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- This topic has 281 replies, 38 voices, and was last updated 6 months, 2 weeks ago by yankel berel.
July 11, 2023 3:15 pm at 3:15 pm #2207558RSoParticipant
anyPotato: “I forgot to add you clearly have also not seen the Yad Ramah to kegoin Doniel… Nor even the maharsha or the arugas haboisem or the maharsham”
You are right that I had not seen the Yad Ramah, but now I have, and as far as I can tell he says exactly the same thing that Rashi did. That is, that if Mashiach is someone who died it must have been Daniel because there was no one else to compare to him.
As to the Maharsha, I certainly had seen it. He doesn’t say anything that could disagree with anything I have written.
I am having trouble figuring out where you see proofs in either of the above. I get the feeling that it’s like the old European joke proving that one has to wear a head-covering. “Vayetzei Yaakov… Now, could you imagine Yaakov goind anywhere without a covering his head?” Your ‘proofs’ are only proof if you decided on what they are going to prove before you read them.
As to the Maharsham – no, I have not seen it, and I don’t think I’ll look it up. But I have a question for you? When was the last time you, or 99% of Lubavichers, looked up a Yad Ramah or a Maharsham when you weren’t trying to prove something that it doesn’t say in Rashi or Tosfos? Would I be right in saying, never?
And that is my major complaint. You want to prove something you WANT to be the case, so you search for a (usually non-existent) proof. You are not searching for the truth, which is the way Torah-Yidden are supposed to learn Torah.
In my opinion, that is THE major problem with Chabad today.
July 11, 2023 3:18 pm at 3:18 pm #2207562RSoParticipantanyPotato: “@RSo clearly you have not read his book.”
I’ve already said that I have no intention of reading any book written with an agenda that I believe is dangerous to Yidden.
“Rashi says if it’s someone from the living NOW and if it’s someone who died ALREADY it’s Doniel. Ie in the future it can be anyone that lives or dies.”
Could you please explain the logic of your “that is” (I assume that’s what your Ie means)? Where did you get that it can be anyone who has died after Daniel?
“After rebbi died Rav would likely think Rebbi could still be Moshiach.”
Now you’re telling us what Rav WOULF LIKELY HAVE THOUGHT despite there being no indication of such in the gemoro! I thought that only the Lubavicher rebbe was a novi and knew what was in people’s hearts and minds. It seems at least one of his chassidim is too.
“Again you are showing your Am Aratzus and clearly have not read the book that you are trying to trash…. Not such an intelligent position to have….”
I didn’t trash the book. I am totalling ignoring it. And once again. thanks to the mods for letting anyPotato’s amusing post through without deleting it.
July 11, 2023 3:22 pm at 3:22 pm #2207580Yserbius123Participant@anyPotatoKugelLeft You keep telling people “read the book, read the book”. I can also write a book using Gemaras and Rishonim to say whatever I want. Point is, that no Talmid Chacham worth his salt will approve my words.
That’s what’s happening here. Mr. Lieberman wrote a book that goes against what all Gedolim, Rabbonim, Rebbes, and Talmidei Chachamim say. I will take their word against his without even glancing at what he has to say.
And that, my friend, is the final word on the subject.
July 11, 2023 3:57 pm at 3:57 pm #2207591Neville Chaim BerlinParticipant“And that, my friend, is the final word on the subject.”
Hurray! OK, so, moving on. What do you guys think about Zionism?
July 12, 2023 1:23 am at 1:23 am #2207695Yserbius123Participant@NevilleChaimBerlin rabid foaming at the mouth screaming shouting sitra acher ikviseh d’meshichteh rav kook rav blau gimmel shavuous apikoros fool
July 16, 2023 10:04 am at 10:04 am #2208571yankel berelParticipantThe BIGGEST SOURCE – IN HABADS EYES – That Mashiach is only from the live people is HABAD ITSELF . Wall to wall , pre 1996.
Since when is Habad itself , not acceptable to Habad ????
Any Answers , anyone ?????July 16, 2023 10:05 am at 10:05 am #2208572yankel berelParticipantThis whole thread is a reflection of modern Habads influence and brainwash .
our Greatgrandfathers & mothers were not busy with “candidates” for Mashiach . And nor should we.
Rambam wasnt busy with it . Bet Yosef was not . Rama was not . Baal HaTanya was not . and Ben Ish Chai was not either .
Cf Tanya ,were he says [free translation ]
Clear from Tanyas words that all of this is mere speculation , non productive and frowned upon .
But who cares about tanya anymore …. We will cherry-pick only what suits us …..July 20, 2023 8:28 pm at 8:28 pm #2210002sechel83Participantanyone who says that moshiach can not come from tthe dead, is a kofer in torah. (he’s arguing with a clear gemarah)
July 21, 2023 9:40 am at 9:40 am #2210074DaMosheParticipantsechel you win the prize for Most Ridiculous Post to ever be posted in the Coffee Room!
