The whole person

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    I was looking at another site where there was a conversation about a nice video message. There was someone there that said some rude stuff, and it gives the impression that he’s very rude. But later, he said some nice stuff, and so it gives you a different view.

    We have many different sides and should look at the whole person


    The whole person? Anice guy acting rude or a rude guy acting nice part time. The latter is more likely.


    Good question, it could be either way. The thing that happened though is that people reading his message make an assumption about him from one comment. But later, when people find out more about him, there’s a different picture.

    Sometimes, a person is obviously what they appear to be, and sometimes not.


    A Rebbe of mine related that a man once came to look at a certain Bachur being Redt for his daughter. The Bachurim were lining up for lunch. The moment the Mashgiach pointed out the usually refined young man, the Bachur grabbed the hat off the guy in front of him and frisbeed it across the room.

    The Mashgiach tried explaining to the father that this Bachur never behaves like this. The man said, ‘Perhaps, but I guess it’s not Bashert.’


    True, people shouldn’t be rude in the first place, but one’s true essence might be good, unless the person is anti semite of course or something.

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