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- This topic has 2,052 replies, 68 voices, and was last updated 5 years, 11 months ago by Yechi Hamelech.
June 25, 2018 10:34 am at 10:34 am #1545812CSParticipant
I find that people completely misunderstand when Lubavitchers say things like the above, and panic, or happily relegate us as kofrim, depending on their education.
So I thought to clarify: no we don’t mean that now we can change halacha or that the halachic definition of Geula is upon us cv”s (although we wish it was, as all Jews do).
We mean that if you look at the promises of what the Geula will be like, you will see that because we are so close to Geula, the Geula descriptions of the world state, are actually happening now- not perfect yet, but closer to Geula than Golus.
See this description of the time of Geula from the Rambam, Hilchos Melachim, perek 12, Halacha 5:
ובאותו הזמן לא יהיה שם לא רעב
Today there is abundant food supply worldwide, and if a nation doesn’t have food, it isn’t because there isn’t enough, but because the leaders don’t use their resources properlyולא מלחמה
Although there is still war today, it is not nationalistic ideal it used to be, but is seen as bad, and only to be used as a last resort.ולא קנאה ותחרות
Cooperation is values much more today than competition. The attitude is we all win together instead of winners and losers.שהטובה תהיה מושפעת הרבה וכל המעדנים מצויין כעפר
families considered poor today have homes, electricity, meat and chicken, fridges and more.ולא יהיה עסק כל העולם אלא לדעת את ה’ בלבד
Not perfect yet, although there is a general trend of a search for meaning, and there is increasing numbers of christians coming to learn from Jews, and even rejecting it altogether. The world is a ready receptive place to learn more, and we should really be more active in teaaching the nations the sheva mitzvos bnei noachולפיכך יהיו ישראל חכמים גדולים
Jews today have the time to learn, all children go to school, there are whole communities where the men can sit and learn all day while their wives support themויודעים דברים הסתומים וישיגו דעת בוראם כפי כח האדם
The study of kabbala and chassidus is accesible to everyone today, in many languages and formsשנאמר כי מלאה הארץ דעה את ה’ כמים לים מכסים:
Now of course, all the above will be realized at a much deeper level when Moshiach comes, but if you compare the world today to how it was 100 years ago, it is allot closer to the Geula reality than the golus one which we lived in since forever.
So that’s what we mean when we say the world is ready for the Geula or the world is in a state of Geula.
June 25, 2018 5:54 pm at 5:54 pm #1546161ToiParticipantSeriously, no one cares. Stop pushing your Chabadsky agenda.
June 25, 2018 11:27 pm at 11:27 pm #1546312Takes2-2tangoParticipantI didnt know the rambam was a chabatzker?
Thanks for the latest news.June 26, 2018 12:04 am at 12:04 am #1546334DovidBTParticipantwe are so close to Geula
How does that affect the way that we carry out our daily lives? Does it mean that we should live as if the Geula will happen tomorrow, and that today may be our last chance to show Hashem that we are deserving of His favorable judgement?
June 27, 2018 12:42 am at 12:42 am #1547098RSoParticipantMuch of what Chabadshlucha says about our times is true, some of it not, but it is really all totally irrelevant.
The Rambam she is basing on is talking about when Moshiach has already been declared and all the Yidden have gathered to him, as he writes in Hilchos Melachim perel 12 …בימי המלך המשיח, כשתתיישב ממלכתו ויתקבצו אליו כל ישראל .
We are not at that stage, and from the Rambam there is absolutely no indication that even immediately prior to that stage the world will be a better place than it ever was.
June 27, 2018 12:43 am at 12:43 am #1547100RSoParticipantWhile a lot of what CS points out is correct, it really has nothing to do with Mashiach’s times because the Rambam she quotes says explicitly that that’s the way the world will be AFTER Mashiach has arrived and the Jewish People will gather around him.
Nowhere does it indicate that even immediately prior to that stage will the world be a better place than it ever was as far as CS’s understanding is concerned.
June 27, 2018 7:13 am at 7:13 am #1547116WinnieThePoohParticipantCS, your positive attitude is refreshing, but I think limited to your own narrow experience.
“Although there is still war today, it is not nationalistic ideal it used to be, but is seen as bad, and only to be used as a last resort.”
Perhaps that is how it is viewed by the US and western countries, but the US is not the whole world. Does not apply to ISIS, Syria, Iran, Russia, N Korea.“Cooperation is values much more today than competition. The attitude is we all win together instead of winners and losers.”
