The Good Biden Has Done

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    A letter I recently read:

    I read the recent letters….. and could not help but wonder what they thought about our president not vetoing almost two dozen anti-Israel UN resolutions, including one that condemned a recent attack. They must have been livid when he also suspended the delivery of advanced F-16 fighter jets to Israel. And they must have been outraged when Israeli forces advanced, and our president responded with an angry call to the Israeli Prime Minister demanding a halt to the operation.

    They must have been very angry when our president did all of this to betray our ally, Israel.

    One problem.

    It was President Reagan who did all of these things. And don’t worry, similar actions were taken by Pappy Bush and W. And Trump gave away Israeli secrets to the Russians.

    While Trump has publicly repeatedly stated that he intends to be a dictator, Daniel had the gall to refer to President Biden as King. As to successes, I dare the Queens Jewish Link to publish the list of 50 accomplishments by President Biden I have put together. They included the American Recovery Act that prevented the layoffs of first responders, the Bipartisan Infrastructure Act that is rebuilding our roads and pipes, the CHIPS Act that is returning us to world leadership in the manufacturing of computer chips, and the Inflation Reduction Act that has cut core inflation to near zero while investing in projects that hopefully keep our homes on Long Island from being swallowed by the Atlantic Ocean due to climate change, as well as the PACT Act that truly honors our brave veterans as we approach Memorial Day by paying for their military-related illnesses.

    Meanwhile, all of the stock indices are at record highs. Trump predicted in 2020 that President Biden would lead us into a depression. Instead, Bidenomics has resulted in almost doubling the Dow, which just hit 40,000 (increasing the value of our 401Ks) as well as having the lowest unemployment for the longest time ever. Under President Biden’s leadership, new business applications have reached record highs, wages are growing faster than inflation under the most pro-union president ever, and the US is pumping more oil than any country ever has. And by the way, the crime spike under Trump (no, I’m not talking about the 88 felony counts he faces in every city of the NL East except Philadelphia) has been cut under President Biden.

    As the Old Professor Casey Stengel said: You can look it up. Or to quote the late great Daniel Patrick Moynihan: You are entitled to your opinions, but you are not entitled to your facts. The facts are clear that President Biden has had the most successful first three years of any president in living memory.


    Very well said. Sadly, “frum” media has become a propaganda mouthpiece for right-wing MAGA populism. The “frum” newsites and print media brainwash and blind the masses by distorting every issue to fit their preconceived narrative.


    When Trumpers read this, they put their heads in the sand – only T is good, only T is great.
    Actually, only T is a con-artist extraordinaire !



    Feel free to post the same effluent over and over but the country finally realizes that Brandon, the useless turd, ruins everything he even looks at. Oh, and he also stabbed Israel in the back repeatedly by forbidding the Rafah operation, allowing U.N. Resolution 2728, then withholding critical munitions and negotiation intelligence. You poor kapos really have your work cut out for you now!


    We are in trouble- both options for president are horrific.


    gadolhadfi – you are quite a piece of work, throwing around words such as ‘kapo’ and ‘turd’.
    Haven’t noticed that you give Biden any credit for tons and tons and tons and tons and tons of armaments he has provided to Israel over the past year.
    but of course you wouldn’t mention that, it doesn’t fit in well with the maga propaganda


    I didn’t know ywn started putting party ads as regular articles.
    Do such ads pay more than regular ones?


    Yechiell, President Biden and his team definitely want to do good, but they are limited by their lack of intellectual abilities and their desire to do well, not just good. They sometimes succeed in battles against other politicians, passing laws distributing money according to their desires, but they have less success when confronting smart enemies, thus mostly failures in international affairs. They can’t even fashion money giveaways to their supporters to avoid obvious rulings from the Supreme Court. Compare complexity of Obama care with straightforward message of student loan forgiveness, there is no way that even peace-loving justice could interpret it as tax or something… so should we give them credit for good intentions and whatever good they were able under those intentions? Yes. But at the same time, we need to admit that they can’t acknowledge failures of their theories towards Chinese/Russians/Iranians/Talibs/inflation/natural gas ….