July 23, 2023 6:49 pm at 6:49 pm #2210360YsiegelParticipant@Rso
I take issue with what you say…
I’m not the biggest lamdan, unfortunately – I wasn’t in yeshiva long enough to reach the higher classes of limud, but quite a few of my friends, in this Lubavitch/Chabad yeshiva, are extremely well versed in Rishonim, Achronim, Ge’onim…Some of them, younger than I at the time, were well versed in several tractates, to the point that you can show them a Rashi/Tosfos and they’d instantly give you a lengthy pilpul (including chidushim by the Lubavitcher Rebbe) without so much as a minute to review the contents of the page (I have seen this several times with my own eyes, sometimes to questions I have posed to them myself). This is not to mention the ramim, whose classes would be your typical hour and a half of chakira into a Rashi, line of Gemara, Akiva Iger, or the likes.It is not very well known, I suppose, but the Lubavitcher Rebbe was adamant that Chabad yeshiva bochurim be well versed in Gemara, Halacha, etc., and that they should write chidushei Torah (to this day a booklet is printed in every Chabad yeshiva with chidushim from the students, some chidusim in Nigleh, and some in Chassidus).
So no, the issue isn’t that Chabad doesn’t learn these things. It’s that the “face of Chabad” is a bunch of simple minded children (whether adult children or physically young children is irrelevant) who give the rest of Chabad — that part of it which rarely browses the internet, like me, and which doesn’t take any interest in mindless debates regarding things which were never really emphasized by the Rebbe to the extent that these crazies make it seem — a bad name…
I give in to my curiosity once in a while and browse over these forums, with a mixture of entertainment and sadness playing a symphony within me as I read…and once in a while I make it a point to emphasize those of us who belong to a group within Chabad which does its best to stay true to the true path the Rebbe ztz”l left for us as our leader, living up to his example.
August 15, 2023 9:13 am at 9:13 am #22160975783ParticipantThe Lubavitcher is a משיח שקר is because he doesn’t have any of the סימני משיח brought down in rambam in edition if someone who was בחזקת משיח dies he looses his חזקה and is definitely not משיח. This doesn’t have anything to do with דבי רב שילה or דניאל because no one said their בחזקת משיח all theגמ׳ said was that their ראוי להיות משיח בעתיד if theדור will be ראוי so it doesn’t matter if they have the סימנים of משיח or not and it doesn’t matter if they passed away because they were never משיח to begin with.
August 15, 2023 8:37 pm at 8:37 pm #2216378sechel83Participant@5783 smart comment. Rav shach was against learning rambam for this reason, people read it, don’t learn the mekoros,and think they know everything , and can pasken
August 16, 2023 9:01 pm at 9:01 pm #22167375783Participant@sechel if you learned the מקורות than please explain to me how you came to the conclusion that your rebbe was בחזקת משיח which of the סימנים of the רמב״ם does he have. And if you want to say that the חזקה could continue after death then that means that theirs at least hondred of thousands of true צדיקים מזרע דוד for him to “compete” with how is he any closer than them להבדיל to being ״כופה כל ישראל לילך ״בה ולחזק בדקה and being״ לוחם מלחמות ה׳״and to being a ״מלך על ישראל״
August 17, 2023 1:52 am at 1:52 am #22168225783ParticipantThe גמ׳ in סוכה דף נ״ב says בפירוש that once someone becomes בחזקת משיח he can’t die it’s not one אמורא it’s a תנו רבנן which means that that’s the הלכה. The רמבן in his ויכוחים brings this גמ׳ I’ll quote word for word תנו רבנן משיח בן דוד שעתיד להגלות במהרה בימינו אומר לו הקב״ה שאל ממני דבר ואתן לך אומר לפניו רבש״ע איני מבקש ממך אלא חיים אומר לו חיים עד שלא אמרת כבר התנבא עליך דויד אביך שנאמר חיים שאל ממך נתת לו וכו
August 29, 2023 9:06 am at 9:06 am #2220729anyPotatoKugelLeftParticipant
@5783 the Gemara in Sukah daf 52 says no such thing about a Chezkas Moshiach that dies.If you read the Sefer you will see in the introduction that a Chezkas Moshiach is the same as a “fit to be moshiach” except he now has halachic recognition and status that he WILL be the one to be the Goel Tzedek. Chexkas Moshiach hasnt even begun to fulfill the messianic prophecies.
The Gemara you quote about requesting LIFE (and many other) are all talking about the Goel Tzedek when he is going about his messianic mission to fulfill all the Yiudim.