Sure, that is why Trump needs to impose tariffs, why China steals intellectual property, why Europe was so eager for the sanctions on Iran to end so they could trade there..etc. Ok, maybe there is a new trend in kids’ board games to follow a cooperative rather than competitive model, but the real world has a ways to go to that end.“families considered poor today have homes, electricity, meat and chicken, fridges and more.”
Yes, in western countries today’s poor have more than the poor of the shtetle in Eastern Europe, but there are plenty of families who don’t have meat and chicken in their fridges, whose electricity get turned off when they don’t pay their bills, not to mention the majority who live in third world countries who don’t have the basics that have become the standard in the west.“not perfect yet, although there is a general trend of a search for meaning, …”
This is very reassuring to British Jews whose chinuch is threatened by the new liberal norms, by the sweeping moral change in the western countries where wrong has become right, and right is vilified as wrong.
Where anything goes, and those who protest the change in long-accepted status quos are considered evil. if anything, one can argue that we are getting farther from that ideal, and that is davka a sign of mashiach, when the world and its values turn upside-down.But of course you are right, we are closer to Geula now than we were 100 years ago, just as we were closer 100 years ago than we were 200 years ago.
June 27, 2018 2:16 pm at 2:16 pm #1547426CSParticipantIt’s nice to see the feedback and interesting points brought up! Thanks everyone:) To respond:
@DovidBT: Yes we should live with this reality, and that is one way of living with it. For me, I take it slightly different. For me, the mindset is that once Moshiach comes, free choice will be gone as we will all see Hashem and the game of struggle to choose the good will be over. So today may be the last chance I have to make a positive difference in this world that helps it it a more Geula’dike kind of place. In fact, this is one of the reasons that I chose to go on shlichus: I wasn’t sure how I would cope far away from my family and friends, in a different country and culture. But then I reminded myself that Moshiach will definitely be here soon, and maybe even before I leave on shlichus, and I can get the credit for being willing to go and spend my life there, even though it won’t be necessary…I also learned that when the Geula finally comes, Moshiach himself will thank every Yid personally for their part in helping transform the world into a G-dly place. So my mentality is that today could be my last day to make a difference and what am I doing to change the world in my own surroundings?
June 27, 2018 4:12 pm at 4:12 pm #1547900JosephParticipantWe’ll be lucky if we’re close enough that we can see the shpitz of the crown of Moshiach.
June 27, 2018 4:22 pm at 4:22 pm #1547474CSParticipant@wtp
It seems the common denominator between everything you are saying is that we still have a ways to go until we get to the ultimate of good which will occur by the Geula. I agree with you, and I said that as well in my original post. As we are still in golus there are still issues, but the overall world trend has turned more towards the Geula. Now to respond further:
“Perhaps that is how it is viewed by the US and western countries, but the US is not the whole world. Does not apply to ISIS, Syria, Iran, Russia, N Korea.”
If you’ve looked at the news recently, ISIS is pretty much defeated, Syria is an unnatural situation which should have ended ages ago and had turned into more of a proxy war which no one really wants. It does seem to fit the bill of Gog uMagog. Russia is playing carefully to avoid provoking war with America and Israel. They have their interests in the region which is why theyre involved in Syria, but they aren’t trigger happy, they are trying to avoid all out conflict.
Iran represents the last klipa of golus, as spoken of in Daniel’s dream- the last force of golus is the ideology of Yishmael. But even they seem headed for defeat as I am sure we will see soon. North Korea is coming into line as well.
“Sure, that is why Trump needs to impose tariffs, why China steals intellectual property, why Europe was so eager for the sanctions on Iran to end so they could trade there..etc. Ok, maybe there is a new trend in kids’ board games to follow a cooperative rather than competitive model, but the real world has a ways to go to that end.”
“Yes, in western countries today’s poor have more than the poor of the shtetle in Eastern Europe, but there are plenty of families who don’t have meat and chicken in their fridges, whose electricity get turned off when they don’t pay their bills…”As said before, we are still not in a full state of Geula where things will be the best they can be. Were in twilight zone- the last moments of golus and the beginning of Geula reality- so things are much better than the past and will continue to improve.
As far as competition- do you not see in the general workplace the atmosphere has shifted from domination and intimidation to cooperation and team membership? WeWorks is part of this new fad, as is many companies taking their employees on paid retreats to encourage this atmosphere… Its not only in kid’s games.
June 27, 2018 4:55 pm at 4:55 pm #1547553CSParticipantcont’
“This is very reassuring to British Jews whose chinuch is threatened by the new liberal norms, by the sweeping moral change in the western countries where wrong has become right, and right is vilified as wrong.