    Biden’s capitulation (surrender, being chased out like a scared dog with his tail between his legs) from Afghanistan led to both the Iranian sponsored Hamas attack on Oct. 7, as well as Russia’s invasion of Ukraine. He “talks the talk” about opposing dictators and terrorists, but he stumbles when he tries to walk the walk, and is consistently discouraging effective resistance against the tyrants and terrorists, and instead of building up American’s ability to defend itself and assist allies (which was the reason for Chamberlain’s appeasement in 1039 – he wanted more time to prepare his military for a war, which he did – it wasn’t his fault that France collapsed), Biden’s defense policies are focused on WOKENESS and “D.E.I.”.

    So if you are Hamas, Iran, Putin or China – I can understand why you see how much good Biden has done for you, and are grateful.

    And I am not saying Trump’s “America First” would be better. It should be remembered that most Americans were “America First “isolationists” on December 6, 1941 – and would have gladly let Hitler conquer and keep Europe. I think it more likely that due to the “Progressive” influence on Biden, going back to his anti-war attitudes 50 years ago, Biden less likely than Trump to turn into a leader willing to opposed the tyrants and terrorists who wish to cut our throats.

    Dr. Pepper


    I’m not going to waste too much time on my day off to fully respond to some ridiculous post that you copied and pasted from somewhere else since leftists, libs, laszlos and the like tend to ignore it when they feel cornered- but how can you give so much credit to an old senile pervert who can’t even find his way off a stage after reading everything off of a teleprompter (including the directions)?

    The reason why the stock market is going up now is because investors realize that Biden has such a low chance of being re-elected that they’re jump staring their investments- I find it hilarious that you’re giving Biden the credit!

    It’s sickening that you give him credit for the “tons and tons and tons and tons and tons of armaments” while ignoring that it was his stupidity that enabled the war to begin in the first place yet you don’t give President Trump and credit for having no wars start under his watch.

    I asked you this in another thread but as a leftist / lib / laszlo you ignored it. I’m going to ask it again though.

    Would you rather have the thousand + innocent lives that were taken אל קדוש השם or the “tons and tons and tons and tons and tons of armaments”?


    Akuperma > capitulation (surrender, being chased out like a scared dog with his tail between his legs) from Afghanistan led to both the Iranian sponsored Hamas attack on Oct. 7, as well as Russia’s invasion of Ukraine.

    I agree, except the order of events, hamas coming last. What is most sad is apparent lack of introspection, doubling down on the same failing approaches. Americans were never strong on foresight, but they generally “do the right thing after exhausting all other options “. In this case, nothing short of losing election will change their attitude. This might work out in a long term, but too late for do many lives lost and strategic losses.


    John Podhoretz said:

    “Biden’s policy now is that Hamas should be allowed to live
    to massacre another day. In the end, then, while Biden spent
    months being the best friend Israel may ever have had in
    the White House, he has now become one of its worst enemies.”

    SOURCE: Why Joe Biden Has Gone from Friend to Enemy
    by John Podhoretz, June 2024
    Commentary Magazine www dot commentary dot org


    Jonathan S. Tobin, editor-in-chief of JNS (Jewish News Syndicate) said:

    Succumbing to pressure from the intersectional left wing of his own party
    that views Israel as a “white oppressor” and “apartheid” state,
    and implicitly accepting Hamas propaganda about civilian casualties,
    he [President Joe Biden] characterized Israel’s war effort as “over the top,”
    and that it was guilty of “indiscriminate” killing of Palestinians.

    This was entirely false and remains so.

    But rather than treating the pro-Hamas and antisemitic protests
    that were breaking out on college campuses and in the streets
    of the nation’s cities, Biden seemed intimidated by the leftist attacks
    on Israel that were being echoed by the corporate media.

