- This topic has 83 replies, 39 voices, and was last updated 10 years, 8 months ago by hal.
May 31, 2009 6:26 pm at 6:26 pm #589855A600KiloBearParticipant
Which niggunim or songs really inspire you, for instance to the point that you can’t do much else but listen when listening to them, or that you hum them on the way from washing your hands to eating bread (assuming you hold this is muttar), or you sing them while you work around the house etc.
This thread was inspired by hearing one of the niggunim on my list which is Ner LeRagli, composed by Reb Chaim Banet and sung by a number of his choirs (as well as by, of all people, muzika mizrahit singer Zehava Ben who made it so popular among secular listeners that few believe it was written by a Chassidishe “haredi” composer) – even hearing an old and “heavy” arrangement of it a second ago reminded me to start this thread :).
The other ones that inspire me no matter what are Oidcho by Mordechai ben David and Lekatchila Ariber (niggun of the Rebbe Maharash of Lubavitch ZYA).
I’ll also stop for Lech Na u’Re’eh by Chaim Israel and Sheloi Asani Goy by Lipa but those are really just fast stuff that, while the words are inspiring, really get me to want to move around a bit more than anything.
June 1, 2009 3:45 am at 3:45 am #1022534anonymrsParticipantvizakeini by baruch levine (not sure who wrote it) and rachem/yiboneh hamikdash. theres actually one person whose singing the second actually brings me to tears and i am unable to do anything other than cry.
June 1, 2009 4:06 am at 4:06 am #1022535kapustaParticipantI always wanted to start a thread like this, never happened.
anonymrs, Baruch Levine wrote vezakaini.
You’re never alone – Avraham Fried (a favorite)
No jew will be left behind – Avraham Fried
Ki hu – Baruch Levine
Vehi she’amda – (IIRC, Yonatan Rozel,) on Shwekey in Ceasaria
I’ll try to think of more, there are lots of them.
June 1, 2009 4:56 am at 4:56 am #1022536shaatraMember*Vizakeini- baruch levine
*Track 6 on baruch levines cd chosson hatorah lol don’t know the name of the song
*eishis chayil- yaacov shweky
June 1, 2009 5:00 am at 5:00 am #1022537chofetzchaimMemberI posted the lyrics to one of my favorite songs here
June 1, 2009 1:20 pm at 1:20 pm #1022538SJSinNYCMemberSilence. (I don’t like music)
Although, I do find Kol Nidre inspiring.
June 1, 2009 1:46 pm at 1:46 pm #1022539anonowriterParticipantkapusta – levine wrote the tune to vizakeini, but what most men don’t realize is that it’s the tefilah women say when they light candles friday night.
yes, levine’s tune is beautiful, but the words are even more so.
SJS – YOU DON’T LIKE MUSIC?!?! i’ll pretend i didn’t hear that…
as for me, i don’t really understand yiddish so well, but even so, the song “r’ chanina ben tradyon” by mendy wald (forgot by whom it’s written) is absolutely heart wrenching.
“kol biramah” from regesh by r’shmuel brazil (sung by r’ abish brodt)
“habet” sung by r’ abish brodt
“hakotel” from zeh shir; written by miriam israeli
and many of the old JEP english songs…
June 1, 2009 1:51 pm at 1:51 pm #1022540noitallmrParticipantVehi Sheomda by Yakov Shwekey,
Vehu Keli by Baruch Levine,
Zechor by Lipa Schmeltzer,
Ein Aroch by Michoel Streicher,
Tzomo on Shloimy Daskal’s Project Relax dunno where the original comes from,
Im Eshkochech by Shloime Dachs,
Anovim by MBD
There’s loads more but those are really special!!!
June 1, 2009 2:08 pm at 2:08 pm #1022541NobodyMemberIt’s funny there are many songs I associate with events or people and they make me smile even though the songs are no great shakes. Do any of you get that feeling when you hear a particular song/melody?
June 1, 2009 2:39 pm at 2:39 pm #1022543noitallmrParticipantWhy do they make you smile? Because they are funny?
June 1, 2009 4:00 pm at 4:00 pm #1022545NobodyMembernoitallmr – I smile because very often the song in question brings me happy memories
June 1, 2009 5:33 pm at 5:33 pm #1022547just meParticipantI love Ani Maamin by Lipa from the Shema album.
Lo Es Avosainu by Diaspera gives me chizuk.
June 1, 2009 7:17 pm at 7:17 pm #1022548JotharMemberI find anything by Yidcore really nice and relaxing. 🙂
June 1, 2009 7:55 pm at 7:55 pm #1022549noitallmrParticipantJothar: whose that?
June 1, 2009 8:39 pm at 8:39 pm #1022550WolfishMusingsParticipantWhich niggunim or songs really inspire you, for instance to the point that you can’t do much else but listen when listening to them,
One could argue that if a tune stops you from doing anything else, then it is not inspiring… it’s distracting.
