Because it is not anti-Semitism and a non-issue.
The crusaders were trying to take control of Jerusalem from the Moslems between 8 and 900 years ago. It was not capital of Israel at the time. There was no Jewish state with a capital then/
I think 99.9 percent of debate viewers could care less about his tattoos. He offers some good ideas but too much about income redistribution which seems to be the new Dem focus. I recall Plumber Joe and it did not end well for the D’s . They have to focus on expanding the size of the pie rather than slicing it into smaller pieces so everyone gets the same micro-portion so it doesn’t even qualify as mazonos.
Who cares about him? He is NOT Jewish. Having a Jewish father means absolutely nothing. The Torah says that if your son marries a nochris her children are not your grandchildren, they have nothing to do with you, so you shouldn’t care if they serve avoda zara.