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- This topic has 89 replies, 19 voices, and was last updated 16 years, 1 month ago by qwertyuiop.
February 5, 2009 4:00 pm at 4:00 pm #589322feivelParticipant
For many caterpillars, camouflage is the first and only line of defense against hungry birds. Unfortunately, the best camouflage in the world won’t help if you advertise your presence with a wide swath of destruction. Birds would only need to look for half eaten leaves to find a caterpillar snack.
Different species of caterpillars have a wide range of mechanisms to help them avoid detection.
One species rolls itself up inside the leaf, then eats it from the inside out.
Others eat only at night, then hide all day on the opposite side of the trunk from the damaged leaves.
Another species hides under the leaf, then eats a thin layer off one side, then a thin layer off the other, gradually paring the leaf down so it just looks like an uneaten, younger leaf!
Another species carves the leaf into life-sized cut-out models of itself, like a string of paper dolls. Birds peck at these mock caterpillars while the real caterpillar eats in peace.
February 5, 2009 5:46 pm at 5:46 pm #637367feivelParticipantand i cant prove this without extensive research, but i would bet there are many THOUSANDS more ways caterpillars camouflage themselves (there are 17, 000 species of caterpillars, all with exactly the right and specific tools that Hashem provided for them)
and you can only imagine the other camouflage techniques among the 30 million species of other insects!
February 5, 2009 6:46 pm at 6:46 pm #637368moish01Member.
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February 5, 2009 9:09 pm at 9:09 pm #637369musicloverMembermoish- its awesome! ive been watching all ur artistic creations ur amazing 🙂
February 5, 2009 9:31 pm at 9:31 pm #637370moish01Membermusic, i don’t make them, i’m just a good cut and paster
February 5, 2009 10:57 pm at 10:57 pm #637371musicloverMembermoish-aww now u let out the secret. but they r still good!
February 5, 2009 11:08 pm at 11:08 pm #637372teenMemberok can i ask a religous kind of question but please dont get all crazy about me being an athiest or something bec im not it just always bothred me
great so maybe god created the world but who says he controls it and can do whatever he wants….u may be able to create a robot buit that does not mean u can control it…and no he is god so he can do what he wants answers i want logical answers
February 5, 2009 11:33 pm at 11:33 pm #637373charlie brownMemberteen,
excellent question. The answer is that nissim like Yetzias Mitzraim prove that Hashem continues to run the world.
February 5, 2009 11:42 pm at 11:42 pm #637374teenMembercharlie: oh thanks i guess that is a good answer…although i havent noticed to many supernatrual miracles recently
February 6, 2009 12:11 am at 12:11 am #637375moish01Memberteen, you gotta look for them to recognize them. there’s always a way to make it look natural, right?
February 6, 2009 12:47 am at 12:47 am #637376000646ParticipantTeen,
This might not be the kind of answer your looking for but i’ll try,
cuz hashem came down on har sinai in front of the whole klal yisroel and told us so.
February 6, 2009 12:51 am at 12:51 am #637377moish01Member000646
i HATE that answer
February 6, 2009 1:02 am at 1:02 am #637378teenMember00646: sorry no offense but really stupid answer i said no “he is god and can do what he wants” answers i wasnt logical answers that wasnt logical u did nt prove it is all based on the beleif that something happened in which case i may as well believe that jesus walked off the cross and will return one day
February 6, 2009 2:25 am at 2:25 am #637379SJSinNYCMemberTeen, honestly, there is no logical answer. There are certain things that just cannot be fully proven. There can be a scientific explanation for just about everything.
The way I like to look at it is that the system is so perfect, there is no way it can run without God. If you change a small thing in nature, it effects the whole world. A ten degree change in the world temperature can be catastrophic! The system is so balanced and that balance is so delicate…there needs to be God to be the “conductor”
I hope that helps. Never be afraid to ask!
