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- This topic has 14 replies, 9 voices, and was last updated 5 years, 11 months ago by Joseph.
April 3, 2019 5:53 pm at 5:53 pm #1708816TheWizardParticipant
I know that we are still heartbroken and it is still early. But was the Skulener Rebbe ztvk”l’s levaya the largest in U.S. history?
I read in three outlets (one Jewish and two secular) that the levaya in Brooklyn had over 100,000 attendees. The police closed a square radius of four avenues by nine city blocks (12th through 16th and 52nd through 61st) according to a map posted on the 66th precinct twitter account. The media pictures show a very dense crowd including people on rooftops, balconies and windows. The second levaya in Monsey included additional attendees (presumably some people attended both) not included in the above figure.
April 3, 2019 9:21 pm at 9:21 pm #1708948Sam KleinParticipantThe Rebbe would have preferred if all people attending his Levaya. Instead go to any Bais Medrash and learn for the same 3 hours as a zchus for him and for all he did for klal Yisroel for the 95 years he was an eved Hashem serving Hashem 24-7
May his neshama have an aliya.
Make a 1 hour daily/weekly learning Seder as a special zchus for his neshama and as a sign of appreciation for all the Rebbe did FOR YOU any time you needed help from him.
April 4, 2019 3:26 pm at 3:26 pm #1709475JosephParticipantGrown men were sobbing on the streets during the levaya.
April 4, 2019 9:37 pm at 9:37 pm #1709621Sam Klien – “The Rebbe would have preferred if all people attending his Levaya. Instead go to any Bais Medrash and learn for the same 3 hours as a zchus for him and for all he did for klal Yisroel ”
Did he communicate this to you?
Chazal say godol shimusha yoser m’limuda, it is greater to be meshamesh talmidei chachomim then to learn Torah. That is my when a gadol is niftar, the yeshivas and kollel stop their learning and come out to give kovod l’Torah.
See Megillah 3b, Rosh (Moed Katan 3:61), Shulchan Aruch YD 361:1
For someone who learned Torah and Mishna the minimum honor he should receive is a levaya of at least 600,000 people escorting him. The Shach 361:3 explains that 600,000 people are needed to honor a person who learned Torah because just like torah was given with 600,000 men in attendance so too when a person who embodies Torah is taken from the world 600,000 people should be in attendance.
April 5, 2019 6:53 am at 6:53 am #1709739Sam KleinParticipantRebbetzin
So be melava his neshama into the olam haemes with your Torah right now being learned special for the skulener rebbes neshama as it is being escorted into the olam haemes-where every neshama really belongs. (this world is only a temporary physical and pleasure world and is a sidewalk path to get you to the true world above) (pirkei avos)
On a separate note anyone could have also watched the funeral live online or listened to it on the kosher phone and saved many wasted hours of traveling that those travel hours could have been used to learn extra as a zchus for his neshama.
May his neshama have an aliya and May we all do teshuva ASAP so Hashem can send mashiach to bring the geula and we can all greet the skulener Rebbe together with Mashiach
April 5, 2019 8:02 am at 8:02 am #1709753ZionGateParticipantI’m not a Skulener ( I knew his father Z”TL, a tzaddik ) but there’s something wrong here.
First, let’s deal with the rules that the bochorim broke. Ok, so punish them , make them eat dry bagels with halvah for a week, let them stand in the corner for 10 days, and gamarnu.
But I’d like to hear from that rosh yeshiva as to what his real reason was… the real emes…. Quoting Shulchan Aruchs isn’t going to cut it. A levayeh is Torah, it’s one of the most important mitzvos – showing kavod to a human, a Yid, and especially a beloved rebbe.
I’m convinced that some, many, if not all of these bochorim’s parents knew what they were going to do.
They didn’t cut seder to play at an arcade. So, kibud av is also part of this picture.
A similar thing happened to me , where a rebbe of my offspring disallowed him to be with family for a simcha ( I don’t want to give pratim). So the rebbe disregarded kibbud and respect for siblings, parents, grandparents, and in our case, a great-grandparent, who was since nifter. Derech eretz kadma l’Torah..
I’m bothered by the control that is exercised by roshei yeshiva and rebbes here and in EY who refuse to allow a bochur to come home for an occasion or leave the yeshiva for a while for another pressing need.
