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- This topic has 19 replies, 10 voices, and was last updated 13 years, 7 months ago by yungerman1.
August 16, 2011 9:51 pm at 9:51 pm #598666charliehallParticipant
Rick Perry’s new Presidential candidacy has attracted a lot of attention, and some support from conservatives and friends of Israel. I’d like to take a few minutes to point out some misconceptions.
First, there is no Perry Texas economic miracle. Here are some facts, with links to support them:
New York’s unemployment rate (8.0%) is lower than that of Texas (8.2%). Lets run Andrew Cuomo for President!
Furthermore, Texas has the highest property taxes in the nation:
Texas is among the three states that have increased spending the most in the past three years:
Finally, Perry is a big supporter of Corporate Welfare, even when it goes to a company controlled by an anti-Semitic anti-Israel anti-American dictator:
CITGO is owned by Venezuela’s government-owned national oil company, which is controlled by anti-Semitic dictator Hugo Chavez.
It should also be noted that Perry’s comments about Bernanke getting “ugly” treatment are beyond the pale. It is bad enough that he wants to subject the Fed to partisan political control, but the “ugly” allusion adds a potential threat to the physical safety of a public official.
August 16, 2011 9:53 pm at 9:53 pm #799155deiyezoogerMemberWelcome back Charlie!!
Why are you dams so affraid of Rick Perry?…
August 16, 2011 9:57 pm at 9:57 pm #799156charliehallParticipantI’m afraid for America — and for Israel.
August 16, 2011 10:35 pm at 10:35 pm #799157deiyezoogerMemberAmerica ok, if you are a liberal then you believe Perry is bad for America, but Isreal? oh come on!! After all Obama did to discredit Isreal you can still say that with a streight face?
And BTW we still dont know most about Obama, the media never vetted him the way they do to other candidates.
August 17, 2011 12:25 am at 12:25 am #799158Abe CohenParticipantRick Perry (a great friend of Israel) is Obama’s biggest nightmare. Despite all the Democrat apologetics as to why Rick Perry “really doesn’t deserve credit” for how well Texas is doing despite the Obama recession in the nation.
August 17, 2011 2:34 am at 2:34 am #799159popa_bar_abbaParticipantI’d vote for Rick Perry any day of the week. Except shabbos.
August 17, 2011 2:43 am at 2:43 am #799160Bar ShattyaMemberi would vote for perry on shobos b/c its prob not shabbos in new zealand
August 17, 2011 5:55 am at 5:55 am #799161haifagirlParticipantQuestion for the mods:
Here is one of the rules of the CR:
3 – We generally can not post links to other websites.
But I have seen that many posts do go through with links. So, what is the criteria?
August 17, 2011 12:12 pm at 12:12 pm #799162600 Kilo BearMember1) Rick Perry will most probably not win the nomination. He just does not seem to be Presidential material. However, I am sure someone who enjoys sorting through trash could have found plenty of trash to dredge up regarding Reagan when he was Governor of California. Reagan was also considered too right-wing at one time.
2) Obama will most definitely not win the election. I actually would like to see him win, though, because he would make such a thorough mess that there would be no President from his party for ten terms after his second term.
I fear that with America fading and Asia rising, there will just be a constant jerking back and forth from term to term unless the average voter understands once and for all that leftist, statist policies and multiculturalism are the reason for the financial, social and moral decline of the United States. Only a real leader can reverse that decline, and while Obama = Carter, there is no Reagan on the horizon (unless someone is waiting in the wings or one of the Republicans is more than meets the eye.)
As for EY, it is time for the medine to act Jewish and stop worrying about what the US or anyone else thinks. However, because of the nature of secular Zionism and the malignancy called post-Zionism that now holds sway in the medine, world opinion and instant gratification matter far more to the state than Toras Hashem does. Sharon borei pri haadomoh told Bush that he wanted “peace,” not the other way around. So the one who is bad for “Israel” is – the state of Israel and until that changes, it does not matter who is in the White House. Regardless, a G-d fearing notzri is not a problem for Jews. Obama is.
August 17, 2011 2:21 pm at 2:21 pm #799163yungerman1ParticipantCharlie Hall- Lets be intellectually honest, ok?
1. Texas has a higer unemployement rate than NY. True, but did you compare job creation in the two states? Did you know that Texas is number 3 in the nation for population growth while NY is number 45??!! That means Texas created way more jobs than almost any state in the nation. To be fair, the Dems are agreeing with me, but say Perry had NOTHING to do with it. Its all oil or military related jobs. Come on!!
2. Texas has highest property tax in the nation.- While you did manage to find a report that said something like this, I’ll be dan lkaf zchus that you were grossly misinformed. That report is only tax percentage of home value, not the dollar amount. NY and NJ have the highest dollar amount taxes in the country.