February 6, 2009 2:57 am at 2:57 am #637380kiruvwifeMemberLove this topic. A must read is Rabbi B Shaffier’s book on wonders of creation…I believe it’s called The Torah Lifestyle. Another great read is “Beyond a Reasonable Doubt” by feldheim/or artscroll publishers—goes through logical explanations of Hashem’s constant running of the world and Divine creation–just fascinating.
February 6, 2009 2:58 am at 2:58 am #637381teenMembersjs: so basically u r saying u cannot prove that god runs the world….so y do u believe that more than the whole story with jesus? if its all based on belief why believe one over the other?
im not scraed to ask i am scared of what people think when u ask certain questions
February 6, 2009 3:22 am at 3:22 am #637382000646ParticipantTeen,
Sorry, it was a pretty stupid answer i guess!
February 6, 2009 3:23 am at 3:23 am #637383000646ParticipantI also dont think that it cant really be proven logicly from nature itself that hashem controls the world and dosnt just leave it to run on its own.
February 6, 2009 4:36 am at 4:36 am #637384RoshYeshivahMember00046 Your answer is far from stupid and actually is the real answer! The proof that that’s the real answer is from jesus and mohamed themselves- who both agree that originally the torah was given to the jews on mount sinai.Furthermore they agree that our torah was the one he gave to us there in before 600 000 ppl! Only they claim that g-d changed the bible and placed them in charge- something which according to them he did with only themselves present!! How can you compare a claim that no witnesses were thereby to a claim witnessed by close to a million ppl?! And no! that story wasn’t made up because surely some ppl would challenge it and interestingly enough all other major religions agree that originally the torah was given to us on har sinai. Btw the sefarim bring that even emunah peshutah requires a person to know this basic of judaism. Being that we know the above is true we are obligated to believe the word of hashem given over to our rabbis in every generation that every detail in the creation is solely controled by the creator.To prove this logically is called emunah chakiris which we were advised to stay away from for practical reasons.The reason being that bigger and greater ones than up have tried and failed.Of course we know there is logical evidence but only few great minds throughout the times fully comprehended them.Try chovos halvolvos shar hayichud for beginners tell me if you understand a fraction of what’s going on.
February 6, 2009 5:24 am at 5:24 am #637385moish01Memberteen, who cares what people think?
you should read the ramban from the end of parshas bo. i think that was last week?? i don’t even remember it but it should help ya out.
joseph’s gonna be so proud… 😉
February 6, 2009 5:40 am at 5:40 am #637386JosephParticipantI always said Moish is a secret Talmid Chochom. It slips out every now and then.
February 6, 2009 5:41 am at 5:41 am #637387asdfghjklParticipantmoish01; i’m real proud!!! sorry i had to say it!!!(now roll your eyes)
February 6, 2009 6:25 am at 6:25 am #637388mdlevineMember“u may be able to create a robot buit that does not mean u can control it”
I do not accept that statement to be true.
1) you cannot create, from nothing, a robot, you can only design and build a robot from those items that HaShem created during the 6 days of creation.
4) a robot certainly has far fewer moving parts than the human body, let alone the universe (understatement of the day) yet can you show me a robot that can continuously run without ever having intervention. it is not conceivable to rational thinking people to think that after all was created it was put on auto-pilot. without guidance (programming) and controllership (maintenance) the robot is doomed. without Guidance (Torah) and Controllership (hashgacha Pratis) we would be doomed – even with this, some people (CV’S) still try to doom themselves. HasShem gives us this Guidance and this Controllership to enable us to succeed. the choice is ours to either think that we are above this reality or to accept this reality of Hashgacha pratis.
February 6, 2009 6:29 am at 6:29 am #637389moish01Memberyeah and i said it’s so secretive that even i don’t know it’s there… just so you know, i don’t remember a thing that ramban says. i just remember it being about faith and stuff. if i even remember correctly.
and thanks, asdfghjkl.
February 6, 2009 10:42 am at 10:42 am #637392SJSinNYCMembersjs: so basically u r saying u cannot prove that god runs the world….so y do u believe that more than the whole story with jesus? if its all based on belief why believe one over the other?
im not scraed to ask i am scared of what people think when u ask certain questions
No, I don’t think you can prove that Hashem runs the world. If there was definitive proof, I think it would remove bechira.