    SOURCE: Biden doomed the Palestinians to another generation of war
    by Jonathan S. Tobin, 2024 May 20, www (dot) JNS (dot) org


    Biden speaks out of both sides of his mouth depending on which key voter demographic he’s lagging in. He’s a tire fire.



    You’re once again spraying your excrement all over this site but where were you and your kapo friends when Brandon, the useless turd, was repeatedly stabbing Israel in the back? Not a word! I guess it didn’t fit in well with your woke agenda. The next time this incontinent incompetent urinates on the Jewish people you’ll be first in line thanking him for making it rain.


    Vice President Joe Biden said this
    to President Obama about Jonathan Pollard:

    “Over my dead body are we going to let him out before his time.

    If it were up to me, he would stay in jail for life.”

    SOURCE: Jonathan Pollard Home at Last by Jerold Auerbach
    2020/12/30 www (dot) algemeiner (dot) com


    Caroline Glick said:

    “…there was massive evidence five years ago that Iran’s actions
    and intentions in relation to its illicit nuclear program were aggressive.

    Israel shared that evidence with the Obama administration,
    and Barack Obama and his advisors didn’t care.
    They drove forward and demonized Israeli leaders
    and their American supporters as warmongers.

    The same people who dismissed Israel’s evidence then
    are now leading Biden’s national security team.”

    SOURCE: Israel goes back to the future by Caroline Glick
    2021 January 15, www (dot) CarolineGlick (dot) com


    Joe Biden NEVER expressed regret for United Nations Resolution 2334,
    which states that ALL [100%] of Israel is stolen land,
    including Jerusalem and THE KOTEL.


    Caroline Glick also said:

    Last week [USA President] Biden held a Passover seder
    at the White House which erased the Jews and God
    from the story of their deliverance from Egypt.

    The White House invited the progressive, anti-Israel
    “rabbi” Sharon Brous to officiate at the event,
    which rewrote and de-Judaized every aspect
    of the Jewish festival of Jewish freedom.

    SOURCE: The threats American Jewry refuses to face
    by Caroline Glick, 2021 April 4 www (dot) jns (dot) org


    “The facts are clear that President Biden has had the most successful first three years of any president in living memory.”

    thank you for the laugh lol this has gotten be the most ridiculous thing I read in months. great job in the comedy dept


    He also gave money to the Palestinians and lifted sanctions on Iran, undoing Trump’s policies in a region that was pretty stable. So no thanks to Bumbling Joe.


    Former U.N. ambassador John Bolton criticized President Biden’s
    approach to Israel’s reaction to Iran, alleging that the administration exerted
    “enormous pressure” on Israel’s response to Iran’s recent attack.

    “I think what Israel did, as far as it went, was fine,” Bolton said Friday
    on the “Cats & Cosby” radio show, hosted by John Catsimatidis and Rita Cosby.

    “I think they were under enormous pressure, I mean, enormous pressure,
    from the Biden administration not to do more.

    SOURCE: Bolton Criticizes Biden’s ‘Enormous Pressure’ on Israel
    2024 April 21 matzav (dot) com


    Julie Strauss Levin said:

    “Biden claims he’s a friend of Israel but it just isn’t so.
    Let’s walk down memory lane with the most hostile,
    anti-Israel administration in American history.

    It was Obama-Biden that rewarded the Palestinian Authority (PA)
    with taxpayer dollars despite it handing out millions of dollars
    to PA terrorists for killing Americans and Israelis.

    It was Obama-Biden that pressured Israel to withdraw to
    indefensible borders, release Palestinian terrorists from jail,
    divide Israel’s capital Jerusalem, refrain from building homes,
    and more. Deafening silence from Obama-Biden regarding
    the PA’s murderous track record and
    its refusal to recognize Israel as the one Jewish state.”