When Rav said Moshiach can come from the dead no one, in the gemara (nor Mefarshim) argued as noted in the Kuntres Shmoi Shel Moshiach. As the gemara above in Sukah and other such maamarie Chazal are talking about a different Geder. Rav and the Gemara in Sanhedrin 98b are talking about the Geder of Fit to be moshiach ALL hold Moshiach can come from the living and ALL hold he can come from the meisim. The other places are talking about the Goel Tzedek so there is no contradiction. as exlplained in the intorduction and throughout the sefer. you might do well to actually read it.
August 30, 2023 10:28 am at 10:28 am #2221202yankel berelParticipantLets look at the history , the reality , the facts – The official Chabad line as publicized by their rebbe , their chozer , their rabbanim , their Mashpiim FROM THE START ,not any Harry who claims to be Chabad — Ok ?
Lets be honest without any obfuscation and changing the topic .
In the beginning , [1] the line was -Anyone who claims that Chabad claims to be messianic is a plain liar , against chasidus , mechalel shem lubavitsh etc , Only the Mitnagdim who tried to besmirch Lubavitsh said so , and it was an indication of their blind hate . Other Chasidim stuck up for Lubavitsh as the innocent victim of Hotsaat Shem Ra. All the evidence is there , in the archives of HaModia and Kfar Chabad and other newspapers of that era.
Then [2] it changed , Chabad Chassidim made a u turn , openly proclaimed their rebbe as Mashiach , but the rebbe openly criticized it . He definitely is not Mashiach . Here too, the evidence is plainly there in all the newspapers of the era . Then [3] he too followed in their u turn , openly acknowledged his own messiahship , clearly evidenced by his periodic near weekly dvar malchus dating from approx 6 months preceding his stroke in the spring of 1992 , until the stroke , also available in the archives, as well the weekly issues of the kfar chabad newspaper the official chabad public organ. . In the meantime [3A] he also proclaimed himself a navi , like chagai zecharia and malachi . Nevua ,after a hiatus of thousands of years ,has finally come back to klal yisrael. b’h. Also clearly documented in dvar malcus [parshas shoftim] . Quite a big u turn , when you compare no 1 – with no 3A. It s not finished yet , because then [3B] as Nevua [!] he proclaimed that Mashiach is here already now kipshuto and will take us bekarov out of galus , and that we are in the first generation of the geula. So as a result there was a wall to wall coallition of all official chabad mashpiiim and Rabbanim saying that [4] it is one of ikarei emuna to believe and follow a navi plus their rebbi is a navi plus he prophesied on himself that he is mashiach plus it is one of the ikarei emuna that mashiach has to finish the geula before he dies . One plus one plus one plus one – equals four . Result – it is one of the ikarei emuna that their rebbi CANNOT die before the finish of the geula . Not me , not I am saying this , This was OFFICIAL Chabad theology. Evidence is there . Its all in the archives . Read kfar Chabad weekly , sichos of r yoel kahn . Sichos and articles of mendel wechter , of r ashkenazi rav of kfar chabad [the town], signed kol koreis of virtually all rabbanim of chabad kehillot.
Then [5] the unthinkable happened . He died. The minority, including yoel kahn , stayed with their previous belief that mashiach must finish the geula before he dies [the normative Jewish belief as clearly delineated by the RMBN , Rabenu Moshe ben NACHMAN in sefer havikuach] so they jettisoned the nevua parts . They admitted in being mistaken [!] in that . Here it is not sure where exactly [in their own eyes] they went wrong .. but never mind. The majority however [6] could not bring themselves to throw the navi part out of the window , so they jettisoned the dying part . No, they proclaimed loudly, mashiach can die before he finishes the job . What previously was considered part of the ikarei emuna, is now hevel havalim , or depending on a machloket , where everyone can choose what they like , whats convenient for them .
My question is – who needs to argue against Habad Theology any more , when Habad themselves are doing such a splendid work ?
Am really looking forward to a point on point , honest discussion on each of the above ‘steps’ .
Can we safely assume that in case of no [adequate] response – the Klal of Shtika KeHoda’a would apply ?August 30, 2023 1:02 pm at 1:02 pm #2221265anyPotatoKugelLeftParticipant@yankel berel please feel free to start yet another chabad bashing thread. This thread is about Kuntres Shmoi Shel Moshiach proving Chazal hold Moshiach can come from the dead.
I have no intention of digressing into your point by point issues with chabad.
I also assume since you jumped to chabad bashing you know acknowledge it’s 100% glatt kosher to believe Moshiach can be someone who is resurrected.
Also as was mentioned in the comments and sefer chezkas Moshiach hasn’t even begun to start the messianic mission and fulfilment of prophecies…..
We are all awaiting the Geula….