Why do I believe in Judaism? Well, I believe in the premise – I cannot imagine that a supreme being didn’t create the world. I don’t believe this world just happened AT ALL. I’m an engineer so I enjoy learning about how things work and the more I learn how perfect the world is, the more it strengthens my resolve that Hashem created the world. Just try learning about the basics of DNA and how when one tiny thing is wrong, so many problems occur!
Well, to me Jesus doesnt make sense. A woman becomes pregnant through immaculate conception, which at the same time is ALSO through a man? Why? For what purpose? Hashem clearly stated the rules “Anochi Hashem.” Mary was a woman who was afraid of being outed as a whore (I dont know a better YWN word -mods can you edit this if you need to rather than deleting the post please?) and fabricated a story. Its so far fetched.
Islam is convoluted also. They believe in Judaism AND Christianity (they accept Jesus as a prophet, but not as the Son of G-d). If you believe in Judaism or Christianity, it doesnt make sense to move to Islam. After all, both religions forbid false prophets.
Does the above PROVE that Hashem made the world and runs it? No. And no one can be the one to prove it. At the end of the day, you have to make a choice on what to believe.
Also, don’t be afraid to ask even if people have negative reactions. If you never ask, the questions will fester and dig big pillars of doubt inside you.
February 6, 2009 12:23 pm at 12:23 pm #637393teenMembermoish01: i dont care what ppl think but why get into a discussion only to have ppl ell me not to ask such questions and stupid things like that
and does anyone know this rambam bec i wouldnt be able to understand it even if i tried to look it up?
mdlevine: first ofa arent we all basically robots? our emotions and wants and thoughts are just electronic impulses firing thru our brain…just because one is made of steel and one out of flesh what is the diffrence?
and second, right now we only have the ability to create a robot of steel and that may not be able to last as long as a human…but that does not mean that it is impossible to at some point create a robot so advanced that it can run by itself for a hundred years and create robots like itself
third, humans dont go for ever at some point thier body breaks down and dies
and what is a CV? i have never heard this term before
February 6, 2009 2:24 pm at 2:24 pm #637394kiruvwifeMemberteen–there is a difference between believing and knowing. Believing brings you to a place where one acts based on what they believe. For example, a person that believes in Olam Haba will act and behave differently then someone who doesn’t believe in Olam Haba—that has nothing to do with the fact that their neshamos will go there–the Heavenly Court will convene no matter what. Belief is something that is a choice that brings people to action. You are doing the right thing by asking the questions and genuinely looking for answers so you can work on your belief system.
Knowing is generally relating with things one can see right in front of them. We’re human and bound by space and time and can therefore not know Hashem. But working on believing in Him and all He does (past present and future) brings great joy essentially….continue with your questions and persevere in finding the Torah true answers!
p.s. It’s a lot more sensible for a human being to believe a claim of 3 million people than a claim of 1 person (i.e. Matan Torah-veracity of Klal Yisroel and Hashem’s running the world vs. lehavdil the claim of one person’s so called revelation)
February 6, 2009 2:30 pm at 2:30 pm #637395teenMemberyes but where are the 3 million people saying that it happened…i never spoke to even one of them i am benig told that it happened and that there were 3 million people there but who said it happened at all…things can exxagerate after 5 times of telling a story imagine after 3000 years how many times it was told over
and so basically u are saying that it is impossible to improve….which means that it is a religion based on belief…not that diffrent from christianity so maybe i should believe in jesus and all that
as an aside i have a nonjewish freind who i think was trying to conver tme…all she did was convince me more that it completly made no sense whatsoever
February 6, 2009 5:52 pm at 5:52 pm #637396areivimzehlazehParticipantthank you all- there was a lot of food for thought and beautiful answers given to teen’s question.