Where anything goes, and those who protest the change in long-accepted status quos are considered evil. if anything, one can argue that we are getting farther from that ideal, and that is davka a sign of mashiach, when the world and its values turn upside-down.”Valid point, and 2 points in return:
1) The night is darkest before dawn. Spiritually, the forces of evil give their last ditch attempt and get most desperate when they see their time is up. Looking back at the world the past twenty years this is clearly apparent.
There were tremendous downfalls of evil in inexplicable miraculous yet natural ways that definitely pointed to the fact that we are entering a Geula reality.
Examples include the downfall of the Iron Curtain (which as you know was a major force against Yiddishkeit) in 1991, so quickly and unexpectedly, and without any blood spilled. That is really crazy when you think about it.
Also the Gulf War where Sadaam Hussein rained missiles down on Israel and miraculously, no one died from being hit by a missile. Then one missile hit a US army base, and 40-60 soldiers died (forget the exact number). So they were no toys.
The commitment of the US and Russia to stop producing nuclear weapons, and that nations should divert the extra money spent on producing these weapons to fund aid and food for poorer nations. This fulfilled the ideal of the nevuah of the nations turning their swords to plowshares…
All the above took place in 1991-1992, and the Rebbe pointed out all these as signs of the coming of the geula.
Then the world seemed to be plunged into darkness. The darkness before dawn.
From the euphoria of expecting the Geula at any moment, Chabad was greeted with gimmel Tammuz. It seems in general there is a lack of the kind of Torah leadership that existed all the years, although we have Rabbanim today, its not the same…
On a world level, the Oslo Accords took place, intifadas, Gush Katif… and finally 8 years of Obama who pushed the opposite of Kedusha in moral values, against Israel, and pushed for the liberals to control everything.
But now, things are swinging back in an extraordinary way speedy way, ever since Trump’s election. One klipa after another is being demolished- from the #metoo movement which shows that the destruction of modesty and family values has failed to protect women,
The moving of the embassy to Jerusalem- the start of the nations recognizing EY belongs to us.
The Iran deal being torn up.
The gains for abortion and toeiva are being reversed.
North Korea is coming around.
And all within a single year and a half.
So yes, there was a last desperate push for darkness, but it seems its time is up. And it’s interesting to see the changes being led by Edom themselves- ie the world is being cleansed.
The situation in the UK is a result of the push from the last 8 years. America is already swinging in another direction. I’m sure the UK will come around too. Until then we daven and work with askanim, but the world is coming around.
Point two in next post:)
June 27, 2018 4:57 pm at 4:57 pm #1547605CSParticipantPoint 2) Another sign of the Geula as you may have hinted, is that throughout golus, good and evil were mixed and our job, through Torah and Mitzvos was to separate the good from evil.
However, right before Geula, it is foretold that good and evil will polarize and become black and white. This way it will be absolutely clear who is on the side of evil and who good.
We definitely see that today. The most unlikely of alliances such as radical liberals and sharia islam have come together. So on one hand you have:
Radical Islam+Liberals (ie toeiva, abortion, mis-education etc.)+anti Israel vs. Conservative values+pro Israel
And good is winning. It’s astounding what has happened in just the past year. I forgot to mention the virtual defeat of ISIS btw.
Another connected point is that there are some world qualities described that they will occur right before the Geula, but we can choose whether to live it in a positive or negative way.
Such as: In the gemara it says “Chutzpa yasge…” Chutzpah will rise, children will rise against their parents etc.
Now we definitely see this in the world today in a negative sense but we also see it in a positive sense.
Such as young people telling older people they should grow in their yiddishkeit. Girls encouraging their mothers to dress tznius. Young people speaking up to create positive change in schools or in places where previously they would have been quiet in the face of authority- even if the authority was wrong.
June 27, 2018 5:04 pm at 5:04 pm #1548531☕ DaasYochid ☕ParticipantCS, אני מאמין באמונה שלמה בביאת המשיח…
…but, do you realize how little sense you make?
Moshiach must be coming soon because the world is getting so much better, and Moshiach must be coming soon because the world is getting so much worse?
June 27, 2018 7:12 pm at 7:12 pm #1548551CSParticipantYes it’s both. Better in a deeper sense while the garbage today is surface level.
Actually that’s one of the reasons moshiach is called a metzora. If I remember correctly, its because the skin disease of tzaraas is external and reflects that the evil of the world that moshiach comes to will be surface level only.