August 30, 2023 7:01 pm at 7:01 pm #2221375qwerty613ParticipantTo Any
If you want to limit this discussion to the question of whether Moshiach can come from the dead then I would agree that it’s possible. I would add, however, that it’s quite unlikely since the Chofetz Chaim Paskened otherwise. This said there are a couple of problems to address. First, a significant percentage of Lubavichers say that the Rebbe is Moshiach. We therefore have an intrinsic contradiction. Second, if you’ll say that those who proclaim that the Rebbe is Moshiach are wrong then you must explain why Lubavichers, including yourself, are convinced that it’s the Rebbe who will have a second coming. If neither question is answered then this thread serves no purpose.
August 30, 2023 7:08 pm at 7:08 pm #2221402anyPotatoKugelLeftParticipantI received the below from the mechaber. I think it’s worth while sharing here….
In a future printing I will add to Kuntres Shmoi Shel Moshiach on page 21 footnote 16.
In this footnote I explain specifically that it is Poshut Pshat in the Gemara, and specifically it is Sheetas Rashi that the Talmidim are pointing a finger and stating their Rosh Yeshiva is “Moshiach” / “Fit to be Moshiach”. And not just merely stating their Roshai Yeshiva have the names and attributes of the Moshiach alone.
This is clearly seen from Rashi Dibur HaMaschil: Menachem. Says Rashi: Ben Chizkiya. Rashi could have said Menachem is a name and attribute Moshiach will have that he will bring comfort etc.
However once Rashi says Menachem: Ben Chizkiya – the son of Chizkiya. Clearly we see Sheetas Rashi is the Gemara is talking about a real person called Menachem who is the son of Chizkiya.
i.e. the Yesh Omrim Menachem Ben Chizkiya Shmoi, are stating that Moshiach is Menachem the son of Chzkiya whose story is stated in Medrash and Yerushalmi and quoted in Maharsha calling him Moshiach and Agadas Eliyahu that calls him Melech HaMoshiach, as quoted in my sefer.
Also a close reading of the Maharsha that states “names and attributes”. It can be seen that he is giving a deeper explanation of the Gemara and not coming to negate the Poshut Pshat of the fact they are pointing a finger and saying their Rav is Fit to be Moshiach.
This can be seen due to the fact that he brings different Posukim than the Gemara brought regarding Rebbi’s Shiloi, Yannai and Chanina, in order to teach his additional and deeper explanation about names and attributes.
As if he was coming to explain the simple meaning of the Gemara he would not have needed to bring different Posukim than the Gemara, to teach “names and Attributes”, if that indeed would have been his intention, in negating pointing a finger and stating my Rav is Fit to be Moshiach.
Also to buttress that when Chazal say “Shmoi Shel Moshiach” – the Name of Moshiach. The Poshut Pshat is pointing a finger and saying he is “Moshiach” / “Fit to be Moshiach” can also be seen from the Medrash and Yerushalmi regarding Dovid Shmai – his name is Dovid. All the Mefarshim state if Moshiach is from the maisim it is Dovid HaMelech himself. Ie even though Chazal use the Lashon “Shmoi shel Moshiach” the Mefarshei HaPshat state it means a real person and not merely names and attributes.
Also it is known that Reb Shachna the Rebbi and Father in law of the Rama and the Ohr HaChaim also point to the Sugia of “Shmoi Shel Moshiach” to hint they are “fit to be Moshiach” and not just “names and attributes” which I quote in my soon to be published Hebrew sefer:
הגהות שי למורה (להגאון בעל שואל ומשיב) על בית שמואל שמות גיטין אנשים אות ש’, כותב “ואני שמעתי שנמצא בקראקא ש”ס שהגיה הגאון מ’ שכנא ז”ל בפרק חלק בשמות של משיח שהגיה אני אומר שכנא שמו שנאמר לשכנו תדרשו”. ועד”ז בס’ ברכת המים – סדר הגט למוהר”ר מיכל ר’ יוזפש (דפוס ירושלים תשמ”ג ע’ רמ”ה) כותב “וגם שמעתי דכשלמד הגאון הנזכר בהגדה דפ’ חלק שנחלקו שם בשמו של משיח וכל א’ מביא סמך מן המקרא אמר הגאון אילו הייתי שם הייתי אומר שכנו שמה שנאמר לשכנו תדרשו וגו'”. (ומזה נצאנו למדים, שלא רק שאפשר לומר על צדיק גדול שהוא משיח, אלא עוד זאת שאפשר לדרוש פסוק ולמצוא רמז על שמו של אותו צדיק שמרמז הוא משיח, אף אם הרמז לא נזכר בחז”ל, ואינו מן השמות שמנו חכמים למשיח. (ולהעיר ממה שמצינו שבנוסף להשמות וכינויים של משיח שנזכרו בגמרא יש עוד הרבה כינויים למשיח, כמו שנפרטו בס’ כרוב ממשח מערכת משיח, וראה גם בס’ קול דממה דקה (לוין) בתחילתו).ובפי’ האור החיים הק’ על פרשת ראה טו, ז, כותב “משיח ה’ שמו חיים”. וידוע הסיפור עם המדפיס בשם “אשר” שהדפיס את האור החיים הק’ (דפוס שקלאוו תשמ”א) והשמיט את המילים האלו מהדפוס מפני שהאור החיים הק’ כיוון על עצמו, והראה לו הרה”צ ר’ פינחס מקוריץ איך שבפרשת נשא (ה, כח), בפי’ האור החיים הק’ “בין מאיש זה בין משאר” הדפיס “בין מאשר”. ואמר לו “ראה חותמך”. (ס’ דבר יום ביומו (קנולר) י’ אלול. צילום מהעמודים הנ”ל נדפסו בקובץ שפתי צדיקים, גליון ד’, (ירושלים תשנ”ב), ע’ צב-צג). וראה גם עטורי חיים (על האור החיים הק’) ע’ תמט.
