my husband is a gabbai – please shmear him with lots of gelt! we could use it and it will bring you good look- it’s a segila for parnusa (for us anyway) and gezint. pass this on to at least 10 ppl in the next 10 minutes or else….
I always found that the best segula was to shmear HKB”H with more mitzvos, learning, and tzedaka, and less lashon ha’ra. He doesn’t seem to be impressed with money or food. He also doesn’t reveal to anyone that I shmeared Him.
the wedding could not have been yet…I didn’t get an invitation! also she said that after the wedding she’s going to some really far away place where they haven’t discovered the internet yet. 🙂
Years ago, in the early days of kashrus in america, a mashgiach in a slaughterhouse put aside an animal for being treif. Then one mashgiach put it back in with the kosher animals, and said “Don’t worry, the balabos told me it was kosher.” Another shochet asked him, “the balabos is an am ha’aretz!” To which the mashgiach responded, “No he’s not. He just showed me kessef mishneh!”
“some really far away place where they haven’t discovered the internet yet. 🙂 “
It won’t come to that. She’ll be so enthralled with her new roommate, she won’t have the time or inclination to sit and vegetate, blogging her time away.
See? Even now, she’s barely checking. Ah, to be young again!