The Wolf
June 1, 2009 9:10 pm at 9:10 pm #1022551JotharMemberNoitallmr, Yidcore makes Metallish sound like Dvekyus.
June 1, 2009 10:06 pm at 10:06 pm #1022552an open bookParticipantnobody: yes, & i also have the opposite. there’s a song that most people think is so beautiful (& they sing it whenever possible 🙁 ) but i have a really bad memory attached to it, so whenever i hear it i am just waiting the entire time for it to be over. and it’s pretty long.
June 1, 2009 11:18 pm at 11:18 pm #1022553wtrbry rocksMemberShaatra-
Track 6 on baruch levines cd chosson hatorah is Vehevai Yodeah.
Great song.
June 1, 2009 11:42 pm at 11:42 pm #1022554dunnoMemberuvnei on shloime daskals project relax and baruch levine’s vezakaini lol
June 2, 2009 12:39 am at 12:39 am #1022555strivingMember“Al tirah”- Waterbury CD— sad but inspiring story behind it. really the whole CD is very hisorirusdigge (you catch my drift…)
June 2, 2009 1:42 am at 1:42 am #1022556noitallmrParticipantWow seems Baruch Levine is everyone’s favourite here…good for him. He’s definitely got loads of talent and good to see that everyone appreciates him. I think Vehu Keli is one of his best…
June 2, 2009 3:54 am at 3:54 am #1022557JotharMemberBaruch Levine got his start on Journeys. He sang “Ilu Finu”.
June 2, 2009 4:08 pm at 4:08 pm #1022558noitallmrParticipantIs he the kid or the man on it?
June 2, 2009 7:17 pm at 7:17 pm #1022559areivimzehlazehParticipantWe’re not talking favorite songs here- we’re talking songs that really make you stop and listen… and either gives hope, inspiration, or a deep yearning for the geula. The following are on my Top 10 (extended edition ;))
1- Ad Mosai: Shloime Daskal
1- Hashiveini: Lipa (story about Reb Zishe)
1- Tatenyu: Avram Fried (cd- Forever One)
1- M’heiroh: Yaakov Shwekey (cd- I think Shwekey 1)
1- Miracles: MBD (cd- The Double Album, don’t know which cd has the original)
1- The Art of Silence: Gershon Veroba (cd- Variations 1)
1- Grand Finale (medley): Avram Fried (cd- Avinu Malkeinu)
1- Malachim: Chaim Yisroel (Shwekey also sings it on Project X)
1- Hellelu: Lipa (cd- A Pushiter Yid)
1- Forever One: Avram Fried (cd- Forever One)
1- Ga’aguim: Meydad Taseh (cd- Mul Shalhevet)
1- Am Yisroel Chai: Oif Simchas (cd- Am Yisroel Chai)
June 2, 2009 7:33 pm at 7:33 pm #1022560concernedbhParticipantThere is a new song -Vehi Sh’eomda sung by Yakov Shweky and arranged by a talmid of the Mercaz Harav yeshiva in Yerushalyim which is fantastic.
June 2, 2009 8:37 pm at 8:37 pm #1022561noitallmrParticipantareivimzehlazeh: I really enjoyed your list…totally maskim to every single one!
June 2, 2009 10:11 pm at 10:11 pm #1022562JewessMemberJothar, I checked out Yidcore on Youtube and dang! that’s pretty inspirational stuff!!
June 2, 2009 11:33 pm at 11:33 pm #1022563BemusedParticipantVizakeini
ames, wow, and you’re right
June 3, 2009 3:59 am at 3:59 am #1022565noitallmrParticipantif your related to Avraham Fried we can sort something out!
June 4, 2009 12:15 am at 12:15 am #1022566mepalMemberI’m related to Baruch Levine. Can I be of service?
June 4, 2009 12:30 am at 12:30 am #1022567June 4, 2009 1:47 am at 1:47 am #1022568ChachamParticipantalso i think chasof zeroah from baruch levine chasan hatorah and shweckey1
June 4, 2009 2:25 am at 2:25 am #1022569JaxMembermepal: yes you can, nw here’s a few ways to be of help:
1)tell him that the CR feels his songs are really inspirational!
2)tell him his songs are amazing she’bi’amazing!
3)tell him to join the CR!
4)tell him the ”CR Band” is looking for a lead singer!
5)tell him we want him to put out a new cd!
6)tell him we in the CR want to be the first ones to know when the new cd will be out
7)tell him we want a Baruch Levine concert in the near future
8)ok i think i’m done for now!
thank you mepal for relaying this to your relative Baruch Levine!
June 4, 2009 5:29 pm at 5:29 pm #1022570mepalMemberJax, you’re a riot! 🙂 What does she’bi’amazing mean anyways? jk, I chapped…
Really you’ve got great ideas. Problem is, he’s my second cuz(my family names’ on the inside of the cd cover actually. 72 could confirm that for us) and I haven’t said boo to him in years. Sooooo, hmmmm, we’ll have to work something out over here. Do I just call and say “Hi, my names mepal, from the CR. Ya know. Anyways, this real cool guy, Jax has a couple of questions for you…” and just run down the list?
sorry, 72 is not in the business of confirming the names inside CD covers.