We see this clearly. All the evil today is very weak. Two examples: liberals resort to labeling and name calling because they have no coherent arguments that can withstand challenge in an honest intellectual discussion.
Anti Israel claims are not even based on truth (where it could look valid) but on twisted facts and outright lies.
June 27, 2018 7:15 pm at 7:15 pm #1548567CSParticipantAlso if you read the whole post (ik they’re long) then you’d see my point is that even this external weak evil is being defeated now. This year.
Added note to the polarising of good and evil:
Today you literally choose good or evil. In the past any choice was typically mixed. Like the Czar vs. Napoleon. Even In philosophy, atheism had what was back then food for thought with aristotle and science. Now people become bit frum due to negative emotions. Not substantial ideological issues as it used to be.Here’s the extended axes:
Killing of unborn + killing of deformed +killing of elderly + support for anarchy + no objective morals + radical Islam + liberals+ disrespect of other opinions + violence + support for Palestine
Protecting all life+support for law and order +G-d given morals +respect civil debate + support for Israel
June 27, 2018 7:15 pm at 7:15 pm #1548571RSoParticipantCS you can’t have it both ways. You say that the good things in the world show that Mashiach is nearly here and then you say that the night is darkest before the dawn and that therefore when things are worse it’s an indication Mashiach is nearly here!
June 27, 2018 7:15 pm at 7:15 pm #1548572RSoParticipantCS you can’t have it both ways. You can’t say that we can see from the good things in the world that Mashiach is nearly here and then say about the bad things that the night is always darkest before the dawn!
Maybe the bad things show Mashiach isn’t close by, and the good things show that we are not near the dawn c”v.
June 27, 2018 7:25 pm at 7:25 pm #1548597☕ DaasYochid ☕ParticipantHowever, right before Geula, it is foretold that good and evil will polarize and become black and white.
…while the garbage today is surface level.
Another contradictory statement.
Just stop already. Just follow the Torah because Hashem commanded, and daven for Moshiach. Trying to force Moshiach didn’t work in the 90’s, and won’t work today. If he comes (hopefully b’karov), it’ll be because Hashem decrees that it’s the time.
Meanwhile, you’re making a mockery of the concept of geulah.
June 27, 2018 8:47 pm at 8:47 pm #1548603Neville ChaimBerlinParticipantCS:
I’m not going to voice any argument or anything on the topic. Just a little word of internet advice: when your post exceeds the max-post-limit multiple times, it’s way longer than anyone is willing to read. People don’t come to an internet forum to read War and Peace; we come for quick, instant satisfaction. If’ you’re really putting a lot of time into these posts, it’s a shame, because it’s highly unlikely anyone is reading them fully.June 27, 2018 8:48 pm at 8:48 pm #1548607kj chusidParticipant“The moving of the embassy to Jerusalem- the start of the nations recognizing EY belongs to us.”
Typical chabad 2 sided talk,
June 27, 2018 8:49 pm at 8:49 pm #1548611Lol1Participant“…but, do you realize how little sense you make?
Moshiach must be coming soon because the world is getting so much better, and Moshiach must be coming soon because the world is getting so much worse?”
Chazal realized it many years ago…it says that Mushiach will come either DUR SHEKULOY ZAKAY OR CHAYAV! Got it!
June 27, 2018 8:50 pm at 8:50 pm #1548613☕️coffee addictParticipantI have a great way to work towards the coming of moshiach
Think outside of yourself and towards love of every Jew
That includes NKs, WoW, and any yid that you don’t agree with (that includes people that might call you a kofer for your beliefs
When hate leaves the world moshiach will come
June 28, 2018 12:48 am at 12:48 am #1548718Avi KParticipant1. Actually the oomot haolam recognized that EY (including Ever haYarden) is our at the San Remo Conference.
2. So far as the situation in Chul is concerned, it could be that the Trump Court (he is getting to nominate under Justice and with Breyer almost 80 and Ginzberg already 85 he might get to pick two more).
June 28, 2018 7:52 am at 7:52 am #1548745meirsParticipantCS don’t worry a lot of these people just don’t understand and it’s very sad. It seems like they want to remain in Golus just so they can continue learning. They don’t even begin to understand what moshiach will bring, and while neither do we, already we have a sincere wanting for it.
June 28, 2018 7:54 am at 7:54 am #1548746RSoParticipant(Firstly I apologise for my double posts. Lately when I post there is nothing to indicate that it went through, and I have then been posting again using a different browser. It seems both browsers have been successful.)