August 31, 2023 12:20 am at 12:20 am #2221505Always_Ask_QuestionsParticipant> The final word on Moshiach from the meisim (hopefully!)
Let’s “dissect” this title. It is ambiguous. It can have a weird meaning of The final word from the meisim on Moshiach. And does hopefully mean that Moshich is hopefully dead, or that messim will hopefully speak on Moschiach, or that messim will hopefully say the final word and leave us alone after that. Totally unclear.
Now, tell me – how could a peson not being able to dissect either a frog or a sentence, suddenly be able to explain to us which Menachem will be Moschiach.
August 31, 2023 6:05 pm at 6:05 pm #2221803anyPotatoKugelLeftParticipant@querty613. What did the chofetz chaim posken? Please quote source.
Being all of Chazal hold Moshiach can come from living or deceased. It’s not possible to rule Moshiach can come only one way and not the other way. Similar to zochu and loi zachu. It’s not possible to rule only zachu etc….
Lubavitch in essence is saying the exact same as dbei rebbi shiloi Yanai and chanina. That their Rav will be the one to bring the Geula.
Moshiach from the dead is not a second coming. Second coming is not a Jewish concept. Chazal said Moshiach can come from the dead and bring the Geula.
Don’t mix non Jewish philosophy here otherwise some zealot lunatic might start talking about how Rambam said going around clean shaven is the practice of avoda Zara preists etc….
Ie would you like sources and truth or hucking a chinig?
As to why lubavitchers think the Rebbe is Moshiach as posted many times. The rebbe hinted he will be the one to bring the Geula. See sichos of shmois nun bais and mishpatim nun bais where the Rebbe acknowledged we have bchezkas Moshiach. Google rosh Chodesh koslev 5753 when the Rebbe vigorously encouraged the singing of yechi….. So these are just a few reasons why lots of people think the Rebbe is Moshiach…. If you read the sefer u will see such a belief has a strong foundation in Judaism.
August 31, 2023 6:11 pm at 6:11 pm #2221825Yserbius123Participant@anypotatokugelleft That’s nice. Not one gadol b’Torah outside of Chabad agrees with Mr. Lieberman’s pshat on Moshiach min hameisim. I’ll take their word over his.
August 31, 2023 7:54 pm at 7:54 pm #2221878qwerty613ParticipantTo Any
I didn’t actually see the Chafetz Chaim’s Psak but I know several Lubavichers who are aware of it, you can check it out with them. On the other hand, I’m still waiting for you to explain how your landsmen can say that the Rebbe has already been anointed. Finally, a dead Jew coming back to become god/Messiah is called a second coming.
August 31, 2023 7:55 pm at 7:55 pm #2221881bentorah32Participantwho cares who moshiach is and if he can or will come from the dead?
rabbi akiva thought bar kochva was moshiach even though rabbi akiva was a bigger talmid chacham so we dont need to feel threatened if a rebbe is moshiach and not a godol hadorAugust 31, 2023 8:43 pm at 8:43 pm #2221911Yserbius123Participant@bentorah32 What made Rabi Akiva realize that Bar Kochba wasn’t Moshiach? He died.
August 31, 2023 8:50 pm at 8:50 pm #2221922qwerty613ParticipantTo the Yserbius123
You should be ashamed of yourself for trying to inject logic into this thread. Just kidding. But logic doesn’t work on brainwashed minds.
August 31, 2023 11:56 pm at 11:56 pm #2221926Always_Ask_QuestionsParticipantI found a support for my position: Rava said: When they bring a person for judgment, they will ask: (
1: “Did you deal faithfully in business?
2: Did you set aside fixed times for Torah?
3: Did you try to have children?