    SOURCE: Biden Is No Friend of Israel; He’s an Adversary
    by Julie Strauss Levin, TownHall (dot) com


    Julie Strauss Levin also said:

    It was Obama-Biden that refused to oppose the anti-Semitic
    Boycott, Divestment and Sanction (BDS) movement,
    whose goal BDS co-founder admitted is to eliminate “
    any Zionist state like the one we speak about [in present-day Israel].”

    Even WaPo’s Jennifer Rubin (not exactly a friend of Republicans)
    succinctly titled her piece, “Obama Winks at BDS”.

    SOURCE: Biden Is No Friend of Israel; He’s an Adversary
    by Julie Strauss Levin, TownHall (dot) com


    Reema Dodin, announced on Monday as a deputy director
    of the White House Office of Legislative Affairs for the
    incoming Biden administration, once praised suicide bombers
    during the Second Intifada.

    In 2002, Dodin, then a student at the University of California, Berkeley,
    spoke about the Israeli-Palestinian conflict with residents of Lodi, Calif.,
    saying that “suicide bombers were the last resort of a desperate people,”
    according to the Lodi News-Sentinel.’

    SOURCE: Incoming senior Biden staffer justified suicide bombers during Second Intifada:
    2020 November 24 www (dot) jns (dot) org


    Daniel Greenfield said:

    The Houthis lived up to their “Death to America” slogan
    by repeatedly launching cruise missiles at the USS Mason
    which had been protecting shipping in the area.

    And they lived up to the second half of their slogan by
    ethnically cleansing the remaining local Jewish population,
    locking them up, and confiscating their homes and land.

    Local reports stated that the Houthis were “cutting off water &
    electricity to Jewish homes and preventing Jews from purchasing food.”

    “No Jew would be allowed to stay here,” one of the Jewish refugees said.

    The Iran-backed Islamic terrorists fight using 18,000 child soldiers.
    The soldiers, many abducted, some as young as 10,
    are taught to hate America and to kill enemies of Iran.

    None of this stopped Biden’s State Department from taking the Houthis off the terror list.

    SOURCE: Biden Takes “Death to America” Terrorists off Terror List
    by Daniel Greenfield February 2021 www (dot) DanielGreenfield (dot) org


    Under President Joe Biden:

    Afghanistan disaster with our soldiers and allies killed on his watch.

    Hamas kidnapped, raped, tortured, and and massacred around 1,500 Israelis,
    including: teenagers, children, infants, and babies plus 25o Israelis kidnapped.

    Russia invaded Ukraine and committed many thousands of War Crimes.
    China is closer than ever before to invading Taiwan.

    Food prices at an historic high.
    Gasoline prices keep rising.
    Insurance rates at an all time high.
    Inflation is at a 50-year high.
    Credit Card debt at an all time high.
    Credit Card delinquencies at an all time high.
    Car prices at an all time high.

    USA catering to 1/100 of a percent of people (Transgenders).

    USA colleges openly practicing anti-Semitism.
    Coordinated marches all over the country in favor of terrorists.
    Bridges blocked and roads blocked by people supporting terrorist groups.

    10 million ILLEGAL ALIENS crossing the border and nobody has any clue
    who many of them are, with more and more crossing every day with no end in sight.

    ILLEGAL ALIENS get much better benefits than native-born USA citizens.

    Cheating American taxpayers by transferring college-student-loan
    debts onto taxpayers who never attended college.

    You honestly want this man back in power?

    He cannot even attend a public event without cue cards.
    Even when he reads then he gets it wrong.

    He was given custom shoes to try and prevent falls.

    Are we doing so much better now under him then we did under Trump?
    You are so blinded by hating a man you turn a blind eye to what is really going on.

    Until a migrant steals your job or harms your family you will not care.

    Until a terrorist pulls off a coordinated effort and gets you
    maimed or your family member gets hurt you will not care.
    By the time you care, it will be too late.

