THE PURIM (urim) STORY (ory) Fan Club

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  • #1219281

    This CD is what I listened to as a kid and now my kids and I enjoy it together!I love all of those references that I didn’t pick up when I was a kid, but now I ‘chap’ em all…well, most of ’em. Best song: Esther My Child. Best references: *Richard Nixon voice* “I am not a crook” and Darth Vader voice “…in your empire”.


    From a commentor over at Jewish Music Report who seems to really know his stuff:

    For anyone who grew up in the late 70’s or early 80’s,

    there are numerous references and voices that are slipped

    in. See if you can find these:

    -President Richard Nixon

    -Yogi Bear and BooBoo

    -Tennessee Tuxedo and Chumly

    -Yippee, Yappy, and Yahooey

    -Darth Vader

    -613 Torah Avenue

    -the Banana Splits TV show

    -Wicked witch from Oz

    -The seven dwarfs

    -Casper the friendly ghost

    I dont have any idea where these are in the tape besides for the ones discussed earlier in the thread. I would guess the seven dwarves is where Achashverosh asks his advisors what to do with Vashti.

    ☕️coffee addict

    My family is listening to the Purim story and in it they mention that the Persians didn’t have a seven day week

    I thought everyone had a seven day week all the way back from creation

    Anyone know of this source?


    Heard it once at my cousins when i was in high school, have been hooked since! As soon as adar starts, its almost a minhag that the CD goes into the kitchen CD player!


    My family is listening to the Purim story and in it they mention that the Persians didn’t have a seven day week

    I thought everyone had a seven day week all the way back from creation

    Anyone know of this source?

    Wikipedia “Week”, and scroll down to “Achaemenid period”. Seems like the last week of the month (reading Wikipedia (unreliable), and I’m no expert) could have more than 7 days until the next month started.

    ☕️coffee addict


    Wow! Very interesting


    i know the

    to do


    Shticky Guy

    “look, up in the sky, its a bird, its a plane, its…..Haman” – Superman reference.

    ☕ DaasYochid ☕
    Reb Eliezer

    I repeat what I wrote before:

    Vashti said to Achashverus that you were a horse keeper for my father and he was able to drink a thousand glasses of wine and did not become drunk but you get drunk after one glass.
    I think the connection is that because you are a horse keeper you cannot afford wine so you are not used to drinking, and therefore you get drunk even after one glass, but my father is rich so he drinks a lot and even a thousand glasses will not affect him.


    Anyone familiar with “Professor Chai and his torah zoo?”

    It seems to be unknown by many, but it also is made by the same people as The Purim Story.

    I highly recommend listening to it!

    A Reader

    Can anyone please give the full lyrics of the Teshuva song?

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