4: Did you anticipate the redemption…”(Shabbat 31a)in THAT order. I already started at (3), then went to (2), still struggling with (1), don’t get me distracted with (4). (there is a rebuttal here though from the Rishonim that it is ok to predict Moschiach later in history)
September 1, 2023 12:16 am at 12:16 am #2221927Always_Ask_QuestionsParticipantYserbius123, a good point, maybe start at the Gemora about it and learn from there?
September 1, 2023 12:19 am at 12:19 am #2221931FollowMesorahParticipantMesorah doesn’t mean quoting one line in Gemara
Mesorah doesn’t mean quoting one line in Chazal
Mesorah doesn’t mean quoting one line from a ReshonUnfortunately, many groups take words out of context or find one line that “works” with their agenda and use it to convince others to follow a path that does not follow our Mesorah.
Unfortunately, the results are the same every time- and history repeats itself.Mesorah does mean following what the vast majority of leaders held throughout many generations.
September 1, 2023 1:21 am at 1:21 am #22219565783Participant@any potato your משיח שקר did not say the same thing as דבי ר׳ שילה he said he is בחזקת משיח even though he doesn’t have the סימנים lדבי רבי שילה didn’t say ר׳ שילה was בחזקת משיח. lמשיח could come from the dead just that if someone with a חזקת משיח dies he loses his חזקה because he wasn’t socsesfull in bringing the גאולה. Your right that חזקת משיח doesn’t include bringing the גאולה but it dos include being anointed by Hashem as the גואל ישראל and if he fails to be the גואל ישראל then he loses that status and when someone was proclaimed בחזקת משיח and he announces that he will redeem the Yiddin and then he dies to say he will come back and accomplish it means to believe in a “second coming “ by the way yoshke also didn’t acomplish קיבוץ גלויות nor did he restore the מלכות ישראל to its former stature nor did he try to so “first coming” simply means to consider yourself משיח and anointed by Hashem for the job. דרך אגב the whole thing is irrelevant because your rebbe said that he already started קיבוץ גלויות in the sicah of כ״ד אדר תשנ״ב and there’s a recording of it he also said that 770 is the בית המקדש that משיח has to build or renevate in order to be משיח וודאי so even according to what you’re saying his soposed ״חזקה״ would be בטול because he did say he started the גאולה itself which even according to your resening that would be called a second coming
September 1, 2023 9:08 am at 9:08 am #2221971qwerty613ParticipantTo any
The Gemara uses deductive reasoning to verify what it already knows. You’re using the same approach to prove that the Rebbe is Moshiach. The difference is that in the case of the Gemara the Tannaim and Amoraim started out with the truths that were passed down by Moshe from Hashem. In your case you’re accepting hints from some Rabbi. And yes, you guys are taking a page out of the Christian playbook by citing Rashis to prove your theories. The original Christians did the same with verses.
September 1, 2023 9:12 am at 9:12 am #2221983DaMosheParticipantI really don’t get it. Chabadniks quote a Gemara which says “If Mashiach were to come from the dead, it would be Daniel.”
They ignore Rashi, who says that the Gemara meant that if someone dead would have been Mashiach while living, it would have been Daniel.
So let’s assume that they’re right, and Rashi was wrong ch”v. To me, that’s the biggest proof that the rebbe is NOT Mashiach! Because the Gemara says straight out that it will be Daniel! How can you take one part of the Gemara and ignore the rest?
In any case, you can’t disregard Rashi like that, so the whole thing is a moot point anyway.September 1, 2023 1:13 pm at 1:13 pm #2222027anyPotatoKugelLeftParticipantApparently you did not see my response to your exact comment stating many non chabad rebonim publicly stated Moshiach can come from the dead. Apparently you also still didn’t see the haskamos to Kuntres Shmoi Shel Moshiach either. I’m starting to wonder if you know how to read…
September 1, 2023 1:15 pm at 1:15 pm #2222029anyPotatoKugelLeftParticipantYou made a claim the chofetz chaim poskened Moshiach can’t come from the dead and now claim you have no idea where such a thing is written and try to put the onus on be and several Lubavitchers to find the psak?!?! I’m sorry it doesn’t work like that.
Again Judaism doesn’t believe in a second coming. Please can you acknowledge same in a comment. Tia
September 1, 2023 1:18 pm at 1:18 pm #2222037anyPotatoKugelLeftParticipantRebbi akiva thought bar kochba was the Goel Tzedek in the midst of bringing the Geula due to his tremendous success in fighting the Romans.
Once he was killed it became known he isn’t the Goel Tzedek.The Gemara in Sanhedrin 98b that says Moshiach can come from the dead and he is like Doniel is no contradiction as explained in above comments. As the Gemara is talking about fit to be Moshiach and Rambam is talking about how to recognize the Goel Tzedek if he comes without miracles. It’s explained in Kuntres Shmoi Shel Moshiach. Why are people continuing to write comments about a book and it’s findings without even reading it?