June 4, 2009 5:40 pm at 5:40 pm #1022571mepalMemberwell he’s the only one that knows my last name here 😉
June 5, 2009 2:23 am at 2:23 am #1022573goody613Membervezakeini is amazing
eishes chayil – Yaakov shweckey
Anovim- MBD
Mamme Rochel& shema by Shweckey
the song they sing at the end of a hasc concert- Forever ONE
teffila leoni- MBD
June 5, 2009 2:25 am at 2:25 am #1022574goody613Membersee- jewish music isn’t totally lost!
June 5, 2009 3:29 am at 3:29 am #1022575anonymisssParticipantMeydad Tasa-Mul Shalhevet
Chaim Yisroel-Modeh Ani
MBD-Daddy Dear
~a~ the real one
June 5, 2009 4:35 am at 4:35 am #1022576yossi z.Memberi like “ki doresh” (part of the pre-musaf davening on shabbos) written by hillel kapnick (one of the bocherim in my yeshiva)
and *blush* i wrote a song called “yihiyu l’ratzon” (excerpts from shmone esrei)
also baruch levine’s “v’zakeini”
“v’zakeini lekabel” i forgot who wrote it
some avraham fried songs which they used to wake us up to in highschool
“kol b’rama” (rachel m’vaka) forgot who wrote that (is it mame rochel?)
shlomo carlebach (my father was a talmid of sorts)
some niggunim my father composed
and some other random ones that i can’t remember right now
June 5, 2009 5:17 am at 5:17 am #1022577AshreinuParticipantWhat about Carlebach music?
I’m a stalwart dissemenator of the wholesome truth, that this genre is amazingly inspirational and conducive to being able to tangibly FEEL inspired and closer to Hashem, when sung/listened to with kavana….
C Lanzbom/Noah Solomon (son of Benzion Solomon) – masters of the guitar and soul touching songs, they combine great instrumental and vocals to really get your neshama going….
Check out these titles:
C Lanzbom:
Meditations (has no words, beautiful, relaxing tunes)
No Words (yes, thats the CD name, similar to above)
From This Day On – Classic Carlebach style instrumental
Beyond This World – Classic Carlebach-style instrumental
Jerusalem Ridge – soulful and yearning tracks
A Tribute – Carlebach niggunim and havdala. Classic and gorgeous
Dreams – fun and interesting tracks
(the name sounds scary, but they are fabulous, its C Lanzbom’s band, make sure you get the good albums, not the rocky ones)
Live in Berlin 2 – great energy (recording of a concert they gave at a Music Festival in Berlin, representing Jewish music….)
Chaim Dovid – any CD. His songs are easy to learn, sing and appreciate. You can feel his taam
Yosef Karduner – Israeli, Breslov inspired. Very hopeful, yearning songs. They are like personal tefillos.
Simply Tsfat – based on excellent, violin and guitar music by 3 baalei Teshuva living in Tsfat. Mainly Breslov in nature and incredible to hear.
In terms of conventional Jewish music, I have a hard time connecting to it or even appreciating it. I find it hardly sounds like real music…..
Thoufh, I do appreciate:
MDB – Tefilla leoni
Yehuda – Umacha Hashem Dimah
June 5, 2009 6:28 am at 6:28 am #1022578JaxMembermepal: good one! 😉 maybe when ya see him at a wedding introduce yourself as mepal and do that! 😉
June 5, 2009 6:52 am at 6:52 am #1022579yossi z.MemberAshreinu:my father knows some carlebach nigunim that were never released…
June 5, 2009 1:42 pm at 1:42 pm #1022580mepalMemberHey! My neices kiddush is this week! I’ll look out for him 😉
June 5, 2009 9:50 pm at 9:50 pm #1022583yossi z.Membermepal: mazel tov!!
June 7, 2009 2:46 am at 2:46 am #1022584June 7, 2009 3:51 pm at 3:51 pm #1022585goody613Memberhow can someoe be inspired by a rocky “niggun”?
June 7, 2009 4:17 pm at 4:17 pm #1022586mepalMembergoody, you call ‘anavim’ rocky?!
June 7, 2009 4:29 pm at 4:29 pm #1022587kapustaParticipantmepal, I think goody is talking about some of the other songs. anavim is so un-rocky!
goody, what song/s were you talking about?
June 7, 2009 7:54 pm at 7:54 pm #1022588goody613Memberdidn’t ames & ashreinu say they were inspired by rocky songs?
June 7, 2009 8:32 pm at 8:32 pm #1022589kapustaParticipantgoody, in their defense (I’ll let them do a real one, but at least for now) a song that inspires is one that brings someone closer to Hashem. Granted, most people are not inspired by rocky/quick songs, but if it works for them because of beautiful words/music/whatever, it works for them.
I must say, I would tend to agree with you though. 🙂
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