teen- it’s far from bad or unusual to have these questions. That’s why there are many books on the subject; Books that answer to the needs and doubts of teenagers (and others). It’s worth your while to pick one up and read it through. It will lay many doubts to rest; you will feel much better and RELIEVED
I know you probably want that perfect, quick answer that settles everything. Don’t be lazy and start reading. We, here in the CR, can not possibly give you the full picture or a complete answer. You’ll just get bits and pieces- you will not feel content
I hope I didn’t come across too strong. But just from looking back at my OWN teenage years- you want something quick, easy, simple. But deep questions that encompass the entire purpose and workings of the world can not be answered “al regel achas” (literal translation: on one foot)
Much hatzlocha and success! Have a wonderful shabbos
February 6, 2009 5:58 pm at 5:58 pm #637397RoshYeshivahMemberTeen- Why don’t you try it? Try telling ppl you saw some major volcano and there were another 3 million ppl there! What’s your chance this story would be past on?! Who would tell this story to their descendants??? Why is there over 2 million ppl today claiming that their parents were told by their parents the same thing about a torah given on har sinai? You know why because it’s true!! Every christan muslim etc… believe this story couldn’t have been made up! only they have one reason or another why things changed… And that changed occured with no witnesses standing thereby! Where is the simple logic to that claim?? Yes ppl deny the holocaust.are these ppl sane? even the goyim believe that hundreds of thousands of ppl couldn’t and wouldn’t make up the same exact thing! Teen- you don’t have to ask us why we believe in mamad har sinai,ask them! they will tell you they can’t deny the fact that it happened just like every sane being believes the holocaust happened!
February 6, 2009 6:02 pm at 6:02 pm #637398000646ParticipantTeen,
Look, if you believe god created us then it would also make sense he created us for something.
It makes sense he would tell some people what that reason is.
So the idea of the story of matan torah itself (that god came down and said what he created us for) would be kind of bound to happen (of course this is all going with the assumption that in your head it is already proven that god created us) .
So if there is a story that god came down in front of 600,000 men and their wives and children, and told them what he created us for,
since god is bound to come down and tell us why he created us in the first place, and this is the clearest story we have of god coming down in front of an entire nation that we have (which would be a very hard story to make up) there is really no reason not to believe it.
Now last I checked if a woman becomes expecting there is only one way that happens (and it is not because god just planted a baby in her stomach).
It also makes sense that she would deny having done anything that would have got her expecting right? so unless you can prove to me beyond a shadow of a doubt that yoshke was not just a mamzer (which is not possible) there is no reason to believe he was anything more then that.
(P.s. I know that this is not really such a great answer but its worth a shot and may be interesting to discuss i think)
February 6, 2009 6:03 pm at 6:03 pm #637399moish01Memberteen, keep in mind that even if judaism is phony, whatever religion you’re gonna look at is ten times phonier. so if you’re gonna drop judaism, don’t be an idiot and go somewhere else. i’m not the frummest guy on the planet, but i believe in god and i’m still jewish. that’s how i look at it.
February 6, 2009 6:12 pm at 6:12 pm #637400moish01Memberoh and teen, i think part of the answer is that the torah is never changed – not even one word. if you did up an ancient one it’ll be exactly the same as one from poland 200 years ago, and the one in the shul around the corner from you. you hear?