    The country will never be the same going forward,
    no matter what happens in the next election.
    Throughout time everything that goes wrong will be
    tied back to the Biden administration until the end of time.



    “Are we doing so much better now under him then we did under Trump?”
    Yes and many Americans feel the same way.
    There was no red wave in 2022 although all Republicans and Right Wing Media were predicting it,.
    I predict the same for this year.

    “You are so blinded by hating a man you turn a blind eye to what is really going on. ”
    That is very ironic statement for someone who writes – “throughout time everything that goes wrong will be tied back to the Biden administration until the end of time. “


    Jackk, according to polls I saw, way more people feel better about t administration than b. You ate entitled to your own opinions but not to your own polls.



    Kinda wishy-washy; if you really believed that you’d be SCREAMING IT IN CAPS but you’re not. C’mon, where’s your usual PASSION?

    Dr. Pepper


    The Americans that feel the same way are mostly in one of the following categories:

    1. Those that are fully capable of being makers but would rather be takers,

    2. People who support the slaughter of unborn babies,

    3. Graduates who took out student loans to get a degree in gender studies (or the likes) and now feel that the taxpayers should be responsible,

    4. Shoplifters, carjackers, murderers, terrorists…

    5. Perverts who want an excuse to be in the girls locker room,

    6. Those who so naive that they believe everything in the liberal media without thinking for themselves.

    I’ve asked you and other leftists / libs / laszlos on here to name a single thing that is better for a hardworking American who takes responsibility for himself and wants his family to be safe but I never got a single valid response. (Although I could name lots of things that are worse off.)

    The entitlements that the Democrats give out pale in comparison to the suffering that the hostages and their families are going through. It’s way past the time to vote out the person who enabled the war to begin and vote in the person who didn’t have any wars start under his watch.


    The article shown below is titled:
    “The Democrats’ last ditch plans” and was written by Alan Bergstein.
    It was published on 2024 May 30 in www (dot) IsraelNationalNews (dot) com:


    I’ll readily admit that I try to regulate my schedule
    to tune in to every speech Joe Biden delivers.
    It’s not out of respect for the man or for the knowledge he imparts.
    With notebook and pen in hand, at each event, I wait patiently for him to come up with
    one of his patented fairy tales, start screaming or whispering at the camera,
    or merely just close his eyes and amazingly nodding off, while standing upright.

    Joe can do it all in the minimum amount of time his handlers allot him.
    Too much, and he’ll wander off script, imitating Buddy Hackett.
    In short, he’s a scam artist and out of it, but most of all and most sadly,
    he’s the US president. And we Americans are stuck with him as long
    as he’s still breathing, until Trump’s Inauguration Day,
    January 20, 2025. May G-d have mercy on us ’til then…

    But all the while, give Biden, this inane quisling, credit for his political survival savvy.
    He’s the prime example of a dangerous dictator masquerading as a victim and patriot.
    He showers us with self-pitying tales of his wife’s and kids’ disastrous automobile deaths
    and falsifies his son Beau’s death as occurring during the Iraq war.

    He not only proclaims what kinds of autos, washing machines
    and light bulbs we must purchase but also woos the support
    of enemy nations with billions of our taxpayer monies.

    He also now oversees and controls our formerly independent
    criminal justice system consisting of three letter agencies (FBI, CIA, DOJ, IRS),
    to harass, prosecute and incriminate his political enemies.

    In short, he is an All-American, suit and tie wearing version of a Castro,
    Putin, Stalin or Hitler in our White House. Do not underestimate him.

    To our amazement, he has tyrannically persecuted, prosecuted and incriminated
    the main adversary to his continuing presidency, using our criminal justice system
    to openly attempt to throttle Trump’s campaigning…and has failed.

    Trump, forced to remain in Manhattan, where Democrat Soros-funded DA,
    Alvin Bragg rules, has used his court “off time” to roust up enough NYC
    and NJ supporters, to threaten the Democrat dominance in these states.