CS writes: “All the above took place in 1991-1992, and the Rebbe pointed out all these as signs of the coming of the geula.”
Over 25 years is a long time to wait for the “immediate redemption” as the Lubavitcher Rebbe used to say “now”! How much Yiddishe suffering has there been in those years?
She continues: “Then the world seemed to be plunged into darkness. The darkness before dawn.From the euphoria of expecting the Geula at any moment, Chabad was greeted with gimmel Tammuz. It seems in general there is a lack of the kind of Torah leadership that existed all the years, although we have Rabbanim today, its not the same…”
That is not only poppycock but it is a terrible thing to say! Chazal tell us that HKBH “planted” tsaddikim in each generation. To make that generalisation because you are a lubavitcher and you haven’t been clever enough to appoint a successor insults the entire Torah world, its Rabbonim and its tsaddikim.
I am mocheh, and I would expect others to be mocheh too!
June 28, 2018 7:56 am at 7:56 am #1548756CSParticipant@DY I guess I’ll try one more time. The good and bad is polarised. At the same time the bad is surface level and weak with no legitimate justification. And it’s being defeated.
@NC you’re right. When you write short you risk being misunderstood. Especially when its controversial. When you write long people will skim…what’s better?
June 28, 2018 7:57 am at 7:57 am #1548757CSParticipantJune 28, 2018 8:02 am at 8:02 am #1548761CSParticipant@avik ok I stand corrected. I should have elaborated one of the main reasons the US has not wanted to touch jerusalem was so that it wouldn’t lead to any rebuilding of the BHMK… Also the reason the tunnels thought to lead to the Aron are closed off… So it’s really a bigger deal than simply recognising EY
June 28, 2018 8:04 am at 8:04 am #1548764DovidBTParticipantFor me, the mindset is that once Moshiach comes, free choice will be gone as we will all see Hashem and the game of struggle to choose the good will be over. So today may be the last chance I have to make a positive difference in this world that helps it it a more Geula’dike kind of place.
Thanks for the explanation.June 28, 2018 8:49 am at 8:49 am #1548758ToiParticipantChutzpa yasgi- Your whole thread is a kiyum, though I’m not sure of anything more than the literal teich.
June 28, 2018 10:28 am at 10:28 am #1548897icemelterParticipantEhh, once again you all fell for it. When a chabadster brings up a subject, it’s not to teach you it’s to put you down by proving how much chabad is “better” and more “correct” than everyone else. Don’t you get it by now? I don’t know why you are even attempting to answer these “points” they have explanations for everything and it always seems to be tailored perfectly to their side. It’s funny to see these reactions though as if you are still shocked by this behavior after all the other threads. A quick glance at their websites will help you understand their mindset and agenda.
June 28, 2018 11:11 am at 11:11 am #1548919midwesternerParticipant“I have a great way to work towards the coming of moshiach
Think outside of yourself and towards love of every Jew
That includes NKs, WoW, and any yid that you don’t agree with (that includes people that might call you a kofer for your beliefs
When hate leaves the world moshiach will come”
Halo mesan’echa Hashem esna, uviskomemecha eskotat.
Tehillim 139:21June 28, 2018 11:22 am at 11:22 am #1548916DovidBTParticipantEhh, once again you all fell for it. When a chabadster brings up a subject, it’s not to teach you it’s to put you down by proving how much chabad is “better” and more “correct” than everyone else.
“Faith is the ability to hear the music beneath the noise.”
Rabbi Jonathan SacksJune 28, 2018 11:54 am at 11:54 am #1548932more chessed more truthParticipantWell said @midwesterner and @DovidBT!!!
I’m not a Chabadnik, but I really don’t get all the hostility posted here. Why can’t people just “take the best, and leave the rest?” Even a staunch Litvak would have to admit how much good Chabad has done to advance the Jewish cause. If one travels for business, even to some remote po-dunk kind of city, there’s bound to be a Chabad and probably even a kosher restaurant or at least the website to their Chabad house or shul will have a list of where to buy kosher food. No abba, even Hashem, likes it when his children are at each other’s throats. Kol Tov!
June 28, 2018 12:30 pm at 12:30 pm #1548936Reb EliezerParticipantCreate achdus by learning torah lishmah as the T”Z says in O”CH 47 where Torah is a give and take, questions and answers, bringing people together and eliminating sinas chinom. This will correct the reason for the destruction of the temple and bring Moshiach speedily in our time, Amen.
