The debate as a mashal for the Yom Hadin

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    A few weeks ago, one of the most shocking events on live television ever occurred. 50 million people tuned in to watch a debate. Many were Biden voters and loyalists, certain of victory. Biden would disprove the right-wing spin about Biden being in cognitive decline, and verbally tear Trump apart. Then the debate started. Soon the shocking realization set in- Biden could not piece together a cogent sentence, let alone verbally spar with Trump. As well, his slack-jawed expression between questions helped drive the point home. There could be no doubt about it anymore- Biden was in cognitive decline. Soon anger set in for many Biden loyalists. They were lied to by both the White house and the media. The truth was shocking and sobering. The videos of Biden’s decline , which were written off as cheap fakes and deceptively edited, were in fact true.
    Olam Hazeh is just a mashal for olam haba, of course. Biden and Trump are just pawns in Hashem’s hands. After 120, we will go to the Heavenly Court. We will have in our hands a bunch of lies about why we didn’t learn, or do mitzvah A, and why we did aveirah B. We will get to the Heavenly Court and all the lies will fall away. We will be left shocked and ashamed. Our yetzer hara convinced us of lies, and in the Heavenly Court they will all away. The truth will be painful. We will be left with no excuses. Oy lanu miyom hadin!

    Sam Klein

    Thanks for serious advice to help us all realize that life is not a joke and every tiny thing is accounted for and held responsible by Hashem and Bais din Shel maala.

    May it always remain in a person’s mind so you will think before you act about doing anything throughout your life

    Reb Eliezer

    What you are saying is a midrash where the brothers of Yosef could not answer him because they were shocked. The midrash asks,.Yosef was the smaller from the shevatim and they could not answer him, so what will we do when everyone will be judged according to their background in the future to come?

    Sam Klein

    Each person is only responsible for what Hashem expects the person to accomplish and do according to the level Hashem put him on and the surrounding atmosphere Hashem put him with. Hashem does not expect everyone to be a Moshe Rabeinu and leader of klal yisroel, just the level that he was made to be with the family and atmosphere that he’s surrounded with throughout his or her life

    Reb Eliezer

    Sam, the above midrash says exactly what you are saying, one is judged lefi ma shehu, according to what one is. If one is a baal haava, conceited, more is expected of them. A person can be expected to serve Hashem on their level, as a human being or Hashem’s level., what one is responsible towards Hashem.

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