Also, did you know that texas has zero, yes, zero (0) income tax? The total tax burden in TX is much lower than NY. Also, once we are quoting from the taxfoundation webiste, have you seen the 2009 State Business Tax Climate Index which ranks NY as the absoute worst business tax climate state in the nation? Oh, and Texas is the 7th best in the nation.
3. TX has increased spending. Charlie, did you bother to read the next line in the article?? “… Texas, is also on track to spend significantly more in 2012 than in 2008, but the two-year budget Texas just enacted calls for very deep cuts in 2013 that would bring spending below 2008 levels.” They are making very deep cuts in spending.
4. Big supporter of corporate welfare. So he gave a few million dollar grant, and 30 million low interest loan back in 2004, big deal. Should i compare it to the billions Obama gave to bailout companies? Or to the hundred or more large companies that were given waivers from ObamaCare? Can you please explain that?
5. Perry’s comment on Bernanke. I agree with you that he was out of line, and should not have said that. But need I compare that to Janet Napolitano or the VP of the USA, Joe Biden calling the Tea Party terrorists??
Seriously, its becoming increasingly difficult to belive that the Dems line of reasoning is based on ignorance, and not on deliberate distortions of the truth.
I look forward to further discussions based on fact, not rhetoric.
August 17, 2011 6:06 pm at 6:06 pm #799164rtParticipantyungerman- fact, Biden didn’t say they’re terrorists, rather the behavior was “like terrorists”.
now, is this worse than calling the President of this country a socialist, a communist, someone who pals around with terrorists, is not really a citizen, hates this country, hates the military etc there’s plenty of guilt to go around- I believe that’s a fact worth noting
August 17, 2011 8:50 pm at 8:50 pm #799165yungerman1Participantrt- Thank you for the correction on Biden. Like I said, I dont agree with the name calling. But Obama is implementing a socialist agenda, and was very close with Bill Ayers and Bernadine Dohrn. He was first introduced as a senate candidate in their house, and served on a board together with Ayers.
But lets not get distracted. Does anyone havre anything in response to my previous post? As many have been saying, in an honest intellectual conversation Democrats dont have any response.
August 17, 2011 9:27 pm at 9:27 pm #799166charliehallParticipant“1. Texas has a higer unemployement rate than NY. True, but did you compare job creation in the two states? Did you know that Texas is number 3 in the nation for population growth while NY is number 45??!! That means Texas created way more jobs than almost any state in the nation. To be fair, the Dems are agreeing with me, but say Perry had NOTHING to do with it. Its all oil or military related jobs. Come on!!”
Texas has created a lot of jobs, but it has also lost a lot of jobs. Hence the still high unemployment rate.
“2. Texas has highest property tax in the nation.- While you did manage to find a report that said something like this, I’ll be dan lkaf zchus that you were grossly misinformed. That report is only tax percentage of home value, not the dollar amount. NY and NJ have the highest dollar amount taxes in the country.
Also, did you know that texas has zero, yes, zero (0) income tax? The total tax burden in TX is much lower than NY. Also, once we are quoting from the taxfoundation webiste, have you seen the 2009 State Business Tax Climate Index which ranks NY as the absoute worst business tax climate state in the nation? Oh, and Texas is the 7th best in the nation.
If the business climate is so much better than New York, how come it has higher unemployment? Clearly, there is something more to creating jobs than being friendly to business.
‘3. TX has increased spending. Charlie, did you bother to read the next line in the article?? “… Texas, is also on track to spend significantly more in 2012 than in 2008, but the two-year budget Texas just enacted calls for very deep cuts in 2013 that would bring spending below 2008 levels.” They are making very deep cuts in spending.’
Yes. They will add to umemployment, harm Texas’ already troubled education system, and drive even more Texans to Mexico for health care, not to mention adding to unemployment. These are no times to be either cutting spending or raising taxes (which have the same macroeconomic effect).
‘4. Big supporter of corporate welfare. So he gave a few million dollar grant, and 30 million low interest loan back in 2004, big deal. Should i compare it to the billions Obama gave to bailout companies? Or to the hundred or more large companies that were given waivers from ObamaCare? Can you please explain that?’
I think it is a big deal to give government money to an anti-Semitic anti-Israel anti-American dictator. Don’t you? If Obama had given Chavez $35 million the Republicans would be all over him.
And they’d be over him had he NOT granted the waivers. The point of the Affordable Care Act was not to cause people to lose health insurance, but to cover more people. Which it has. It has also reduced the cost for millions on Medicare. Had the Affordable Care Act been permitted to take effect in a reasonable amount of time, the waivers would not be needed, but not one single Republican was willing to vote to end a filibuster to allow these problems to be corrected.
“5. Perry’s comment on Bernanke. I agree with you that he was out of line, and should not have said that. But need I compare that to Janet Napolitano or the VP of the USA, Joe Biden calling the Tea Party terrorists??”
No comparison. Neither Napolitano nor Biden accused the Tea Party of treason or threatened their safety. Anyone who threatens a public official with physical harm is unfit for public service.
