The World To Come and Gilgulim

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    So ill be a siames twin with a random stranger from 1554 BCE. Can’t wait.


    Random stranger?! Most certainly not! You both have the same neshoma!


    So we have the same Hashkafos and passions etc? the same love for Hashem?


    Of course. (If not, you’ll have a lot of time to convince him since you’ll be together l’olam voed.)


    So what happens to my wife? How will she feel about me being attached to another man? (Assuming it’ll be a man)


    So we have the same Hashkafos and passions etc?

    Unlikely. You’d be the product of two very different times and cultures, shaped by very different experiences.

    Think of it this way… perhaps your neshama is like a specialized type of clay. An experience potter can make many different things with it, depending on the types of pressures, heats and other factors applied to it.

    Your neshama could turn out a million different ways, based on where you live, when you live, who your friends are, the time and culture in which you live and on and on. If you met an alternate version of yourself from a universe where things worked out very differently, you might physially be the same people (like a set of identical twins), but emotionally, spiritually, culturally and mentally, you’d be very different.

    Likewise, the “you” from a five hundred years ago in Europe, and the “you” who lived a millenium ago in Spain and the “you” who lived two millenia ago in present-day Iraq are all very different people. The factors that form your neshama, like those that affect the clay, are very different in different circumstances and, as a result, the final form will be very, very different.

    The Wolf


    Thank You wolf, that was very informative. Another question, does hashem only recycle the gilgulim amongst 1 group of people? Is my gilgul from a non frum person maybe?


    Your wife has the same neshoma as the wife of the man you share a neshoma with.


    Thank You wolf, that was very informative. Another question, does hashem only recycle the gilgulim amongst 1 group of people? Is my gilgul from a non frum person maybe?

    My belief in gilgulim is very wishy-washy at best, so I don’t have an answer for you. I simply tried to provide a *possible* idea of how it might work. Of course, I could very well be 100% wrong too. I don’t have any inside knowledge on what will happen – and I certainly have no knowledge of who your past gilgulim are (if any).

    The Wolf


    Joseph: so lets summarize. There are 2 attached men with 1 neshama, and 2 attached women with 1 neshama. Are the couples still married?


    Ah kasha oif ah maaisa.

    Is it their zivug rishon or zivug sheini?


    I keep wondering at which point a gilgul of one of our Mods will finally remove this thread.

    It seems like ages ago I suggested we should stick to shidduchim and recipes.

    Because it was ages ago.

    It’s one thing when we’re quoting Rishonim and Achronim and paskening shaylos here.

    But seriously…

    Too many kashas oif die maaises, if you ask me.

    But who’s asking me?

    I think no one…

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