Besides- what he did here is to to re-open the old anti- Chassidc feud, which is already making the rounds.April 5, 2019 8:02 am at 8:02 am #1709754ZionGateParticipant… Want to emphasize that I was not a chosid of some of his shitos which were kanoi, so I don’t have an axe to grind. But I support the bochorim 100%.
April 5, 2019 9:27 am at 9:27 am #1709764Sam Klien – ‘On a separate note anyone could have also watched the funeral live online or listened to it on the kosher phone and saved many wasted hours of traveling that those travel hours could have been used to learn extra as a zchus for his neshama.’
i cited the chiyuv of going to a levaya, the halacha: “mevatlin talmid torah l’halvoyas ha’mes” – we abolish learning Torah to attend a levaya. But you still miss the point. You seem to think that the focus of the levaya is on the living. There fore they can see the levaya remotely, on line etc.
How is watching the levaya on line an act of levayas ha’mes?! Do you think “hashgocha” is the purpose of a levaya 9to supervise_?! Hashgocha can and is done by watching remotely on line, but partcipants in a levaya are not mashgichim.
Next time you are hungry, watch the food on line and let us know if it satisfied your hunger.
April 5, 2019 9:35 am at 9:35 am #1709770zahavasdadParticipantThe issue has come up before where bochrim broke some minor rule and were expelled. There was a rule and the bochrim broke it. It is as not as minor as refusing to wear a white shirt. The school is responsible for the safety of the Bochrim, if one of them was hurt they school would have been responsible.
If you dont like the rules go somewhere else, however this rule is an important rule because of safety
April 5, 2019 9:36 am at 9:36 am #1709773JosephParticipantTalking about the Rebbe ZT”L’s kanois, there’s a regular sport on this site (usually on the main page but sometimes here too) that whenever a talmid chochom, rosh yeshiva or rov in Eretz Yisroel smashes a smartphone to demonstrate Yiddishe opposition to those devices (for the obvious reasons) we witness a whole slew of random posters make chozek of the talmid chochom, with the typical daas baalei batim commentary.
While some or many people know the Rebbe ZT’L, who we just witnessed had over 100,000 Yidden attend his levaya with grown men crying over the petira of a 95 year old demonstrating his universally acknowledged tzidkus recognized across the spectrum and his counsel sought throughout Klal Yisroel, was a big kanoi against smartphones, what fewer people remember is that for many decades before the advent of smartphones he was just as big a kanoi against televisions. And, yes, just as our repeated protagonists here who gives these internet commenteretti so many fits and balls when they smash smartphones, the Rebbe ZT’L would annually smash a television and burn it with the chometz.
Just in time for Pesach, rabbosai. You, too, can throw it in the fire. Do it l’zecher nishmas the Rebbe ZT”L.
April 5, 2019 9:59 am at 9:59 am #1709826Neville ChaimBerlinParticipantTo the OP,
I don’t think anyone said it was the biggest funeral in American history, just the biggest Jewish funeral. I thought I had heard that the biggest overall was Rudolph Valentino, but upon googling it seems there have been several bigger ones.
April 5, 2019 10:07 am at 10:07 am #1709834ZionGateParticipant….and smartphones galore recorded the event, so please…..
April 5, 2019 11:41 am at 11:41 am #1709868👑RebYidd23Participant“If you don’t like the rules, go somewhere else” works very nicely when you have an adorable little free market system where the customers get to choose between competing products. It doesn’t work in the real world.
April 7, 2019 11:08 am at 11:08 am #1710427ClearKopParticipantregarding these bachurim, the rebbeim may have been and likely were dead wrong. but if you want to lead a successful life, you need to trust in daas torah whomever that may be for you. it is not healthy to encourage these boys to disobey their rebbeim’s psak regardless of what they think. And once they did and are disciplined, to force the rebbeim to admit defeat?! if im a rebbi in that yeshiva im out. you cant help a bachur who will only hear what he wants to.
April 7, 2019 11:09 am at 11:09 am #1710420JosephParticipantwas the Skulener Rebbe ztvk”l’s levaya the largest in U.S. history?
The Jewish Press, Jerusalem Post, Sun and Daily Mail all quoted NYPD estimates of over 100,000 at the Skulener Rebbe’s levaya. The other large levayas in the US I’m aware of were the Satmar Rebbe in 1979, which the JTA says had over 100,000 in Kiryas Yoel, Rav Avigdor Miller in 2001, which press reports said had over 30,000 in Brooklyn and Rav Moshe Feinstein in 1986, which the New York Times quotes police estimates as having over 20,000 in Manhattan.
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