August 17, 2011 9:31 pm at 9:31 pm #799167deiyezoogerMember“Ugly treatment” is not physical harm, it means booing him when making a public appearence.
August 17, 2011 9:40 pm at 9:40 pm #799168600 Kilo BearMemberI think it is a big deal to give government money to an anti-Semitic anti-Israel anti-American dictator. Don’t you? If Obama had given Chavez $35 million the Republicans would be all over him.
How much has Obama given Hamas? How many times could he have withheld aid and did not?
Chavez is not forever. He is an oncology patient boruch Hashem. He has also never laid hands on a single Jew for anti-Semitic reasons (I don’t even know if he stole any Jewish property). Citgo is a company that has operated in the US for years under previous Venezuelan regimes, and when Chavez succumbs to the yenna machla he so richly deserves, Citgo will continue to provide jobs in the US.
With the exception of Chavez’s meshugge plan to distribute Citgo heating oil in Harlem which may or may not have ever come to be, Citgo operates as any other company does in the US. Some of the firms that have gas stations in the US build and operate in Yehuda veShomron. Obama’s cronies would love to block Dor Alon from doing business in the US – but you can’t do anything to US corporate entities no matter who owns them.
Hamas, on the other hand, has cells in the US that could pull off another 9-11 any day. Hamas may, like Hizbollah, be involved in smuggling scams in the US.
Calling the Tea Party terrorists is worse than accusing anyone of treason. That being said, Barack Hussein Obama is a fifth column and a traitor to everything that once made America great. He may be the first nail in the coffin as the world shifts its focus to Asia, or he may be a passing aberration like Jimmy Carter, who was also a fifth column.
August 17, 2011 9:43 pm at 9:43 pm #799169charliehallParticipant“How much has Obama given Hamas? “
Zero. Bill Clinton declared Hamas a terrorist organization in 1993, and since then it has been ineligible to receive US aid. Humanitarian aid to Gaza is channeled through other agencies so that Hamas can’t touch it; that is about the only thing in Gaza that Hamas doesn’t control.
August 18, 2011 12:29 am at 12:29 am #799170deiyezoogerMember” “How much has Obama given Hamas? “
Zero. Bill Clinton declared Hamas a terrorist organization in 1993, and since then it has been ineligible to receive US aid. Humanitarian aid to Gaza is channeled through other agencies so that Hamas can’t touch it; that is about the only thing in Gaza that Hamas doesn’t control. “
The US dont give money to Hamas directly but they give to the PA who pays a wage for every palestinian detained in an Israeli prison so US fund do end up in the hands of terrorists.
August 18, 2011 4:51 am at 4:51 am #799171yicMemberyou have to know new york is a working place it happen cause its full of imgrents cause the hudsen river so pepole are coming here with their ideas so its totly diffrent then taxes what was a farm style and he bulid it up
August 18, 2011 2:58 pm at 2:58 pm #799172600 Kilo BearMemberCharlie, I believe that and I also believe that Obama is Moshiach. Hamas gets their hands on that aid through corrupt contractors and food providers. Haman Obama and Zeresh Clinton know that and they could care less.
August 18, 2011 3:00 pm at 3:00 pm #799173yungerman1Participant1. Charlie said- “Texas has created a lot of jobs, but it has also lost a lot of jobs. Hence the still high unemployment rate.”
I say- I havent seen a report on which states lost the most jobs, but do you know the uemployment rate is only 0.2% higher than NY? The population growth in Texas is 2.0% while in Ny its 0.2%. So with a 1.8% higher population growth it is only 0.2% behind NY, yes TX is creating waymore jobs.
2. Charlie said- “If the business climate is so much better than New York, how come it has higher unemployment? Clearly, there is something more to creating jobs than being friendly to business.”
I say- same answer as #1.
3. Charlie said- “Texas is among the three states that have increased spending the most in the past three years:”
Then he agrees that TX will drastically cut spending and say- “Yes. They will add to umemployment, harm Texas’ already troubled education system, and drive even more Texans to Mexico for health care, not to mention adding to unemployment. These are no times to be either cutting spending or raising taxes (which have the same macroeconomic effect).”
I say- First you say increasing spending is a negative, and then cutting spending is a negative. What do you want?
And to respond to your comment, he is increasing spending now, and hopefully in 2013 the economy will be much better and more private sector jobs will be available. Sounds good to me.
4. ObamaCare may have lowered costs for Medicare recepients, but did you know Medicare is mostly for people over 65? How do you think the rest of the country is faring? Also, the big companies are the only ones that can actually afford ObamaCare. Its the midsize companies that dont have billions or even millions in profits, or millions to spend on lobbyists that are most affected.
And what do you think happens when an employeer has higher medical insurance costs- he thinks twice before hiring.
5. Like I said, I dont agree with Perry’s comment. It was grossly inapropriate and he should apologize.
That said, I would hope President “Mr. Lets tone down the rhetoric” would speak to his own people as well.
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