does anyone know reliable FACTS about this business? I just spoke to someone who is at the bais midrash where Rav Batzri is trying to remove the Dybbuk and it certainly seems real(i listened over the phone). I mean do you think Rav Batzri could be fooled? and according to the reports the gedolim don’t seem to be saying that its false, but then again does anyone know if these reports are reliable?
i was in EY by the last dibbuk (1999). the place they did the dibbuk evacuation from was open to the public. there were guys walking in and out, checking out the matzav…..that one turned out to be a shpiel. let’s see about this one….
Several years ago a non-Jewish acquaintance was wondering out loud about a dybbuk story that was evidently circulating widely, and they said something sarcastic or something, and I paled and said, “you DON’T mess with dybbuks!!” It was a knee-jerk reaction, LOL. I am not on a high enough madrega to say whether or not they are real, but I’m not taking chances, either.
Like my husband likes to say, We are just pashute people and we are not supposed to be the ones to judge if its real or not. There definetly were stories of dibbukim in previous times written down. Lets just have a bit of rachmanus on this poor man whether its real or not.
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