June 28, 2018 1:06 pm at 1:06 pm #1548950Reb EliezerParticipantAll three pillars unify us. Torah mentioned above, Avoda , if davening, we show caring for others. If doing mitzvos, we can encourage others to do them. Gemilos Chasodim is obvious. All three have the same gematria 611. Avoda is the same as Yiras and Gemilos Chasodim.
June 28, 2018 1:06 pm at 1:06 pm #1548951ashkifardParticipantIf all Coffee Room users would only speak nice and never say anything bad to their opponent, then for sure Mashiach will be here before you know it!
June 28, 2018 1:07 pm at 1:07 pm #1548953zahavasdadParticipantI dont think most frum jews REALLY want the Geulah. What percentage when Moshiach will come will refuse to sell their business or sell their homes at a loss, Buy an overpriced El Al ticket or C/V be forced to sit next to a member of the opposite gender on that flight and hold up the plane for its return
June 28, 2018 1:39 pm at 1:39 pm #1548965ToiParticipantHey, I think that’s my first edited post. I don’t even remember what I wrote. Why the rainbow lettering?
my personal protest against the missing subtitles – 29
June 28, 2018 1:43 pm at 1:43 pm #1548971☕️coffee addictParticipantWhy do people in the CR need to label groups of people as different/bad
What does it gain?
June 28, 2018 2:27 pm at 2:27 pm #1549012June 28, 2018 2:59 pm at 2:59 pm #1549023Reb EliezerParticipantI think, it comes from the sefer chasidim.
June 28, 2018 3:46 pm at 3:46 pm #1549067Reb EliezerParticipantIt is also עקבתא דמשיחא time for עקב תשמעון at the sof we will all listen because of our afflictions. It will be the time when ירהבו הנער בזקן the young will lift up themselves over the elder and will not respect them.
June 29, 2018 6:40 am at 6:40 am #1549225Avi KParticipantCoffee Addict, it makes them feel less bad about themselves.
June 29, 2018 7:27 am at 7:27 am #1549233ToiParticipant@Mod29- Oh, the subtitles…kinda miss mine. Is it weird that I remember it?
I think many people remember theirs, we enjoyed that feature very much.
June 29, 2018 9:12 am at 9:12 am #1549269CSParticipantI apologise it seems I overlooked your post.
“Over 25 years is a long time to wait for the “immediate redemption” as the Lubavitcher Rebbe used to say “now”! How much Yiddishe suffering has there been in those years?”
Agreed. No one is happy about it. The Rebbe told us in 1992 that he’s done all he can and now it’s up to us, the regular people, to bring moshiach by learning about it so we truly yearn for it on our own and not just to make the Rebbe happy. Apparently this temporary descent was in order to make this possible as people weren’t willing to think and make it their own when they could just look to the Rebbe the whole time…
“That is not only poppycock but it is a terrible thing to say! Chazal tell us that HKBH “planted” tsaddikim in each generation. To make that generalisation because you are a lubavitcher and you haven’t been clever enough to appoint a successor insults the entire Torah world, its Rabbonim and its tsaddikim
I am mocheh, and I would expect others to be mocheh
too!”No offence meant. We haven’t appointed another Rebbe because we still have our work cut out for us from the current Rebbe, and we still connect and get guidance, difficult as it may be.
There is a general lack of the kind of leadership and tzaddikim of yore- even during the Rebbe’s days there was a lack of tzaddikim with no yetzer hara. The focus now is on the regular people to do the right thing. I don’t think there is a big uproar because you find the comment made many times on this forum that our leadership isn’t what it used to be, and I was just repeating this sentiment.
June 29, 2018 9:21 am at 9:21 am #1549274☕ DaasYochid ☕ParticipantI am mocheh, and I would expect others to be mocheh too!
Do we need to be mocheh on every one of these threads?
I guess we should.
June 29, 2018 9:22 am at 9:22 am #1549279☕ DaasYochid ☕Participant“Over 25 years is a long time to wait for the “immediate redemption” as the Lubavitcher Rebbe used to say “now”! How much Yiddishe suffering has there been in those years?”
Agreed. No one is happy about it.
Nobody in your circles can seem to be objective enough to admit that the Rebbe was wrong. He didn’t guess or speculate that Moshiach was coming immediately, he stated it as a certainty.
June 29, 2018 10:29 am at 10:29 am #1549316ToiParticipant“… and get guidance…”
June 29, 2018 11:20 am at 11:20 am #1549380midwesternerParticipantThere is no such thing as a tzadik without a Yetzer Hara.
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