    There seems to be no prosecutorial way to throttle Trump.
    Legally anyway.
    So, with the election looming only five months away and with
    Biden’s brain and body withering before our very eyes, with Trump supporters
    coming out in droves and with the polls showing a possible
    national crushing defeat for the Democrat Party from dog-catcher
    up to the White House, what’s their next step, their way out?

    I believe there might even be a plan, a last ditch one; a last resort,
    to harm Trump physically. It’s standard procedure in totalitarian countries
    to exterminate serious political opposition, and since
    we’re currently bordering on one, why not here?

    We’ve seen the viral hatred exhibited by the likes of
    Dem leaders, Ilhan Omar, Rashida Tlaib, Ayanna Pressley,
    Bernie Sanders and others of their side of the aisle.

    And supporting their positions, the recent nationwide, well led, planned
    and funded street and college riots, awakening us to understand that
    they are very capable of untold violence to stay afloat and in command.
    And anyone, who stands in their way must be erased, removed, eradicated.

    We see how Biden and his party have already abandoned Israel, throwing it to the wolves.

    And didn’t the Obama/Biden team gift Iran with a nuclear arsenal?

    Sad to say, we’ve come to a point in time when our democracy,
    our acceptance of the rights of all to speak up and be heard
    is tapering off and is in danger of becoming history.

    Donald Trump is the lone one standing in the way of those who
    are both on the payroll and in the camp of Iran and China.

    His presidency would put an end to China’s growing industrial
    and financial dominance over the world and he’d stop the Islamist Iran
    from radiating its Koranic control of the Middle East and its energy deposits.

    These next most crucial five months will tell the story. if Trump evades
    a jail term in NYC and elsewhere, and if he gets free to campaign
    and tell the story of the plans the Democrat Party has for this country,
    he must be mindful that he is a target, a real one, for his opposition
    and must keep a constant security team around him and his family.
    May G-d watch over and protect him.

    President Joe Biden’s old boss, Mr. Barack Hussein Obama,
    used the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) to attack
    pro-Israel non-profit organizations.


    Biden’s entry into Gaza is almost as bad as his exit from Afghanistan



    On 2024 June 2, Mr. Elon Musk said this on Fox News:

    “If a former President can be criminally convicted
    over such a trivial matter — motivated by politics,
    rather than justice — then anyone is at risk of a similar fate.”


    The premise of the OP is way off. The question that ultimately has to be answered is who would make a better president for us yidden and you would therefore vote for? Not how bad they each are. On that question? You would find a lot of agreement here in the CR.


    One hundred years ago, the USA accepted very few
    immigrants from Arab and Muslim countries.

    Then the left-wing of the Democratic Party decided that
    the USA should accept many more immigrants from Arab
    and Muslim countries, because those people were “under-represented”.

    RESULT: USA, which was a safe place for Jews, is no longer safe for Jews.

    The problem becomes worse every year because Democratic Party
    decided that the USA should accept more than TEN MILLION ILLEGAL ALIENS
    from Mexico, many of which are: convicted criminals, spies,
    members of violent gangs, Chinese soldiers, and terrorists.
    Plus ILLEGAL ALIENS with infectious diseases.

    But don’t let that stop you from voting for the Democratic Party!

    Just continue to vote for the Democratic Party, until Jews
    are forced to flee from Florida the same way that Jews
    were forced to flee from Iraq, and Jews are forced to flee
    from NYC the same way that Jews were forced to flee from Iran.

    When Jews fled from those places, they mostly fled WITHOUT
    their possessions and WITHOUT their money, with little more
    than the clothes they were wearing at that time.
    They went from rich to poor, literally overnight.

    And the same thing can happen in: NYC, NYS, FL, LA, CA, NJ, CT,
    if only we continue to vote for the Democratic Party,
    that hates Israel and hates Jews and loves Arabs and loves Muslims.

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