someone correct me if i’m wrong because i’m not exactly mr. knowledgeable…
February 6, 2009 6:22 pm at 6:22 pm #637401teenMemberareivimzehlazeh: i think i read that book at one point but i cant remember…
rosh yeshivah: u misunderstood what i was saying…i meant it can be one person said he saw and trhe next time he repeated he said a few off his freinds saw it to to amke it more legit and then each of those ppl added a few ppl on until it was blown way out of proportion…dont say this is impossible because stories get exxagerated all teh time now over 3000 year and how many times it was told over imagine how exaggerated it could be
00646: actually that answer makes sense…but i never said to believe in christianity more than judiasm i just said y belive in it less bec no if it is all based upon belief than u can believe one just as well but ur answer kind of cleared that up and i need to think about ur answer a bit more
moish01 (and anybody else): as an aside i have a nonjewish freind…who i think was trying to convert me…all she did was convince me more that christianity completly made no sense whatsoever
trust me i am not converting to any other religion in fact i believe in judiasm very strongly…just lazy i guess
and also if 2 religions are fake then one is not better than the other just bec it makes more sense a good counterfeit $100 bill is still worth nothing and no more than a bad counterfeit $100 bill
February 6, 2009 6:22 pm at 6:22 pm #637402kiruvwifeMemberteen-not sure if my other post went through. Judaism is the only religion that claims that 3 million people heard Hashem speak to them. No other religion has the audacity to make such a claim. Additionally, we have an unbroken chain of mesorah that we can trace back to Matan Torah. If you were to go to any Torah true Rabbi on the face of this planet, he could tell you who his Rabbi’s Rabbi was, and his Rabbi’s Rabbi’s Rabbi etc. etc. all the way to Matan Torah–same story, same laws, unbroken, clear message. The only sensible response to that is believing. Please consider reading “Beyond a Reasonable Doubt” since it’s already in print, and I don’t have the time or space to write what was already written,,,it’s fascinating and gives a tremendous sense of menuchas ha’nefesh after reading it. It’s also very exciting to have the proofs at your fingertips.
This might have been a typo, but I never implied that it is impossible to improve. As long as one is alive here on this earth one has the ability to improve. Continue asking and learning, and you’ll continue growing!
February 6, 2009 6:28 pm at 6:28 pm #637403kiruvwifeMemberteen – one more thing – there are many black on white ways to disprove the christian religion. jews for judaism has many tapes and books which do just that, and help with answering missionaries. fascinating to see and hear how easily disprovable they are. A lot of it is written in “Beyond a Reasonable Doubt”.
February 6, 2009 6:33 pm at 6:33 pm #637404feivelParticipantmoish
i belive there may have been one from Yemen with 6 errors, none of which changed the meaning. they showed this to some xtians, they were shocked in disbelief at how very few errors there were. when the Yidden found out about the errors, they were even more shocked that there were so many!
February 6, 2009 6:34 pm at 6:34 pm #637405asdfghjklParticipantteen: this thread should be your blog, like moish got his own thread!!!!
February 6, 2009 6:37 pm at 6:37 pm #637406RoshYeshivahMemberfievel – that’s it you just reminded me of that one that all the errors that were found didn’t change the meaning.
February 6, 2009 6:39 pm at 6:39 pm #637407myshadowMemberTeen, there’s no real answer that’s going to satisfy you because if your looking for questions your gona find them, I know I’m still a teen and I used to be like prove it, how do we know.
It’s all based on faith. Once you know He created the world you’re more than halfway there. A world so complex and intricate must have a Master running it, and if you really look everyday for Him I PROMISE you you’re gona see Him!!!
For example just yesterday this guy strolled in front of my car totally spaced out and I legit almost killed him. My brakes are pretty slow but when I slammed on them then, bam I stopped!
So either I could be like ok go me that I quickly stopped myself, but hello it has totally nothing to do with me because my brakes normally need a full block to come to a complete stop!!
Get it? Trust me when you really want to see Him, He’s gona let you, you gota just let Him in!
I was recommended to read some of Rav Avigdor Miller’s books, you might want to try some
Gluk and Gshabbos!
February 6, 2009 6:42 pm at 6:42 pm #637408teenMemberkiruvwife: i d onot need any ways to disprove christianity i already no that it is complete garbage just by having some christian freind tell me aboiut it….it makes no sense at allll!!!!!
what does tracing ur rabbi and rabbis rabbi ahav anything to do with whether god still runs the world?
feivel: yeh i think i heard that from somewhere to and there is also the story of a rabbi who found a sefer torah from a city in asia (i believe) and it was cut off from the rest of the jewsh world for a few hundred years and he was rying…when they sked him y he is crying he said bec every single letter is exactly the same when compared to a torah that was taken from the local shul (or wherever) and that even tho they were cut off from the rest of the jews it still didnt change
asdf: 😛
February 6, 2009 6:46 pm at 6:46 pm #637409moish01Memberfeivel, you’re shaking my emuna…
February 6, 2009 7:11 pm at 7:11 pm #637411feivelParticipant“I was recommended to read some of Rav Avigdor Miller’s books”
very excellent idea!