Again feel free to start yet another Chabad bashing thread if that’s something you enjoy.
September 1, 2023 1:33 pm at 1:33 pm #2222040anyPotatoKugelLeftParticipantCould not agree more…. Also point to ponder isn’t it amazing that litvaks always have the inner scoop and understand the Rebbe better than his chasidim? (Unless you are required to actually quote a source inside)
September 1, 2023 1:34 pm at 1:34 pm #2222044anyPotatoKugelLeftParticipantIf you actually read Kuntres Shmoi Shel Moshiach you will see not only that Moshiach can come from the dead but also there is a strong mesorah in this regard as the yeshivos of rebbi shiloi Yanai and chanina all continued to call there rebbi Moshiach after they passed away. And that is also poshut pshat with the yesh omrim menchachem Ben Chizkiya Shmoi. As quoted in the sefer from the maharsha it was a kabala passed down to them since destruction of bais hamikdosh….
Post talmudic times it is recorded reb nochum m’chernoble would say about the baal Shem Tov he is Moshiach after he passed away. The sadigura said the holy rehuzeneh is Moshiach after he passed away.
And get this ( I hope you are sitting down) the lubavitcher Rebbe said dozens of times in edited sichos and audio and videos the previous Rebbe is Moshiach after he passed away…..
Ie there is indeed a strong foundation and mesorah to say Moshiach will be someone that died…. I venture to say it’s even a stronger mesorah than benai Torah going around clean shaven….. Vd’l
September 1, 2023 1:35 pm at 1:35 pm #2222046anyPotatoKugelLeftParticipantAs said before misquoting the Rebbe and then saying incredible lies is what the misnagidim did to the baal Shem Tov….
There is no emes to your bold face lies and misquotes.
Nor do you care….But I must say being your such a lamdan and zealot do you think it is time to grow a beard and keep chalav yisroel? Or are you concerned about anti semitism and experiencing a constant shaas hadachak?
No judgements here
September 1, 2023 1:37 pm at 1:37 pm #2222047anyPotatoKugelLeftParticipantI have no response other than to say you are hucking a chinig and have no interest in truth. Sinas chinam should be outlawed In litvishe circles
I was waiting for you to finally spit that out
September 1, 2023 1:39 pm at 1:39 pm #2222048anyPotatoKugelLeftParticipantIt’s quite frustrating that in a thread that is talking about a book. People comment without even reading it. Kuntres Shmoi Shel Moshiach shows that Rashi holds Rav is teaching at that moment in time Moshiach from the dead would be Doniel. After rebbi died Rav would hold it could still be rebbi. I. Addition the sefer quoted the girsa of ain Yaakov that says heinu Doniel not haya Doniel…. Also it says haya is in relation to rebbi in the present tense.
Please read the book and acknowledge you are chozer from the erroneous understanding of Rashi….
September 1, 2023 3:13 pm at 3:13 pm #2222088qwerty613ParticipantTo any
You put out 8 consecutive posts, but did not, in any of them, answer my question, “Why do some Lubavichers like you, believe that the Rebbe will have a second coming and become Moshiach, while others declare that he was already anointed?” The simple answer is that two sects will emerge in Chabad as what happened when the original Chritianity split into Greek and Roman Orthodoxy.
September 2, 2023 9:45 pm at 9:45 pm #22221105783Participant@any in any case this whole topic wether when someone who was בחזקת משיח dies he loses his חזקה or not is irrelevant because you’re rebbe was never בחזקת משיח to begin with so before we discuss wether dieng is מבטל the חזקה first prove that your rebbe ever had a חזקה
September 2, 2023 9:46 pm at 9:46 pm #2222115DaMosheParticipantKugel, I think you should study the New Testament, along with commentaries on it, so you could come up with differences between your belief in the Rebbe’s second coming and their belief in Jesus’s second coming.
After all, you don’t really know anything about Christianity, so how can you claim it’s wrong?September 2, 2023 9:48 pm at 9:48 pm #2222122anyPotatoKugelLeftParticipant@querty613 I did respond to you. I asked that u state unequivocally in the comments that you understand Judaism doesn’t believe in a second coming or a “first coming” either. You seem to know very little about the topic other than parroting buzz words that are designed to malign a kehila kedosha…. Strikingly similar to what misnagidim did to the baal Shem Tov and chasidim…. o btw feel free to quote a source for your hot air …
September 2, 2023 10:16 pm at 10:16 pm #2222228qwerty613ParticipantTo DaMoshe and 5783
Great points. Lubavichers argue their positions very well as long as no one questions them. Then they resort to their typical defenses, Sinas Chinam, Chabad bashing. I spoke to a Chabad Rabbi last night and he told me that you can’t challenge Chabad with logical arguments because the Rebbe transcended logic and natural laws.
