


    Umm… guys, it’s probably better not to be making a list for Israel’s ????? right before Rosh Hashanah… just saying


    Imagine that. And I console myself knowing that the practical and worldly perushim won out over the elitism and fundamentalism (in the most accurate sense of the word) of the tzedukim.


    The tzedukim were more worldly.


    The Bloggers are so bad, all the apikurses that they write against the Torah and Hashem. Frum Satire is funny though how he makes fun of the frum life because a lot of what he says is true.


    Shein: Look at the Mishnayos in Yadayim. Most of the cases where the Tzedukkim accused Chazal of being wrong were where the Tzeddukim wanted to be more Machmir in Tumah V’taharah cases and Chazal said no. (Also, read any of the historical works (including the Frum ones) that will tell you that a lot of the anti-Mesorah sects in Bayis Sheni were actually more Machmir than the Mesorah, which was why they were against Mesorah. They felt they were better than Mesorah. That’s why the whole community was in Kumran. They wouldn’t live in an area with other Jews because they felt they were all Tamei.)


    I didn’t comment about their being more machmir.


    By worldly, I mean dealing with the halachic ramifications of everyday things like farming, relationships, property; I mean giving guidance to the lives of the majority of Jews who didn’t live in cities, and didn’t have wealth.

    The Tzedukim were most concerned (Jewishly) about their prerogatives in and around the bais hamikdosh, and about their state of purity.

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