February 6, 2009 7:15 pm at 7:15 pm #637412kiruvwifeMemberwell, the mere fact that our nation still exists is in itself a reason to believe that Hashem runs the world. I thought you were looking for the veracity of the Torah, our receiving it from Hashem Himself, and the connection to why should one believe that He still runs the world—when you have a direct unbroken chain, it’s much easier to believe what all the Rabbis are teaching us nowadays. So keep at it. I remember going through this process of questioning and it’s awesome! Actually brings up some great memories…..
February 6, 2009 7:19 pm at 7:19 pm #637413teenMembermyshadow: no offence but…you sound EXACTLY!! like a christian with the whole Him and being Saved and just basically having blind faith…im not like that i need proof we live in a world of facts and figures and there must be proof of the fact that god is running the show now somewhere even if its hard to find it has to be there i dont believe in blind faith sry
February 6, 2009 7:36 pm at 7:36 pm #637414moish01Memberteen, i sorta said the same thing as you but it didn’t go through.
yeah, Judaism is supposed to have answers. that’s what they say is stupid about Christianity, right?
February 6, 2009 7:39 pm at 7:39 pm #637415kiruvwifeMemberteen-it might also help you to do research on the difference between believing something, and knowing something. These two elements elicit different responses both long term and short and have everything to do with Hashem running the world at each moment.
February 6, 2009 7:41 pm at 7:41 pm #637416feivelParticipantteen
i dont believe in blind faith either
its all a matter of looking around at the world with deep thinking, logically about what it all must mean, like your father Avrohom did (albeit on a far weaker level)
at some point your deeply implanted Emunah that you already have will surface, but it is not blind, it is quite the contrary.
this will take many hours of discussion to become clear
im sorry i am unable to explain it well in this media
Rabbi Millers books are a good place to start
im sorry im rushing now Erev Shabbos, maybe will come back to this later
but BLIND faith, NO. it MUST be clear and logical.
February 6, 2009 8:03 pm at 8:03 pm #637417teenMemberkiruvwife: there is no way to be sure that god exist never mind that he continues to run the world even tho everyone say that it has to be bec the big bang the cahnces of it happening are to small but there is still the .000000000000000000000001% chance (and yes i o it is even smaller that it did happen) and this is not a discussion about the big bang but my poiint is if there is even a small chance that it happened then it is beleif not knowing unless u see god there is no 100% way of knowing that god exist but the reason i believe it is bec it is more likly that i am correct rather than believing in the big bang but the chance of god running the world is pretty much 50/50 so y believe one over the other….im not sure if this makes sense im kind of writing it as it comes into my head and not proofreading it bec im too lazy
feivel: not sure what u mean mayb after shabbos u can explan it better
February 8, 2009 1:47 am at 1:47 am #637418kiruvwifeMemberteen- seems to me you have the concept of the difference between believing and knowing. We believe that Hashem created the world and runs it at every moment-…”m’chadesh b’chol yom…”etc. In order to know something you have to see it-and since we are human and bound by time and space we can’t know Hashem, we have to believe in Him. Two more points. In order to say that something doesn’t exist, one has to know everything in the world that does exist in order to make that claim. Since we are human, we can’t know everything that does exist in the universe, and therefore can not make a legitimate claim against G-d running the world every second.
The other point is, that believing is a choice, and being a Torah Jew an obligation. That being said, believing is a healthy spiritual choice that will bring a person to act a certain way. Not believing is also a choice that will bring a person to act a different way. Believing ultimately has no bearing on the existance of things. It is there to help us be better, and make wise choices, and trascendental moves.
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