September 2, 2023 10:20 pm at 10:20 pm #2222233qwerty613ParticipantTo any
I asked you, “If you’re confident that the Rebbe will come back to life and become Moshiach, why are there other Lubavichers who are convinced that the Rebbe is already wearing that crown?” I’m reasonably sure you’re intelligent enough to understand my question, so answer or admit that you can’t. Your diversionary tactics don’t work on me.
September 3, 2023 7:03 am at 7:03 am #2222301yankel berelParticipant@potato
1] You are turning yourself into a pretsel to convince us into believing mashiach comes from the dead .
Do you realise that it was HABAD ITSELF ,proclaiming [in the same way as you do now] to all and sundry that mashiach comes only from the alive ?
Do you realize that the more you talk about this topic the more untrustworthy you appear ?
2] Criticism of habad theology is not hate ,nor sinat hinam . When will you realize that ?
Its just that.
Criticism .
Nothing more.September 3, 2023 2:59 pm at 2:59 pm #2222426anyPotatoKugelLeftParticipant@query613 all people that think dovid HaMelech, Rebbi shiloi, Yanai and chanina and Menachem Ben Chizkiya and the baal Shem Tov and the Ruhzeneh and the friedika Rebbe and the lubavitcher Rebbe are the Moshiach, believe they will come back via a Techiya Pratis and fulfill all the messianic prophecies. Until that happens they are just “fit to be Moshiach” or “Moshiach” or bchezkas Moshiach if they fit the din in Rambam.
As shown in Kuntres Shmoi Shel Moshiach about the amorayim.
Does that answer your question?As shown in Kuntres Shmoi Shel Moshiach the amorayim listed there continued to call their Rav Moshiach while he was alive and continued to call him Moshiach after he passed away. None of that is considered “a second coming” rachama Litzlan.
The preoccupation to slander Lubavitch is considered sinas chinam as once proof is shown that Moshiach can come from the meisim and proof shown of amorayim continuing to call their Rav Moshiach after he passed away. And proof shown that reb nochum m’chernoble said about the baal Shem Tov and the Ruhzeneh and the previous Rebbe all continuing to call their Rav Moshiach while alive even after he passed away.
To then say you acknowledge Moshiach can come from the dead. But still equate such a belief as a “second coming” and worse to create lies about the Rebbe to say he said the Geula has begun and he has already started fulfilling the messianic prophecies which is complete lies and malicious misquotes. Then to frame him with the lies and now give verdict of Moshiach sheker…. This is the definition of sinas chinam.
As the fact that the lies could be believed even at all is not to acknowledge the Rebbe is a holy tzadik. Then to spread malicious slander of Moshiach sheker similar to shabtai Tzvi is completely in appropriate and unbelievable unless someone is seething with hatred and misinformation to even think such could even be remotely possible….
So yes if you don’t think the Rebbe is Moshiach fine. But to slander about a second coming or Moshiach sheker that is completely false and malicious.
And to further invent that the chofetz chaim poskened against Moshiach coming from the meisim and then putting the onus on Lubavitch to find such a non existent mkor…..
And to then to claim you spoke to a chabad shliach and quote him as saying something so crazy without any chance of verification possible to find out if such a thing took place….
Ie in spite of the sources quoted and the strong mesorah recorded to say Moshiach can be someone that passed away but will come back but you continue to maliciously ignore the sources and continue to say second coming and Moshiach sheker. That to all who are honest and acknowledge Chazal can only be called sinas chinam.
September 3, 2023 3:52 pm at 3:52 pm #2222436anyPotatoKugelLeftParticipant@yankel berel
Moshiach ie the Goel Tzedek has to be alive.
The Goel Tzedek can come from the meisim.
When the Rebbe was alive we all believed as per Rambam Moshiach would come, Ie the Geula / ie fulfilment of the messianic prophecies, that very day.Chazal state clearly Moshiach can come from the living or meisim.
What more would you like? As stated Lubavitch is in essence saying the same thing as dbei rebbi shiloi Yanai and chanina.
Ie it’s perfectly mutar and has a strong mesorah. Why do you insist on going on and on about it and equating with non Jewish ideas?
Hence sinas chinam
September 3, 2023 3:54 pm at 3:54 pm #2222451anyPotatoKugelLeftParticipant@5783 please see the sefer yechi HaMelech HaMoshiach which shows the halachic reasoning as to the Rebbe being considered bchezkas Moshiach. The sefer as well as the psak din had many non chabad rebonim sign including Reb ovadia yosef and rabbi Mordechai Eliyahu and rabbi Pinchus Hirschprug among many others. It’s available on otzar hachochma….
Any questions you may have concerning that book please contact the mechaber or those who gave haskama or start a new thread
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